Elegant library that wraps working with frames with a nice chaining syntax.

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Layout swift ios layout


Build Status Version Carthage Compatible Platform Swift 4.0 License

Everyone wants to see smooth scrolling, that tableview or collectionview scrolls without any lags and it's right choice. But the constraints do not give it for us. Therefore, we have to choose manual calculation frames, but sometimes, when cell has a complex structure, code has not elegant, beautiful structure.

So, it's library for those, who want to see smooth scrolling with elegant code under the hood!

#Enjoy reading! 🎉

Framezilla is the child of Framer (analog of great layout framework which wraps manually calculation frames with a nice-chaining syntax), but only for Swift.

Installation 🔥


CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Swift and Objective-C Cocoa projects. It has over eighteen thousand libraries and can help you scale your projects elegantly. You can install it with the following command:

$ sudo gem install cocoapods

To integrate Framezilla, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "Framezilla"

Then, run the following command:

$ pod install


Carthage is a decentralized dependency manager that builds your dependencies and provides you with binary frameworks.

You can install Carthage with Homebrew using the following command:

$ brew update
$ brew install carthage

To integrate Framezilla into your Xcode project using Carthage, specify it in your Cartfile:

github "Otbivnoe/Framezilla"

Run carthage update to build the framework and drag the built Framezilla.framework into your Xcode project.

Features 💥

  • Edges with superview
  • Width / Height
  • Top / Left / Bottom / Right
  • CenterX / CenterY / Center (between views)
  • SizeToFit / SizeThatFits / WidthToFit / HeightToFit
  • Container
  • Stack
  • Optional semantic - and
  • Side relations: nui_left, nui_bottom, nui_width, nui_centerX and so on.
  • States
  • Safe area support 😱

Usage 🚀

Size (width, height)

There're a few methods for working with view's size.

You can configure width and height separately:

view.configureFrame { maker in

or together with the same result:

view.configureFrame { maker in
    maker.size(width: 200, height: 200)

Also in some cases you want to equate the sides of two views with some multiplier.

For example:

view.configureFrame { maker in
    maker.width(to: view1.nui_height, multiplier: 0.5)
    maker.height(to: view1.nui_width) // x1 multiplier - default


Framezilla has two method for comfortable creating edge-relation.

Either you can create edge relation so

view.configureFrame { maker in
    maker.edges(insets: UIEdgeInsetsMake(5, 5, 5, 5)) // UIEdgeInsets.zero - default


view.configureFrame { maker in
    maker.edges(top: 5, left: 5, bottom: 5, right: 5)

the second method has optional parameters, so maker.edges(top: 5, left: 5, bottom: 5) also works correct, but does not create right relation, that in some cases is very useful.

Side relations (Top, left, bottom, right)

You can create edge relation, as shown above, but only use side relations.

view.configureFrame { maker in
    maker.top(inset: 5).and.bottom(inset: 5)
    maker.left(inset: 5).and.right(inset: 5)

Also possible to create relations with another view, not a superview:

// Red view
view.configureFrame { maker in
    maker.size(width: 30, height: 30)
    maker.left(to: self.view1.nui_right, inset: 5)
    maker.bottom(to: self.view1.nui_centerY)

In iOS 11 Apple has introduced the safe area, similar to topLayoutGuide and bottomLayoutGuide. Framezilla supports this new api as well:

content.configureFrame { maker in
    maker.top(to: nui_safeArea)
    maker.bottom(to: nui_safeArea)
    maker.right(to: nui_safeArea, inset: 10)
    maker.left(to: nui_safeArea, inset: 10)

Note: In earlier versions of OS than iOS 11, these methods create a relation to a superview, not the safe area.

Center relations

If you just want to center subview relative superview with constant width and height, this approach specially for you:

view.configureFrame { maker in
    maker.size(width: 100, height: 100)

Also possible to set manually centerX and centerY. Just call setCenterX and setCenterY.

What if you want to join the center point of the view with the top right point of another view?


view.configureFrame { maker in
    maker.centerX(to: self.view1.nui_right, offset: 0)
    maker.centerY(to: self.view1.nui_top) //Zero offset - default
    maker.size(width: 50, height: 50)

SizeToFit and SizeThatFits

Very often you should configure labels, so there are some methods for comfortable work with them.


label.configureFrame { maker in
    maker.sizeToFit() // Configure width and height by text length no limits


But what if you have to specify edges for label?

label.configureFrame { maker in
    maker.sizeThatFits(size: CGSize(width: 200, height: 100))


Use this method when you want to calculate a width and height by wrapping all subviews.

You can also specify a special container relation:

public enum ContainerRelation {
    case width(Number)
    case height(Number)
    case horizontal(left: Number, right: Number)
    case vertical(top: Number, bottom: Number)

For instance, if you set a width for a container, only a dynamic height will be calculated.


It atomatically adds all subviews to the container. Don't add subviews manually.

