Custom emojis are a fun way to bring more life and customizability to your apps.

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Custom emojis are a fun way to bring more life and customizability to your apps. They're available in some of the most popular apps, such as Slack, Discord, and Twitch. However, iOS SDK doesn't provide straight forward support for custom emojis out of the box. Now, you're a couple code lines away from adding them to your own app with this library.

Streamoji is a custom emoji rendering library for iOS. It supports GIF , images , and unicode 🦊 . It loads from URLs or local assets. Caching is taken care of and performance is ⚑️ fast! Made with πŸ’˜ by the folks @ Stream.


1. Define Emojis

First step is to define your custom emojis in a dictionary with the key being the :shortcode: for the emoji and the EmojiSource being the, uhmmm, source of the emoji! It can be from GIF or image in a local asset, remote URL, or even a unicode character. You can also define aliases (alternate codes).

let exampleEmojis: [String: EmojiSource] = [
    "baby_yoda": .imageAsset("baby-yoda-soup.gif"),
    "banana_dance": .imageAsset("bananadance.gif"),
    "excuse_me": .imageAsset("excuseme.gif"),
    "party_parrot": .imageAsset("party_parrot.gif"),
    "this_is_fine": .imageAsset("this-is-fine-fire.gif"),
    "what": .imageAsset("what.png"),
    "homer_disappear": .imageAsset("homer-disappear.gif"),
    "let_me_in": .imageUrl(""),
    "smiley": .character("πŸ˜„"),
    "heart": .character("❀️"),
    "banana": .alias("banana_dance"),
    "parrot": .alias("party_parrot")

2. Configure UITextView

After defining your emojis, you should call UITextView.configureEmojis:

textView.attributedText = NSAttributedString(string:
    :banana_dance: Streamoji :party_parrot:
    :baby_yoda: This is a UITextView! :excuse_me:

    GIF :this_is_fine:
    Image :what:
    Local file :homer_disappear:
    Remote file :let_me_in:
    Unicode :smiley:

textView.configureEmojis(exampleEmojis, rendering: .highestQuality)

You can also tweak a couple (for now) rendering options: quality and scale in relation to the surrounding text.


To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.


Streamoji is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'Streamoji'




Streamoji is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

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    Hi there,

    First of all, thanks for the great library as it is one of the life savers for iOS devs, at least for me πŸ‘ πŸ‘

    My task was binding some text with custom emoticons to UITextView which is inside UITableViewCell. Thanks to Stremoji, it was showing the emoticons. However when I tested it like scrolling the UITableView, I have noticed that library is a bit buggy as it shows blank images when the invisible cells reappear. I have checked the issues and seen one open issue similar to the my problem (

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    I also provided my example repo as shown below:

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