​ This framework allows developers to quickly manipulate audio and video splicing operations.

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Video MTrack


​ This framework allows developers to quickly manipulate audio and video splicing operations.We welcome your feedback in issues and pull requests.

​ Thanks to all of our contributors.


​ In audio and video development, developers often splice audio and video. In the process of splicing often encounter some universal problems, MTrack provides a convenient splicing audio and video operation interface, will be public error processing package. Easy for developers to splice in the project.

  • Audio tail track
  • Audio tail gap track
  • ReVideo tail track
  • Video tail gap track
  • Image tail track


# Uncomment the next line to define a global platform for your project
# platform :ios, '9.0'

target 'MyApp' do

    pod'Paintinglite', :git =>'https://github.com/CreaterOS/MTrack.git'#, :tag => '2.1.3'
pod install


1. Audio

  1. Bundle Name

    ​ Use the NSBundle load audio resources,need to enter an audio name with a type suffix. The audio type support MP3, WAV, or CAF. You can perform required operations in the callback. ​ Export video resources by passing the export path.Export type is M4A.

    MAudioTrackAudioManager *trackAudioManager = [MAudioTrackAudioManager shared];
    [trackAudioManager trackAudiosWithBundleForNames:@[@"1638.mp3",@"11582.mp3"] completeHandler:^(BOOL flag) {
      if (flag) {
        // Finish
    [trackAudioManager exportWithPath:path completeHandler:nil];

    ​ If you want to add a space time to the concatenation process, you can pass in CMTime through the array, and MAudioTrackAudioManager will automatically add a space time between the two sounds directly for you.

    MAudioTrackAudioManager *trackAudioManager = [MAudioTrackAudioManager shared];
    [trackAudioManager trackAudiosWithBundleForNames:@[@"1638.mp3",@"11582.mp3"] spaceTimes:@[[NSValue valueWithCMTime:CMTimeMake(5.0, 1.0)]] completeHandler:^(BOOL flag) {
    if (flag) {
    // Finish
    [trackAudioManager exportWithPath:path completeHandler:nil];
  2. Path

    Use the absolute path load audio resources,need to enter an audio name with a type suffix.

    MAudioTrackAudioManager *trackAudioManager = [MAudioTrackAudioManager shared];
    [trackAudioManager trackAudiosWithPathForNames:(NSArray<NSString *> * _Nonnull) completeHandler:^(BOOL flag) {
    [trackAudioManager exportWithPath:path completeHandler:nil];
    MAudioTrackAudioManager *trackAudioManager = [MAudioTrackAudioManager shared];
    [trackAudioManager trackAudiosWithPathForNames:(NSArray<NSString *> * _Nonnull) spaceTimes:(NSArray<NSValue *> * _Nullable) completeHandler:^(BOOL flag) {
    [trackAudioManager exportWithPath:path completeHandler:nil];
  3. URL

    Use the url load audio resources,need to enter an audio name with a type suffix.

    MAudioTrackAudioManager *trackAudioManager = [MAudioTrackAudioManager shared];
    [trackAudioManager trackAudiosWithURLForNames:(NSArray<NSString *> * _Nonnull) completeHandler:^(BOOL flag) {
    [trackAudioManager exportWithPath:path completeHandler:nil];
    MAudioTrackAudioManager *trackAudioManager = [MAudioTrackAudioManager shared];
    [trackAudioManager trackAudiosWithURLForNames:(NSArray<NSString *> * _Nonnull) spaceTimes:(NSArray<NSValue *> * _Nullable) completeHandler:^(BOOL flag) {
    [trackAudioManager exportWithPath:path completeHandler:nil]

2. Video

  1. Bundle Name

    ​ Use the NSBundle load video resources,need to enter an video name with a type suffix. The video type support MP4. You can perform required operations in the callback. ​ Export video resources by passing the export path.Export type is MP4.

