Native alert from Apple Music & Feedback. Contains Done, Heart & Message and other presets.



Popup from Apple Music & Feedback in AppStore. Contains Done, Heart, Error and other presets. Supports Dark Mode. I tried to recreate Apple's alerts as much as possible. You can find these alerts in the AppStore after feedback and after you add a song to your library in Apple Music.

You can create more with custom images and SFSymbols more:

If you like the project, don't forget to put star ★ and follow me on GitHub:



Ready for use on iOS 11+. Works with Swift 5+. Required Xcode 12.5 and higher.

Swift Package Manager

The Swift Package Manager is a tool for managing the distribution of Swift code. It’s integrated with the Swift build system to automate the process of downloading, compiling, and linking dependencies.

To integrate SPAlert into your Xcode project using Xcode 12, specify it in File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency...:


CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Cocoa projects. For usage and installation instructions, visit their website. To integrate SPAlert into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile:

pod 'SPAlert'


If you prefer not to use any of dependency managers, you can integrate SPAlert into your project manually. Put Sources/SPAlert folder in your Xcode project. Make sure to enable Copy items if needed and Create groups.

Quick Start

For best experience, I recommend presenting alerts by calling the class functions SPAlert. These functions are updated regularly and show the alerts as Apple way:

SPAlert.present(title: "Added to Library", preset: .done)

For using a custom image:

SPAlert.present(title: "Love", message: "We'll recommend more like this in For You", preset: .custom(UIImage.init(named: "heart")!))

For showing a simple text message:

SPAlert.present(message: "Something going wrong", haptic: .error)



For change duration of present time, create alert view and call present method with custom duration:

let alertView = SPAlertView(title: "Complete", preset: .done)
alertView.present(duration: 3)


For customise layout and margins, use layout property. You can manage margins for each side, icon size and space between image and titles:

alertView.layout.iconSize = .init(width: 24, height: 24) = 12
alertView.layout.spaceBetweenIconAndTitle = 8

Dismiss by Tap

If you tap the alert, it will disappear. This can be disabled:

alertView.dismissByTap = false


For manage haptic, you shoud pass it in present method:

alertView.present(duration: 1.5, haptic: .success, completion: nil)

You can remove duration and completion, its have default values.

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В телеграм-канале Код Воробья пишу о iOS разработке. Помощь можно найти в нашем чате. Видео-туториалы выклыдываю на YouTube:

Tutorials on YouTube

  • Color for icon in SwiftUI

    Color for icon in SwiftUI

    Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. Please add custom color support to icons in SwiftUI.

    Describe the solution you'd like Something, where you can define the color of the .error icon animation. It would be pretty nice!

    opened by derech1e 14
  • Add new type of alert — Loading Alert

    Add new type of alert — Loading Alert

    If you think it's a bad idea to add a loading option, then let's discuss it, maybe you should simply open some of the SPAlert.swift API so anyone using your project can subclass and add things easily.

    Also, I noticed that when dark mode is enabled + multitasking on iPad, the blurred background is a little bit weird but I didn't find a solution yet.

    Last but not least, why you prefered going with some frame calculation instead of using the auto-layout magic?

    opened by mlouli 8
  • Loading View

    Loading View


    I suggested a Loading View a few months back and you pointed me to this repo mlouli/SPAlert

    I grabbed his changes but also made a few of my own

    you can show a alert in a simple yet fast way

    let alert = SPAlert.presentLoader(message: "Loading...")

    If you want using the timeout it's also possible

    let _ = SPAlert.presentLoader(message: "Loading...", timeout: 5)

    by default it makes the loading view as a rectangle, this is a preference of my own, but you may disable this option by

    let loadingView = SPAlertView(loadingMessage = "Loading...")
    loadingView.makeLoadingViewRectangular = false

    this way it will use the normal calculations.

    I also updated the to include this changes.

    This library was tested in SwiftUI and found no errors

    opened by PedroCavaleiro 6
  • Alert appears behind keyboard if the keyboard is open.

    Alert appears behind keyboard if the keyboard is open.

    I'm using SPAlert in a passcode view. Whenever a user enters an incorrect password, SPAlert will show an alert message with an icon. However, the alert appears partly behind the keyboard that is open.

    Is there any layout option that resolves this?

    Version in use: 1.1.1

    enhancement wait more 
    opened by tijme 6
  • Is it possible that we can display things other than images inside the alert?

    Is it possible that we can display things other than images inside the alert?

    Hi @ivanvorobei

    I'm trying to use this SPAlert to display a loading indicator, but for now, it only accepts a couple of default presets and a custom UIImage. Is there any changes that we could pass something like CAShapeLayer in it? For example

    I know I can probably address this with a custom loading image. But with so many different screen resolutions, I'm not sure if it's a good idea to go about :(

    Thanks for creating and publishing OSS like this :)

    opened by konekoya 3
  • Xcode 13 beta 3: 'shared' is unavailable in application extensions for iOS

    Xcode 13 beta 3: 'shared' is unavailable in application extensions for iOS

    Describe the bug The package won't compile in latest Xcode 13.0 beta 3 using SPM. It seems that the latest compiler requires us to mark present(...) as @available(iOSApplicationExtension, unavailable) explicitly since UIApplication.shared is unavailable in extension target. Even though we don't have any extension target.

