Terminal string styling for Swift.



Swift License

Terminal string styling for Swift.


Swift Package Manager (SPM)

You can use The Swift Package Manager to install ColorizeSwift by adding it to your Package.swift file:

// swift-tools-version:4.0
// The swift-tools-version declares the minimum version of Swift required to build this package.

import PackageDescription

let package = Package(
    name: "MyLibrary",
    products: [
        .library(name: "MyLibrary", targets: ["MyLibrary"]),
    dependencies: [
         .package(url: "https://github.com/mtynior/ColorizeSwift.git", from: "1.5.0"),
    targets: [
        .target(name: "MyLibrary", dependencies: ["ColorizeSwift"]),
        .testTarget(name: "MyLibraryTests", dependencies: ["MyLibrary", "ColorizeSwift"]),


You can also manually add ColorizeSwift to you project:

  1. Download ColorizeSwift.swift file,
  2. Drag ColorizeSwift.swift into you project's tree.


From version 1.5 ColorizeSwift does not support CocoaPods!

Please use SPM or add ColorizeSwift.swift file manually to your project. If you use CocoaPods, you can still use version 1.2. At the moment, latest version1.5, only removed support for CocoaPods and has the same functionality as 1.2, but it might change in the future.

You can use CocoaPods to install ColorizeSwift by adding it to your Podfile:

platform :ios, '9.0'

target 'MyApp' do
	pod 'ColorizeSwift'

Run pods install to intagrate pods with your project.


You can run sample application:

  1. Open Terminal and go to Example folder.
  2. Run ./build.sh script to build sample application.
  3. Run ./example pacman to launch sample.

Available samples:

  1. styles - prints available styles

    Example - Styles

  2. f1 - prints F1 cars

    Example - F1

  3. pacman - prints Pacman

    Example - Pacman

  4. mario - prints mario

    Example - Mario


print("On yellow".onYellow())
print("256 foreground".foregroundColor(.orange1))
print("226 background".backgroundColor(.orange1))
print("Awful combination".colorize(.yellow, background: .red))
let nested = "with a blue substring".blue().underline()
print("A bold, green line \(nested) that becomes bold and green again".green().bold())



  • bold()
  • dim()
  • italic() (not widely supported)
  • underline()
  • reverse()
  • hidden()
  • strikethrough() (not widely supported)
  • reset()

Foreground colors

  • black()
  • red()
  • green()
  • yellow()
  • blue()
  • magenta()
  • cyan()
  • lightGray()
  • darkGray()
  • lightRed()
  • lightGreen()
  • lightYellow()
  • lightBlue()
  • lightMagenta()
  • lightCyan()
  • white()

Background colors

  • onBlack()
  • onRed()
  • onGreen()
  • onYellow()
  • onBlue()
  • onMagenta()
  • onCyan()
  • onLightGray()
  • onDarkGray()
  • onLightRed()
  • onLightGreen()
  • onLightYellow()
  • onLightBlue()
  • onLightMagenta()
  • onLightCyan()
  • onWhite()


You can also use 256 colors, but keep in mind that not all Terminal clients support them.

  • foregroundColor(color: TerminalColor)
  • backgroundColor(color: TerminalColor)
  • colorize(foreground: TerminalColor, background: TerminalColor)

Available colors

You can access 256 colors using TerminalColor enumeration.

256 Colors

Escape codes

Sometimes you only need the open code for a modifier. You can access them using TerminalStyle enum:

TerminalStyle.bold.open // "\u{001B}[1m"
TerminalStyle.bold.close  // "\u{001B}[22m"

For 256 colors use:

TerminalColor.red.foregroundStyleCode().open //"\u{001B}[38;5;9m"
TerminalColor.red.backgroundStyleCode().open //"\u{001B}[48;5;9m"


To get string without any colorization use uncolorized() method:

let styledString = "Awful combination".colorize(.yellow, background: .red) // \u{001B}[48;5;9m\u{001B}[38;5;11mAwful combination\u{001B}[0m\u{001B}[48;5;9m\u{001B}[0m
let withoutStyles = styledString.uncolorized() // "Awful combination"

Disabling colorization

Colorization can be disabled globally:

String.isColorizationEnabled = false // Default: true

You can use this to support a command line option (./example --no-color):

String.isColorizationEnabled = !CommandLine.arguments.contains("--no-color")

To disable colorization when program is running in a pipe (./example | wc) or when not writing to stdout (./example > output.txt):

String.isColorizationEnabled = (isatty(fileno(stdout)) == 1)



ColorizeSwift is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.

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