Swift utilities for running commands.


Swift Commands

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Swift utilities for running commands.

The Commands module allows you to take a system command as a string and return the standard output.

API documentation can be found here.


import Commands


Execute shell commands.

let result = Commands.Task.run("bash -c ls")


let result = Commands.Task.run(["bash", "-c", "ls"])


let result = Commands.Bash.run("ls")


Execute python scripts.

let result = Commands.Task.run("python main.py")

Execute python commands.

let result = Commands.Task.run("python -c import base64; print(base64.b64encode('qiuzhifei').decode('ascii'))")


let result = Commands.Python.run("import base64; print(base64.b64encode('qiuzhifei').decode('ascii'))")


Execute ruby scripts.

let result = Commands.Task.run("ruby main.rb")

Execute ruby commands.

let result = Commands.Task.run("ruby -e require 'base64'; puts Base64.encode64('qiuzhifei')")


let result = Commands.Ruby.run("require 'base64'; puts Base64.encode64('qiuzhifei')")


Create a shortcut name for a command.

let node = Commands.Alias("/usr/local/bin/node", dashc: "-e")
let result = node.run("console.log('qiuzhifei')")

Setting global environment variables

Commands.ENV.global["http_proxy"] = ""
Commands.ENV.global.add(PATH: "/Users/zhifeiqiu/.rvm/bin")

Making Commands

let request: Commands.Request = "ruby -v"


let request: Commands.Request = ["ruby", "-v"]


let request = Commands.Request(executableURL: "ruby", arguments: "-v")

Change environment variables

var request: Commands.Request = "ruby -v"
request.environment?.add(PATH: "/usr/local/bin")
request.environment?["http_proxy"] = ""
request.environment?["https_proxy"] = ""
request.environment?["all_proxy"] = "socks5://"

let result = Commands.Task.run(request)

Result Handler

Returns the Commands.Result of running cmd in a subprocess.

let result = Commands.Task.run("ruby -v")
switch result {
case .Success(let request, let response):
  debugPrint("command: \(request.absoluteCommand), success output: \(response.output)")
case .Failure(let request, let response):
  debugPrint("command: \(request.absoluteCommand), failure output: \(response.errorOutput)")

Adding Commands as a Dependency

To use the Commands library in a SwiftPM project, add the following line to the dependencies in your Package.swift file:

let package = Package(
    // name, platforms, products, etc.
    dependencies: [
        .package(url: "https://github.com/qiuzhifei/swift-commands", from: "0.6.0"),
        // other dependencies
    targets: [
        .target(name: "<command-line-tool>", dependencies: [
            .product(name: "Commands", package: "swift-commands"),
        // other targets

CocoaPods (OS X 10.9+)

You can use CocoaPods to install Commands by adding it to your Podfile:

pod 'Commands',        '~> 0.6.0'


git clone https://github.com/QiuZhiFei/swift-commands
cd swift-commands && open Package.swift


  • 多个命令怎么组合?


    Commands.Task.run("cd \(path)")
    let result = Commands.Task.run("pod install")
    switch result {
        case .Success( let request, let response):    
                print( "command: \(request.absoluteCommand), Success output: \(response.errorOutput)")
        case .Failure(let request, let response):
                 print( "command: \(request.absoluteCommand), failure output: \(response.errorOutput)")

    报错:command: pod install, failure output: The file “pod” doesn’t exist. 似乎是cd的操作独立于pod install导致的,请问这个要怎么处理?

    opened by vitasapple 4
  • java可以么?



     let result = Commands.Task.run("java -version")
                switch result {
                case .Success(let request, let response):
                  debugPrint("command: \(request.absoluteCommand), success output: \(response.output)")
                case .Failure(let request, let response):
                  debugPrint("command: \(request.absoluteCommand), failure output: \(response.errorOutput)")
    opened by qingweiSun 3
  • Process() not in scope issue

    Process() not in scope issue

    Hi @QiuZhiFei , I was trying to use this package so that I can run some command line stuff via swift to capture logs from an iPhone. But seems like there is an issue wherein it cannot find Process() in scope


    Note: Swift Language Version is set to 5 in Build settings.

    Am I missing something here in terms of the usage? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

    opened by gkvappium 1
  • mac应用执行pod相关命令报错



    import Foundation
    import Commands
    Commands.ENV.global.add(PATH: "/Users/jensen/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.7.0/bin")
    var result = Commands.Task.run(["pod", "--version"])

    在命令行应用中可以正常执行,在我新建的mac app中报The file “pod” doesn’t exist. image


    opened by Zhangyanshen 1
  • Cannot run command from /usr/local/bin

    Cannot run command from /usr/local/bin

    When you install mysql with homebrew you have access to mysql.server command, start, stop ...

    but I cannot call it.

    default installation is /usr/local/bin/mysql.server

       let request = Commands.Request("mysql.server start")
                    request.environment?.add(PATH: "${PATH}:/usr/local/bin")
                    let result = Commands.Task.run(request)
    //"command: mysql.server start, failure output: The file “mysql.server” doesn’t exist."

    with Commands.Bash..run(request) same.

    opened by flakerimi 1
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