    MVideoTrackVideoManager *videoTrackVideoManager = [MVideoTrackVideoManager shared];
    [videoTrackVideoManager trackVideoWithBundleForNames:@[@"01.mp4",@"02.mp4"] completeHandler:^(BOOL flag) {
    if (flag) {
    // Finish
    [videoTrackVideoManager exportWithPath:path completeHandler:nil];
  2. Path

    Use the absolute path load video resources,need to enter an video name with a type suffix.

    MVideoTrackVideoManager *videoTrackVideoManager = [MVideoTrackVideoManager shared];
    [videoTrackVideoManager trackVideoWithPathForNames:(NSArray<NSString *> * _Nonnull) completeHandler:^(BOOL flag) {
    [videoTrackVideoManager exportWithPath:path completeHandler:nil];
  3. URL

    Use the url load video resources,need to enter an video name with a type suffix.

    MVideoTrackVideoManager *videoTrackVideoManager = [MVideoTrackVideoManager shared];
    [videoTrackVideoManager trackVideoWithURLForNames:(NSArray<NSString *> * _Nonnull) completeHandler:^(BOOL flag) {
    [videoTrackVideoManager exportWithPath:path completeHandler:nil];


Sets the audio scope

​ Use setMode: method to set duration baseline with Audio or Video.


​ The duration of the spliced audio depends on the audio length


​ The duration of the spliced audio depends on the video length

Use kDurationBaselineModeWithVideo and set setIsClipDuration is YES equals to kDurationBaselineModeWithAudio.

  1. Bundle Name

    ​ Use the NSBundle load video resources and audio resources,need to enter an video name with a type suffix and audio name with a type suffix. The video type support MP4,audio type support MP3,WAV,M4A etc. You can perform required operations in the callback. ​ Export video resources by passing the export path.Export type is MP4.

    MVideoTrackAudioManager *videoTrackAudioManager = [MVideoTrackAudioManager shared];
    [videoTrackAudioManager trackVideoWithBundleForNames:@[@"01.mp4",@"02.mp4"] audioWithBundleNames:@[@"audio.mp3"] completeHandler:^(BOOL flag) {
    if (flag) {
    // Finish
    [videoTrackAudioManager exportWithPath:path completeHandler:nil];
  2. Path

    ​ Use the absolute path load video resources and audio resources,need to enter an video name with a type suffix and audio name with a type suffix.

    MVideoTrackAudioManager *videoTrackAudioManager = [MVideoTrackAudioManager shared];
    [videoTrackAudioManager trackVideoWithPathForNames:(NSArray<NSString *> * _Nonnull) audioWithPathNames:(NSArray<NSString *> * _Nonnull) completeHandler:^(BOOL flag) {
    [videoTrackAudioManager exportWithPath:path completeHandler:nil];
  3. URL

    ​ Use the url load video resources and audio resources,need to enter an video name with a type suffix and audio name with a type suffix.

    MVideoTrackAudioManager *videoTrackAudioManager = [MVideoTrackAudioManager shared];
    [videoTrackAudioManager trackVideoWithURLForNames:(NSArray<NSString *> * _Nonnull) audioWithURLNames:(NSArray<NSString *> * _Nonnull) completeHandler:^(BOOL flag) {
    [videoTrackAudioManager exportWithPath:path completeHandler:nil];

4. Photo

​ Use MPhotoTrackPhotoManager pass in multiple pictures to be combined and set the display time of each picture. Here, the time is applied to the display length of all pictures.

MPhotoTrackPhotoManager *photoTrackPhotoManager = [MPhotoTrackPhotoManager shared];
[photoTrackPhotoManager trackPhotos:(nonnull NSArray




MIT License

Contribute to this project

If you have a feature request or bug report, please feel free to send 863713745@qq.com to upload the problem, and we will provide you with revisions and help as soon as possible. Thank you very much for your support.

Security Disclosure

If you have found the MTrack security vulnerabilities and vulnerabilities that need to be modified, you should email them to 863713745@qq.com as soon as possible. thank you for your support.

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