SafeDecoder - a swift package that set defaults when Codable fails to decode a field



SafeDecoder is a swift package that set defaults when Codable fails to decode a field. SafeDecoder supports configurable default values, See SafeDecoder.Configuration.


Swift Package Manager

Swift Package Manager is Apple's decentralized dependency manager to integrate libraries to your Swift projects. It is now fully integrated with Xcode 11

To integrate SafeDecoder into your project using SPM, specify it in your Package.swift file:

let package = Package(
    dependencies: [
        .package(url: "", from: "1.0.0"),
    targets: [
        .target(name: "YourTarget", dependencies: ["SafeDecoder", ])



let model: Data1 = try SafeDecoder().decode(Data1.self, from: try encode(testData))


struct CustomConfiguration: SafeConfigurationType {
    static var configuration: SafeDecoder.Configuration {
        var configuration: SafeDecoder.Configuration = .default
        configuration.register([Data1.Epidemic].self, value: [.init(title: "aaa", num: 20, routeUri: "test://url")])
        return configuration
let model: Data1 = try SafeDecoder().decode(Data1.self, CustomConfiguration.self, from: try encode(testData))


GodL, Github GodL

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