✨ Super easy Parallax and Haptic Effect.




Super easy Parallax and Haptic Effect.
This library helps you easily use the 'Parallax' and 'Haptic' effects.
Customized 3D parallax and haptic effects are provided(High-performance interactive UX/UI).

Version License: MIT Platform Swift 5.0 iOS 13.0+

Table of contents

🚀 How to use IParallax

First of all, you will need to import the IParallaxAndHapticEffect module.

import IParallaxAndHapticEffect

After that, it is necessary to think about which effect to use, the Parallax effect or the Haptic effect.
Each use is very easy.
First, let's look at 3 cases of using the parallax effect. Then think about how to use it for UI/UX later.

The parallax effect can be applied to all objects inherited by 'UIView'.

UIView, UIImageView, UIButton, UIProgressView, UISlider, UISwitch, UIStepper, UITextField, UILabel, UITextView, UITableView, UICollectionView, PickerView, Etc

🪄 Adding imagination can create magical effects.


1. 📍 IParallaxEffect : One line is everything.

IParallaxEffect, that's all.
This function generates a 'customized parallax effect' on the 'UIView' object. View objects can be added using the array sequence parameter. The power can be adjusted using the power parameter.

IParallaxEffect.shared().setParallax(view: ['1'], axis: ['2'], power: '3')

Parameter '1' view: Your view that wants to apply the effect.

Parameter '2'


Parameter '3'

You can enter the intensity you want to use. (1 ~ 1000)
Here's the recommended intensity!

Power -
30 very slow
60 slow
90 medium
120 fast
150 very fast
180~ SpaceX

🚀 How to use IHapticEffect

First of all, you will need to import the IParallaxAndHapticEffect module.

import IParallaxAndHapticEffect

IHapticEffect basically provides all nine forms of system vibration.
Additionally, try other excellent vibration functions.

1. 📍 IHapticEffect

IHapticEffect, that's all.
Create a vibration with a simple line.
This function generates haptic events of 9 types.

IHapticEffect.shared().setHaptic(type: '1')

Parameter '1'

Haptic Type

2. 📍 Dynamic Haptic

2-1. Repeat Haptic

This function generates repetitive haptic events.
The number of iterations can be adjusted using the count parameter('2').

IHapticEffect.shared().setRepeatHaptic(type: '1', count: '2')

2-2. Delay Haptic

This function generates a delayed haptic event.
The delay time can be adjusted using the delay time parameter('2').

IHapticEffect.shared().setDelayHaptic(type: '1', delayTime: '2')

2-3. Custom Haptic

This function generates a customized haptic event.
The power can be adjusted using the power parameter between 0 and 1 (CGFloat: '1').

IHapticEffect.shared().setCustomHaptic(power: '1')

2-4. Presents with Haptic 1

Presents a view controller modally with Normal Haptic (9 types).

present(ViewController, animated: Bool, hapticType: '1', completion: '2')

2-5. Presents with Haptic 2

Presents a view controller modally with Delayed Haptic (9 types).

present(ViewController, animated: Bool, hapticType: '1', delayTime: '2', completion: '3')

2-6. Presents with Haptic 3

Presents a view controller modally with Repeated Haptic (9 types).

present(ViewController, animated: Bool, hapticType: '1', count: '2', completion: '3')

Presents with Haptic(Example)


let alertVC = UIAlertController(title: "Notice", message: "IParallaxAndHapticEffect", preferredStyle: .alert)
let okAction = UIAlertAction(title: "Ok", style: .default, handler: nil)
present(alertVC, animated: true, hapticType: .heavy, count: 2, completion: nil)


guard let vc = self.storyboard?.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: VC2.identifier) as? VC2 else { return }
present(vc, animated: true, hapticType: .soft)

🛠 Installation


IParallaxAndHapticEffect is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'IParallaxAndHapticEffect'

Swift Package Manager

Project settings > Package Dependencies > '+' Button > GitHub URL > Add Package
Alternatively, File > Add Packages > Add Package Dependencies.


⚠️ Important

The Parallax & Haptic effect does not work in the simulator.
Therefore, it is recommended to test on a real device.


Contributions are always welcome 🎉


Omilr, leo.algodev@gmail.com


IParallaxAndHapticEffect is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

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