An iOS context menu UI inspired by Things 3.


  • Contextual menus with delightful animations and styles
  • Total control over menu contents using your own UIViewControllers
  • Tons of feature and interaction customizations


Just add ContextMenu to your Podfile and pod install. Done!

pod 'ContextMenu'

For Carthage, just add GitHawkApp/ContextMenu to your Cartfile and carthage bootstrap.

github "GitHawkApp/ContextMenu"


Show the menu from one of your UIViewControllers:
  sourceViewController: self,
  viewController: MyContentViewController()

You must provide a custom UIViewController to display in the menu. The only requirement is that you must set preferredContentSize to size your content.

class MyContentViewController: UIViewController {
  override func viewDidLoad() {
    title = "Demo"
    preferredContentSize = CGSize(width: 200, height: 200)


Display from a Source View

Animate the menu out from a button or view. ContextMenu will take care of layout so that your menu doesn't clip the screen.

@IBAction func onButton(_ sender: UIButton) {
    sourceViewController: self,
    viewController: MyContentViewController(),
    sourceView: sender

Container Style & Display

Use ContextMenu.Options to change the appearance of the containing view.
  sourceViewController: self,
  viewController: MenuViewController(),
  options: ContextMenu.Options(containerStyle: ContextMenu.ContainerStyle(backgroundColor: .blue)),
  sourceView: button

There's plenty more you can customize with ContextMenu.ContainerStyle:

  • cornerRadius: The corner radius of the menu
  • shadowRadius and shadowOpacity: Appearance of the container shadow
  • xPadding, yPadding, edgePadding: Padding from the source view and screen edge
  • overlayColor: The color of the background
  • motionEffect: Respond to device gyroscope changes, similar to app icons on

If you want more customizations, we will gladly accept a Pull Request!


  • Run pod install on Example

    Run pod install on Example

    Example.xcworkspace is generated by pod install so there is no need to check it in. Removing this allows carthage install to work again with Swift 4.2

    If Carthage detects that there is a .workspace then it will try build that instead of ContextMenu.xcodeproj.

    opened by sbarow 10
  • Wrong present and dismiss position

    Wrong present and dismiss position

    I'm trying to use ContextMenu on rightBarButtonItem like this:

    fileprivate func setupFilterButton() {
        let button = UIButton(type: .system)
        button.addTarget(self, action: #selector(filterButtonClicked), for: .touchUpInside)
        button.setTitle("Filter", for: .normal)
        let item = UIBarButtonItem(customView: button)
        navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem = item
    @objc fileprivate func filterButtonClicked() {
        let viewController = UIViewController()
        viewController.preferredContentSize = CGSize(width: 200, height: 200)
        ContextMenu().show(sourceViewController: self,
                           viewController: viewController,
                           sourceView: navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem?.customView,
                           delegate: nil)

    Present worked well, but dismiss animation look like had some problem.

    And I also used it in IGListKit's method didSelectItem(at:)

    override func didSelectItem(at index: Int) {
        guard let cell = collectionContext?.cellForItem(at: index, sectionController: self) else {
        let viewController = UIViewController()
        viewController.preferredContentSize = CGSize(width: 200, height: 200)
        ContextMenu().show(sourceViewController: self.viewController!,
                           viewController: viewController,
                           sourceView: cell,
                           delegate: nil)

    Both present and dismiss position weird.

    Any tips for me to fix this issue?


    opened by marcuswu0814 3
  • Unable to find a specification for `ContextMenu`

    Unable to find a specification for `ContextMenu`

    I get this when trying to install the Pod

    Unable to find a specification for 'ContextMenu'

    doing this will work however pod 'ContextMenu', git: ''

    opened by mikengyn 3
  • tint-dimming behind ContentMenu

    tint-dimming behind ContentMenu

    This is a very nice implementation and I plan to use it in Working Copy for switching between branches and file modes.

    Everything behind ContextMenu is dimmed slightly with the overlay, but I'm trying to also dim the tint using the UIViewTintAdjustmentModeDimmed mechanism. This makes it much clearer that the ContextMenu has focus.

    Do you know of some way to inform UIKit that this should happen?

