Custom in-app notifications.



CRNotifications are custom in-app notifications with 3 types of layouts. The notifications will animate in and out. They will hide when they are clicked on or with an automatic dismissal.


Notifications types
Success Error Info
alt text alt text alt text

How to use

Call CRNotifications.showNotification with a title, message, notification type and a time for how long the notification should appear. Should the notification not disappear automatically use a time of 0. You may also pass a completion block that is executed once the notification disappears.

Built-in notification types are : .success .error .info


CRNotifications.showNotification(type: CRNotifications.success, title: "Success!", message: "You successfully showed this notification.", dismissDelay: 3)

It is also possible to customize the notifications and provide your own custom style either by the method

showNotification(textColor:, backgroundColor: UIColor, image: UIImage?, title: String, message: String, dismissDelay: TimeInterval)

or by conforming to the CRNotificationType protocol:

protocol CRNotificationType {
    var textColor: UIColor { get }
    var backgroundColor: UIColor { get }
    var image: UIImage? { get }


Cocoapods install

Swift 5
pod 'CRNotifications'
Swift 4.2
pod 'CRNotifications', :git => '', :branch => 'swift4-2'
Swift 3
pod 'CRNotifications', :git => '', :branch => 'swift3'

Manual install

Drag the CRNotifications folder into your project and you are good to go.

Author & Contributors

Casper Riboe (Author)

Facebook : Casper Riboe
Twitter : dkcas11
Mail :

Herrick Wolber (Contribution)

Twitter : estar2005
Github : Rico237
Mail :

  • Custom Background Color and swipe up

    Custom Background Color and swipe up


    this library works great for my project. However the styles don't fit the theme of my App. So I build a little extension that allows to pass a custom background color.

    This is more a solution to get my problem fixed. A better solution might be, to let the CRNotificationType be a Class that include the color (and maybe border, shadows, etc.). There could be a couple of static variables that return the defaults for info, error, etc., that will be passed as a parameter, but user could still create a new instance with custom properties. I could work on something like this, if you see this benefitial.

    opened by xremix 9
  • New logo/Icon

    New logo/Icon

    Hi, I am a graphic designer, I want to help others in graphic design.

    After I reviewed your project, your logo on this project not attractive . Therefore I want to contribute to this project by creating a new logo / icon. what do you think?

    opened by mansya 8
  • issue when i try present  CRNotifications

    issue when i try present CRNotifications

    u've issue when i try display CRNotifications

    in this class CRNotifications

    UIApplication.shared.keyWindow?.rootViewController.view.addSubview(view) but i fix it .....

    adding parms showNotification(type: CRNotificationType, title: String, message: String, dismissDelay: Int , viewController : UIViewController )

    because when i try implement pushView controller or segue the CRNotifications Displayed in the previous VC

    so... viewController.view.addSubview(view)

    it's work

    opened by adelbios 7
  • Add possibility to react to notification tap via new CRNotificationDelegate

    Add possibility to react to notification tap via new CRNotificationDelegate

    I think this is a neat little functionality expanding the cool & simple to use CRNotification! :) It also does not change the API so it is backwards compatible, only if needed, a delegate can be set. It is also very simple to comply with the delegate.

    If you want a more fancy feature, one could also include the text (or other information) of the notification in the delegate call.

    As this is my first pull request on GitHub, please take a look and let me know if I need to improve something or if you don't like the feature 😄

    opened by sansha 6
  • Enhancement request - show more then 2 lines of text

    Enhancement request - show more then 2 lines of text

    Love this, but would like to be able to show a larger box with more lines of text for some notifications. Can you modify it so the box resizes automatically based on the length of the message text, please?

    opened by saldous 4
  • Added Swift version to podspec

    Added Swift version to podspec

    CRNotifications will not build for me in Xcode 10.1 unless I manually change the Swift version in the pod settings. This PR fixes it by specifying the swift version in the podspec.

    opened by mplorentz 2
  • Spring cleaning and protocols

    Spring cleaning and protocols

    • Changed the CRNotificationType from an enum to a protocol allowing for customisation.
    • Added a swipe gesture recogniser to the the CRNotification view for dismissal.
    • Updated the CRNotification view's constraints for better layout on different screens.
    opened by dkcas11 0
Casper Riboe
iOS Developer @shape.
Casper Riboe
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