SwiftySideMenu is a lightweight and easy to use side menu controller to add left menu and center view controllers with scale animation based on Pop framework.

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Menu SwiftySideMenu


SwiftySideMenu is a lightweight, fully customizable, and easy to use controller to add left menu and center view controllers with scale animation based on Pop framework. SwiftySideMenu animations are built using Pop framework to provide smooth and awesome spring animations. SwiftySideMenu is written in Objective-C and its very easy to use with Swift projects. The demo itself is based on Swift to see how easy its used with in Swift.


First you have to install Pop. Pop is available on CocoaPods. Just add the following to your project Podfile:

pod 'pop', '~> 1.0'

Then, Add the SwiftySideMenu library files to your project:

  • SwiftySideMenuViewController.h
  • SwiftySideMenuViewController.m
  • UIViewController+SwiftySideMenu.h
  • UIViewController+SwiftySideMenu.m


SwiftySideMenu is very easy to use. After adding the Pop framework and the library files, import the needed files as below:

#import "SwiftySideMenuViewController.h"
#import "UIViewController+SwiftySideMenu.h"

Incase of your project is Swift based, just add the import statements in the briding header file.

Don't have briding header file? Add a header file to your project, named [MyProjectName]-Bridging-Header.h to import any Objective-C code you want your Swift code to have access to. Then In your project build settings, go to Swift Compiler – Code Generation, and next to Objective-C Bridging Header add the path to your bridging header file, from the project’s root folder. So it could by MyProject/MyProject-Bridging-Header.h or simply MyProject-Bridging-Header.h if the file lives in the project root folder.


SwiftySideMenuViewController is the main view controller that will be the root view controller in your project. You can set it as the root view controller from Storyboard or programmatically.

Setting Left and Center view controllers

In SwiftySideMenuViewController you use the properties centerViewController and leftViewController to set the left and center view controllers anytime. Check example:

let swiftySideMenuVC = self.window?.rootViewController as! SwiftySideMenuViewController

let centerVC = swiftySideMenuVC.storyboard?.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("Center")        
let leftVC = swiftySideMenuVC.storyboard?.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("Left")
swiftySideMenuVC.centerViewController = centerVC
swiftySideMenuVC.leftViewController = leftVC

Accessing the SwiftySideMenuViewController

SwiftySideMenuViewController instance can be accessed easily from left or center view controller by calling the property .swiftySideMenu in any UIViewController thanks to the category UIViewController+SwiftySideMenu.

Even if the center view controller is UINavigationController or UITabBarController. You can still access the SwiftySideMenuViewController from children view controllers.

In the demo project, the center view controller is embeded in UINavigationController and to toggle the side menu when the left navigation bar button is clicked, we do the following:

    @IBAction func toggleSideMenu(sender: AnyObject) {

Customizing The Animations Of Left & Center View Controllers

You can customize the final value of scale animation of the center view controller. As well for the center and left view controller you can customize the bounciness and speed of their animations.

swiftySideMenuVC.centerEndScale = 0.4
swiftySideMenuVC.leftSpringAnimationSpeed = 20

Toggling Side Menu

You can easily toggle (open or close) the side menu by calling the function toggleSideMenu in SwiftySideMenuViewController


Side menu also can be toggled using swipe gestures. Swiping right will open the side menu if it was closed. Swiping left will close the side menu if it was opened. Swipe gestures are enabled by default, if you want to disable any gesture do the following:

swiftySideMenuVC.enableLeftSwipeGesture = false // disable the left swipe gesture

swiftySideMenuVC.enableRightSwipeGesture = false // disable the right swipe gesture

Setting Up The Delegate

You can set the delegate in SwiftySideMenuViewController to be notified when the animations start and finish. You will find two method in the delegate to be used:

-(void)swiftSideMenu:(SwiftySideMenuViewController *)sideMenuController animationDidStartInSide:(SwiftyMenuSide)side;

-(void)swiftSideMenu:(SwiftySideMenuViewController *)sideMenuController animationDidFinishInSide:(SwiftyMenuSide)side finished:(BOOL)finished;

SwiftyMenuSide is an enum with two values SwiftyMenuSideCenter and SwiftyMenuSideLeft.


The MIT License (MIT)

Copyright (c) 2015 Hossam Ghareeb (hossam.ghareb@gmail.com)

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


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  • Tech Help

    Tech Help

    Hi Hossam Ghareeb

    I hope this message will find you in best of your mood.

    I liked your work a lot , its just that I want to design something with similar animation but with bit difference.

    In your library , the center view controller when presented is squeezed with a spring animation to come in the center of the screen. I just want to place it in the bottom in place of center.

    Is that possible with your library? If YES , have you provided any properties/enumerations to change it or will the code need change?

    I have attached an image of design I want to create.

    Hoping for a positive response.

    Thanks & Regards Tushar Agarwal side-menu

    opened by tush010 1
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