    // SPAlertView.swift
        open func present(duration: TimeInterval = SPAlertConfiguration.duration, haptic: SPAlertHaptic = .success, completion: (() -> Void)? = nil) {
            if self.presentWindow == nil {
                self.presentWindow = UIApplication.shared.keyWindow // <=== 👀 Error: 'shared' is unavailable in application extensions for iOS: Use view controller based solutions where appropriate instead.... 'shared' has been explicitly marked unavailable here (UIKit.UIApplication)
            guard let window = self.presentWindow else { return }
            // Prepare for present
            // ...

    To Reproduce

    1. Create a new iOS project in Xcode, and add SPAlert in Package Dependencies.
    2. Add SPAlert library to iOS target.
    3. Compile.

    Expected behavior No error like in Xcode 12.

    Smartphone (please complete the following information):

    • Xcode version 13.0 beta 3
    • SPAlert version 3.2.4
    • Installed via SPM
    opened by gongzhang 3
  • layout.bottomSpace no longer accessible

    layout.bottomSpace no longer accessible

    Hi, why is the following property no longer accessible?

    alertView.layout.bottomSpace = UIScreen.main.bounds.height
    alertView.layout.topSpace = UIScreen.main.bounds.height

    so I could have it displayed very well in full screen above everything.


    opened by salvatoreboemia 3
  • is this completion handler or button action possible?

    is this completion handler or button action possible?

    This is very nice library but would like to have completion handler once animation done.

    as well would be great if it has buttons in the alert to handle some actions

    opened by chetandobariya 2
  • I needed to add a delegate or a completionHandler for when animation is done

    I needed to add a delegate or a completionHandler for when animation is done


    Very nice library, I was just a bit suprised because the library didn't have a delegate that is triggered when the animation is complete. I am hoping something like this could be added so I can integrate the library using Swift Package Manager.

         Use this method for force dismiss controller. By default it call automatically.
        @objc public func dismiss() {
            UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.2, animations: {
                self.alpha = 0
                self.transform = self.transform.scaledBy(x: 0.8, y: 0.8)
            }, completion: { finished in
    or adding a completionHandler
        public func present(completionHandler: @escaping (() -> Void)) {
            alpha = 0
            transform = transform.scaledBy(x: 0.8, y: 0.8)
            UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.2, animations: {
                self.alpha = 1
                self.transform = CGAffineTransform.identity
            }, completion: { _ in
                if let iconView = self.iconView as? SPAlertIconAnimatable {
                DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: + self.duration) {
                    self.dismiss(completionHandler: completionHandler)
    opened by waelsaad 2
  • Set dismissByTap to false is not working

    Set dismissByTap to false is not working

    Describe the bug tapGesterRecognizer is initialized before dismissByTap is set to false.

    To Reproduce

    let alertView = SPAlertView(title: "", preset: .spinner) // tapGesture is added to view
    alertView.dismissByTap = false // will not work

    CleanShot 2021-11-30 at 19 54 21

    opened by hstdt 1
  • Add NSAttributedString present

    Add NSAttributedString present


    Added SPAlert method present(message: NSAttributedString, haptic: SPAlertHaptic, completion: (() -> Void)? = nil)


    • [ ] Testing in iOS
    • [ ] Installed correct via Swift Package Manager and Cocoapods
    opened by viktart 1
  • I made this for React Native!

    I made this for React Native!

    Hey! Just wanted to share that I wrapped this library (and SPIndicator) for React Native. I'd never used Swift before.

    You can see it here:

    And I wrote about it here:

    Thanks for the great library!

    opened by nandorojo 0
  • Content color is not always correct for Dark Mode.

    Content color is not always correct for Dark Mode.


    • iOS Version 13+
    • Framework Version 4.2.0
    • Installed via SPM

    Describe the Bug Content color is not always correct for Dark Mode.

    Reason When initiating the view, defaultContentColor is called from the initializer, looking for a window to get the traitCollection. As the window is not defined yet, nil is returned, and lightColor will always be in use.

    Solution for iOS 13+ only Use UIColor.init(dynamicProvider: _)

    I'll make a PR about that. EDIT: opened

    I don't know yet how to fix it for iOS 12.x

    opened by Dean151 0
  • Better init for SPAlert with preset only

    Better init for SPAlert with preset only


    Preset color was not defined and layout was wrong (top margin > bottom margin, preset not centered).


    • [x] Testing in compability platforms
    • [x] Installed correct via Swift Package Manager and Cocoapods
    opened by relisiuol 0
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