If you don't use a static width for instance, important to understand, that it's not correct to call left and right relations together by subviews, because container sets width relatively width of subviews and here is some ambiguous.

let container = [content1, content2, content3, content4].container(in: view, relation: /* if needed */) {
    content1.configureFrame { maker in
        maker.size(width: 50, height: 50)

    content2.configureFrame { maker in
        maker.top(to: content1.nui_bottom, inset: 5)
        maker.size(width: 80, height: 80)

    content3.configureFrame { maker in
        maker.top(to: content1.nui_bottom, inset: 15)
        maker.left(to: content2.nui_right, inset: 5)
        maker.size(width: 80, height: 80)

    content4.configureFrame { maker in
        maker.top(to: content3.nui_bottom, inset: 5)
        maker.size(width: 20, height: 20)

// width and height are already configured
container.configureFrame { maker in

If you have already configured container, then this method will be more convenient for you:

[content1, label1, label2, label3].configure(container: container, relation: .horizontal(left: 20, right: 20)) {
// do configuration

Cool things:

Sometimes you want to configure a few views with the same size, for examlple. There is a convinience method:

[view1, view2].configureFrames { maker in
    maker.size(width: 200, height: 100)


Framezilla allows you configure views like stack behaviour. Important to point out correct views order.

[view3, view2, view1].stack(axis: .horizontal, spacing: 3)


It's very convenient use many states for animations, because you can just configure all states in one place and when needed change frame for view - just apply needed state! Awesome, is'n it?


override func viewDidLayoutSubviews() {
  // state `DEFAULT_STATE`
  view1.configureFrame { maker in
  view1.configureFrame(state: 1) { maker in

set new state and animate it:

/* Next time when viewDidLayoutSubviews will be called, `view1` will configure frame for state 1. */
view1.nx_state = 1 // Any hashable value
UIView.animate(withDuration: 1.0) {

Also possible to apply many states in a row:

view1.configureFrame(states: [3, "state"]) { maker in
    maker.size(width: 200, height: 100)

Author 💪

Nikita Ermolenko, nikita.ermolenko@rosberry.com

Thanks 👍

Thanks Artem Novichkov for the name of the library!

Thanks Evgeny Mikhaylov for 'state' feature!

Thanks Anton Kovalev for improving library!

Contribute 🙏

I would love you to contribute to Framezilla, check the CONTRIBUTING file for more info.


Framezilla is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

  • top/bottom странно работают...

    top/bottom странно работают...

    У ячеек справа хочу получить стрелочки. Выставляю ширину, прижимаю правый край к правому краю, высоты делаю одинаковые. Осталось по Y правильно расположить. Если располагаю используя centerY, то все хорошо. Если пытаюсь прижать верх или низ, то получаю как на втором скриншоте. Почему так?

    view.configureFrames { maker in
                maker.right(to: nui_right, inset: 0.0)
                maker.centerY(to: nui_centerY, offset: 0.0)     // работает
                maker.height(to: nui_height, multiplier: 1.0)
    //            maker.bottom(to: nui_bottom, inset: 0.0)        // не работает

    2017-02-01 1 15 52 2017-02-01 1 15 24

    opened by iwheelbuy 5
  • Как правильно работать с динамически изменяющимися отступами?

    Как правильно работать с динамически изменяющимися отступами?

    Есть у меня некоторая переменная inset от которой зависит положение subview на view и которая меняется, например, при сдвиге UIPanGestureRecognizer в таком ключе:

    func change(_ newInset: CGFloat) {
        view.inset = newInset

    Правильно ли я использую setNeedsLayout?

    P.S. Вот так выглядит код внутри layoutSubviews:

    subview.configureFrame { (maker) in
        maker.top().bottom().width(to: nui_width).right(inset: inset)

    P.P.S. Все работает, просто хочу узнать правильно ли делаю

    opened by iwheelbuy 2
  • Default value for `edges` method

    Default value for `edges` method

    In documentation: func edges(insets: UIEdgeInsets = default) -> Maker

    The insets for setting relations for superview. UIEdgeInsets.zero - default insets.

    But when I try to ommit UIEdgeInsets value, for example:

    tableView.configureFrame { maker in

    I see an error:

    Ambiguous use of 'edges'

    opened by artemnovichkov 1
  • 👉👆🏻👇Side choosing ability

    👉👆🏻👇Side choosing ability


    Simple function for setting view with UIEdgeInsets and ability to choosing sides which will be pinned to superview. For example, it's useful when you have insets const but need to use only two of them for some view.


    • [x] Follows code style
    • [x] Has no SwiftLint warnings
    • [ ] Covered by tests
    • [x] All tests are passed
    • [x] Access control words were checked
    opened by stason314 0
  • Container's width / height are configured not properly

    Container's width / height are configured not properly

    For instance, we have the following code:

    [content1].configure(container: container, relation: .horizontal(left: 20, right: 20)) {
        content1.configureFrame { maker in
            maker.size(width: 500, height: 60)

    Container's width after the configuration should be is equal to 280, but this won't happen. It tries to wrap the all subviews and thus will ignore container's relations.

    opened by Otbivnoe 0
  • Corner radius functions

    Corner radius functions

    Need to add two functions for setting a corner radius:

    1. Just setting a value:
    func cornerRadius(_ cornerRadius: Number) -> Maker
    1. Settings a value as either a half-width or half-height.
    func cornerRadius(byHalf type: Size) -> Maker
    opened by Otbivnoe 0
  • Container enhancements

    Container enhancements

    Added a special container relation:

    enum ContainerRelation {
        case width(Number)
        case height(Number)
        case horizontal(left: Number, right: Number)
        case vertical(top: Number, bottom: Number)

    if you set a width relation for a container, only a height will be calculated dynamically.