    A regular modalPresentationStyle = .popover gives this effect, but I cannot figure out how to achieve this with modalPresentationStyle = .custom.

    Being really picky about my development tools I'm still waiting for Swift tooling to mature and ported most of ContextMenu to objective-c. Is this something you would like to get back into the project or would you rather not?


    opened by palmin 3
  • Decrease minimum iOS version

    Decrease minimum iOS version

    Create ContextMenuHapticFeedbackStyle enumeration to mirror iOS UIImpactFeedbackGenerator.FeedbackStyle

    No changes required if shorthand calls (.light, .medium, .hard) were used. Example project compiles without any change.

    Minimum iOS version was first decreased here #35 and then it was set back to iOS 10 here #37

    opened by av0c0der 2
  • Swift 4.2

    Swift 4.2

    Updated code for Swift 4.2. I also removed the iOS 9 support for now since the project wasn't compiling since the ContextMenu+Options.swift contains UIImpactFeedbackGenerator.FeedbackStyle? which isn't available on iOS 9

    opened by batjo 1
  • Respond to keyboard

    Respond to keyboard

    Thinking about making the “new issue” UI on GitHawk use this menu, but atm the menu doesn’t respond to the keyboard showing. Imagine if you have a text box in the menu, it could get really easy to cover it up.

    I was thinking we could provide a “keyboard handling” enemy with options none, stickToBottom, stickToTop, and fit. Give the caller a bit of control.

    Sent with GitHawk

    opened by rnystrom 1
  • Ignore motion effect if reduce motion is turned on

    Ignore motion effect if reduce motion is turned on

    If a user turns on reduce motion, we should ignore the motion effects.

    If we want to keep the consumer of the library in charge, we should add a recommendation in the header docs and in the example code.

    We can also choose to ignore motion on the library level - in which case we should update the header docs to reflect it.

    good first issue 
    opened by BasThomas 1
  • Add modal escape for VoiceOver

    Add modal escape for VoiceOver

    This needs testing on a real device, as the simulator/accessibility inspector do not support testing this, so let's hold off on merging before testing this.

    Closes #30

    opened by BasThomas 0
  • Pixel blending?

    Pixel blending?

    The text in this screenshot from GitHawk looks fuzzy. Inspecting the position of the container view, it appears to be snapped appropriately, but appears to be off. Should probably just snap to a whole pixel.

    simulator screen shot - iphone xs - 2018-10-14 at 09 51 01

    screen shot 2018-10-14 at 10 26 26 am bug 
    opened by rnystrom 0
  • Set iOS 9 as min deployment target

    Set iOS 9 as min deployment target

    Seems like nothing stops us from decreasing the minimum deployment target. It has a little bug though — the navigation bar of the presented view jumps on appear. For now we didn't need the bar, so it works, whatever I'll try to investigate it later.

    opened by av0c0der 0
  • Update to 0.5.1?

    Update to 0.5.1?

    When I do pod 'ContextMenu' I get version 0.4.0. When I git clone I get version 0.5.1, which is the version in the podspec.

    I guess you updated the code but didn't update the version that Cocoapods knows about. Can you do that? Is it waiting for something?

    opened by phoney 0
  • [#44] Add API to disable tap-to-dismiss

    [#44] Add API to disable tap-to-dismiss

    Hi @rnystrom, this PR implement the #44.

    • Add a delegate method to check allow tap to dismiss. (If no delegate, default can be tap dismiss)
    • Add a delegate property for some use case, for example, when wrapped the delegate pattern to Delegate Proxy with RxSwift.

    If there have any suggestions or concerns, please let me know. 😃 Thanks.

    opened by marcuswu0814 2
  • How do I close the ContextMenu by code

    How do I close the ContextMenu by code


    sorry if this is a dumb question but I couldn't find a way to close the ContextMenu by code without altering the Source. Is this possible?


    opened by spaggi 1
  • How can i present  two controllers on top of each other?

    How can i present two controllers on top of each other?

    i am using (0.5.1) version. i am presenting firstViewController than i am presenting my secondViewController on firstViewController. while secondViewController is being presenting, both of the controllers are disappearing. How can i fix it ?

    opened by AlicanAycil 0
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