Hello everyone, the notifications for android are awesome, but I can't send it for iOs.
/var/log/pushkin/pushkin.log says this:
2017-10-25 17:02:17,902 ERROR Connection to APN lost, reconnecting and trying again
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pushkin-", line 48, in send_notification
stream_id = self.__connection.request('POST', url, json_payload, headers)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/hyper/http20/connection.py", line 281, in request
self.endheaders(message_body=body, final=True, stream_id=stream_id)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/hyper/http20/connection.py", line 546, in endheaders
stream = self._get_stream(stream_id)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/hyper/http20/connection.py", line 289, in _get_stream
raise StreamResetError("Stream forcefully closed")
StreamResetError: Stream forcefully closed
Here is my config.ini:
Name of your application
game = PromoGo
Id of pushkin instance
world_id = 1
Default API port
port = 8887
if true, gcm clients will not receive notifications
dry_run = false
max batch size for apn notifications
apns_batch_size = 500
apns_topic = PromoGo
apns_certificate_path = /home/promogo/pushkin/prod_push_nopass.pem
gcm_access_key = AAAAOfz579c:APA91bF8ekMFcL5P6AfzKYKk4nb_flPif1bLHgEc1zaxHxwK97T311Ln5Kk-orEs9JbOrayFpztI-CtOvBTiY9rde-KphsAA_yREX7MM2qIPISldJm$
for future use
apns_sandbox = false
connection_error_retries = 3
Baselink for your application sent with push notifications
base_deeplink_url = application_name.com
queue limit for requests processor. See Monitoring API for reference
queue_limit = 50000
Number of threads for request processor
request_processor_num_threads = 10
queue limit for sender processor. See Monitoring API for reference
sender_queue_limit = 50000
enabled_senders =
pushkin.sender.senders.ApnNotificationSender {"workers": 50}
pushkin.sender.senders.GcmNotificationSender {"workers": 50}
log configuration
main_logger_name = pushkin
main_log_path = /var/log/pushkin/
notifications_logger_name = notifications
notification_log_path = /var/log/pushkin/notification/
notification_log_when_to_rotate = H
notification_log_rotate_suffix = %Y-%m-%d_%H
notset, debug, info, warning, error, critical
main_log_level = DEBUG
keep_log_days = 7
database credentials
to use unix socket set this to socket directory path
db_host = localhost
db_port = 5432
db_user = pushkin
db_name = pushkin
db_pass = pushkin
db_pool_size = 20
max_devices_per_user = 10
max_users_per_device = 1
event id of prebuilt login event
login_event_id = 4001
turn_off_notification_event_id = 4006
URLs for all request handlers
proto_event_handler_url = /post_events_proto
proto_notification_handler_url = /post_notification_proto
json_event_handler_url = /post_events_json
json_notification_handler_url = /post_notification_json
request_queue_handler_url = /get_request_queue
apn_sender_queue_handler_url = /get_apn_sender_queue
gcm_sender_queue_handler_url = /get_gcm_sender_queue
notification_post_processor_queue_handler_url = /get_notification_post_processor_queue
Could someone give me any clue? I'm not experienced with python, maybe it's a simple issue, but I can't figure it out.
Thank you.