    Also, there's a new method, that uses an already configured container:

    func configure(container: UIView, relation: ContainerRelation?, installerBlock: () -> Void) {}
    opened by Otbivnoe 0
  • `heightToFit` and `widthToFit` enhancements

    `heightToFit` and `widthToFit` enhancements


    Have the following code:

    // label has a long text ... 
    label.configureFrame { maker in
        maker.edges(top: 30, left: 10, right: 10)

    This code has one problem: heightToFit doesn't take into account the left and right relations - the height of the label will be as for a one-line label.


    Need to consider specific relations such as left and right together, width and width(to:).

    P.S. The similar for widthToFit. P.S. widthThatFits and heightThatFits will have the similar logic only with a max setted value.

    opened by Otbivnoe 0
  • Safe area support

    Safe area support

    Add safe area support with the following syntax:

    content.configureFrame { maker in
        maker.top(to: nui_safeArea)
        maker.bottom(to: nui_safeArea)
        maker.right(to: nui_safeArea, inset: 10)
        maker.left(to: nui_safeArea, inset: 10)


    opened by Otbivnoe 0
  • Frame equals to another view frame

    Frame equals to another view frame

    I'm configuring frame like that:

    mapView.configureFrames { maker in
        maker.top(to: tableView.nui_top)
        maker.bottom(to: tableView.nui_bottom)
        maker.left(to: tableView.nui_left)
        maker.right(to: tableView.nui_right)

    mapView and tableView are on the one subview level. Please, add sugar method to make one frame equals to another frame, for example:

    mapView.configureFrames { maker in
        maker.equal(to: tableView)
    opened by artemnovichkov 0
  • 2.9.1(Feb 28, 2018)

  • 2.9.0(Feb 9, 2018)

  • 2.8.0(Feb 2, 2018)

  • 2.7.0-rc.1(Dec 29, 2017)


    Changed the layout system - in previous versions of the library Maker changes the frame property of objects, now it changes the center and bounds.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 2.7.0(Dec 28, 2017)


    • heightToFit and widthToFit enhancements. Close #11


    • widthThatFits(width: Number) was renamed to widthThatFits(maxWidth: Number)
    • heightThatFits(height: Number) was renamed to heightThatFits(maxHeight: Number)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 2.6.0(Dec 26, 2017)


    • Added a new more flexible container method:
    let container = [content1, content2, content3, content4].container(in: view) {
      // configure frame of all subviews
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 2.5.0(Dec 25, 2017)

  • 2.4.1(Dec 8, 2017)

  • 2.4.0(Nov 30, 2017)


    • Implemented centerX and centerY for relation views:

    maker.centerY(between: content1.nui_bottom, content2.nui_top)


    • Fixed view's binding to top / left / bottom / right sides of superview as a UIScrollView.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 2.3.0(Oct 21, 2017)

  • 2.2.1(Aug 1, 2017)


    • Fixed bug with scrollview as a superview when contentSize == .zero.
    • Fixed bug with not correct superview configuration when view.superview.superview == nil.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 2.2.0(Jun 30, 2017)


    • Added margin(inset:) method.
    • Added centerX(between view1: view2:) and centerY(between view1: view2) methods.
    • Added >> and << operators for simplify configuration.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 2.1.2(Jun 3, 2017)

  • 2.1.0(May 20, 2017)


    • Added center(to:) method.


    • Renamed nui_state to nx_state due to runtime conflict with Objective-C library - Framer.


    • Added workspace with example project.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 2.0.0(Feb 20, 2017)


    • Added RelationView - now it's not possible to forget to point out side relation: nui_top, nui_right etc in configuration method
    • State now supports AnyHashable value
    • Added support for multiple states in one configuration block
    • Added simple stack view
    • Added configuration method for array of views.
    • Added special Number protocol for comfortable working with additional configuration values. Earlier you must have been configured offset, inset values only by CGFloat.


    • Fixed not correct behaviour of edges(insets:) method.


    • Removed например and по_сути optional methods
    • Renamed configureFrames(state: installerBlock) to configureFrame(state: installerBlock).


    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.2.1(Dec 21, 2016)

  • 1.2.0(Dec 10, 2016)


    • Added equal(to:, insets:) method. It's similar to edges(insets:), but you can configure equality to another view, not a superview.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.1.0(Nov 12, 2016)


    • Added heightToFit and widthToFit methods.


    • Renamed naprimer to например
    • Added по_сути property (RU only).
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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