A nice iOS View Capture Swift Library which can capture all content.

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UI SwViewCapture


A nice iOS View Capture Library which can capture all content.

SwViewCapture could convert all content of UIWebView to a UIImage.

一个用起来还不错的iOS截图库.(支持截取所有内容, 适用于所有ScrollView组成的视图, 包括WKWebView)


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  1. API is more easy to use.
    • use swift extension
  2. Support to capture all content of scrollView.
    • eg: UIScrollView, UITableView, UIWebView
  3. Support capture WKWebView.
    • WKWebview is hard to capture;
    • WKWebView could be capture like UIWebView
  4. Flasing will not appear in the process of Screenshots.
    • SwCaptureView use a fake screenshots as a cover which over target view. All the action of target will be hidden below the fake screenshots.


  1. API更容易使用.

    • 使用Extension去封装API
  2. 支持截取滚动视图内的所有内容.

    • 支持UIScrollView, UITableView, UIWebView
  3. 支持截取WKWebView的内容.

    • 因为WKWebView的内部实现问题, WKWebView比较难去截屏
    • 目前SwViewCapture对WKWebView的支持比较完美, 已经提供了两种截图方法, 非滚动的截图方式已经解决了position: fixed的问题
  4. 截图过程中不会出现视图闪烁.

    • 截图过程中, 使用一张伪装截图遮盖屏幕, 底层截图活动不透明化。


  • Capture basic screenshots (size of view's frame)
import SwViewCapture
// ...
view.swCapture { (capturedImage) -> Void in
	// capturedImage is a UIImage.           
  • Capture all content screenshots (size of content)
import SwViewCapture
// ...
view.swContentCapture { (capturedImage) -> Void in
	// capturedImage is a UIImage.           


  • 普通截屏(屏幕大小)
import SwViewCapture
// ...
view.swCapture { (capturedImage) -> Void in
	// capturedImage is a UIImage.           
  • 内容截屏(全部内容的大小)
import SwViewCapture
// ...
view.swContentCapture { (capturedImage) -> Void in
	// capturedImage is a UIImage.           
  • 滚动截屏
import SwViewCapture
// ...
view.swContentScrollCapture { (capturedImage) -> Void in
	// capturedImage is a UIImage.           


iOS 8.0+, Swift 2.0+ or Swift 3.0(Compatiable)

SwViewCapture is available through CocoaPods now. To Install it, simply and the following line to your Podfile:

pod "SwViewCapture"

Or, if you’re using Carthage, add SwViewCapture to your Cartfile:

github "startry/SwViewCapture"


SwViewCapture is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

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