Fashion is your helper to share and reuse UI styles in a Swifty way.

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UI Fashion


CI Status Version Carthage Compatible Swift License Platform


Fashion is your helper to share and reuse UI styles in a Swifty way. The main goal is not to style your native apps in CSS, but use a set of convenience helper functions to decouple your styles from a layout code, improving customization and reusability. Also here we try to go beyond the UIAppearance possibilities to customize appearance for all instance objects of the specified type.

Table of Contents


Conventional way

Define styles in a stylesheet

enum Style: String, StringConvertible {
  case customButton

  var string: String {
    return rawValue

final class MainStylesheet: Stylesheet {
  func define() {
    share { (label: UILabel) in
      label.textColor = .blue
      label.numberOfLines = 2
      label.adjustsFontSizeToFitWidth = true

    // register("custom-button") { (button: UIButton) in
    register(Style.customButton) { (button: UIButton) in
      button.backgroundColor = .red
      button.setTitleColor(.white, for: .normal)

Register a stylesheet


Apply a style

.red let label = UILabel() addSubview(label) // textColor => .blue ">
let button = UIButton() // let button = UIButton(styles: "custom-button")
button.apply(styles: Style.customButton) // backgroundColor => .red

let label = UILabel()
addSubview(label) // textColor => .blue


Stylesheet is a protocol that helps you to organize your styles by registering them in define method:

Register a style

// Registers stylization closure with the specified name.
register("card-view") { (view: UIView) in
  view.backgroundColor = .white
  view.layer.masksToBounds = false
  view.layer.shadowColor =
  view.layer.shadowOffset = CGSize(width: 0, height: 0.5)
  view.layer.shadowOpacity = 0.2
  view.layer.cornerRadius = 8

Unregister a style

// Unregisters stylization closure with the specified name.

Share a style

The style will be shared across all objects of this type, considering inheritance.

// All views will have red background color.
share { (view: UIView) in
  view.backgroundColor = .red

// All table views will have white background color, it overrides the red
// background registered above.
share { (tableView: UITableView) in
  tableView.backgroundColor = .white
  tableView.tableFooterView = UIView(frame:
  tableView.separatorStyle = .none
  tableView.separatorInset = .zero

Unshare a style

// Unregisters shared stylization closure for the specified type.


share is the recommended method to customize the appearance of class's instances, but sometimes we still have to use UIAppearance because of default styles set on the class’s appearance proxy when a view enters a window.

shareAppearance { (barButtonItem: UIBarButtonItem) in
    NSFontAttributeName : UIFont(name: "HelveticaNeue-Light", size: 12)!,
    NSForegroundColorAttributeName :],
    for: .normal)


When you register/share your styles in the Stylesheet all the actual work is done by Stylist under the hood, so if you want more freedom it's possible to use Stylist class directly. You can create a new instance Stylist() or use the global variable Stylist.master which is used in stylesheets.

let stylist = Stylist()

stylist.register("card-view") { (view: UIView) in
  view.backgroundColor = .white
  view.layer.cornerRadius = 8


stylist.share { (tableView: UITableView) in
  tableView.backgroundColor = .white
  tableView.tableFooterView = UIView(frame: .zero)



Use generic Style struct if you want to have more control on when, where and how styles are applied in your app. Then you don't need to deal with style keys, register or share closures.

let label = UILabel()
let style = Style<UILabel> { label in
  label.backgroundColor =
  label.textColor = UIColor.white
  label.numberOfLines = 10

// The same as style.apply(to: label)
label.apply(style: style)

It's also possible to create a style by composing multiple ones:

let label = UILabel()
let style1 = Style<UILabel> { label in
  label.backgroundColor =
let style2 = Style<UILabel>{ label in
  label.textColor = UIColor.white

let composedStyle = Style.compose(style1, style2)

// The same as composedStyle.apply(to: label)
label.apply(style: composedStyle)

UIView extensions

It's super easy to apply previously registered styles with UIView extensions.

With convenience initializer

// A single style
let button = UIButton(styles: "custom-button")

// Multiple styles should be separated by a space
let label = UILabel(styles: "content-view cool-label")
// The initialized also accepts StringConvertible, so something other
// than magic String could also be used

enum Style: String, StringConvertible {
  case customButton
  case contentView
  case coolLabel

  var string: String {
    return rawValue

// A single style
let button = UIButton(styles: Style.customButton)

// Multiple styles
let label = UILabel(styles: [Style.contentView, Style.coolLabel])

With apply functions

{ label in label.backgroundColor = } label.apply(style: style) ">
let label = UILabel()

// StringConvertible
label.apply(styles: Style.contentView, Style.coolLabel)

// String
label.apply(styles: "content-view", "cool-label")

// Style structs
let style = Style<UILabel> { label in
  label.backgroundColor =
label.apply(style: style)

With @IBInspectable property styles

let button = UIButton()

// A single style
button.styles = "custom-button"

// Multiple styles
button.styles = "content-view custom-button"


Vadym Markov,


Fashion is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'Fashion'

Fashion is also available through Carthage. To install just write into your Cartfile:

github "vadymmarkov/Fashion"


Vadym Markov,


We would love you to contribute to Fashion, check the CONTRIBUTING file for more info.


Fashion is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

  • Swift version fixes

    Swift version fixes

    opened by RomanPodymov 3
  • Multiple styles

    Multiple styles

    This allows you to register multiple styles for the same strings. This is useful when grouping different styles ie (all these get shadows), and then setting other properties in other closures.

    This pull request also allows you to clear styles, and fixes some swift warnings

    opened by yonaskolb 3
  • fix(iOS) Address Xcode 13 issue: Swift libraries may fail to build for iOS targets that use armv7

    fix(iOS) Address Xcode 13 issue: Swift libraries may fail to build for iOS targets that use armv7

    This PR address an xcode 13 know issue. See release notes for Xcode 13

    Swift libraries may fail to build for iOS targets that use armv7. (74120874) Workaround: Increase the platform dependency of the package to v12 or later.

    opened by eduardo-miranda-deltatre 1
  • SwiftLint v0.18.1 Fixes

    SwiftLint v0.18.1 Fixes

    This PR adds a fix under SwiftLint v0.18.1 that was preventing this project from building under Carthage (& manually).

    It does introduce a breaking change on Swizzer.Kind in that all cases now start with a lowercase letter - this resolves the SwiftLint issue in question. This could alternatively be resolved by adding some // swiftlint:disable comments.

    opened by SimonRice 1
  • Improve: styles

    Improve: styles

    There are some changes that go to the next 3.0 release.

    1. Style and Stylist: rename applyTo to apply(to.
    2. Make swizzler internal because there is no reason to keep as a part of public API.
    3. Expose generic Style struct to create reusable, composable styles without registering them.
    opened by vadymmarkov 0
  • Changing styles in case of table cell selection not working

    Changing styles in case of table cell selection not working

    First of all, very thank you for this nice library.

    I tried to change the style of tableViewCell title when user selects the cell item. But, it doesn't seem to be changing the style.

    For e.g., In my custom cell,

        override func setHighlighted(_ highlighted: Bool, animated: Bool) {
            super.setHighlighted(highlighted, animated: animated)
            if (highlighted) {
                styles = LabelStyle.mainMenuCellSelected.rawValue
                highlightedView.isHidden = false
            } else {
                styles = LabelStyle.mainMenuCellNormal.rawValue
                highlightedView.isHidden = true

    It's not changing the style at all. Correct me If I missed anything obvious. Any help would be appreciated.

    opened by dinarajas 2
Vadym Markov
iOS Software Engineer
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