CommandLineKit - A pure Swift library for creating command-line interfaces



A pure Swift library for creating command-line interfaces.

Note: This project is no longer maintained. It's preserved here for historical interest only. Thanks to everyone who contributed!


Copyright (c) 2014-18 Ben Gollmer.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

  • Add compatibility with Swift 3 (May 9th) snapshot

    Add compatibility with Swift 3 (May 9th) snapshot

    Here's another take on Swift 3 support, based on your current HEAD.

    I used #if swift(>=3.0) blocks to maintain Swift 2.2 support, but it's apparent that this is a compiler feature and not a preprocessor, e.g. it's not possible to have something like this:

    #if swift(>=3.0)
      private struct StderrOutputStream: OutputStream {
      private struct StderrOutputStream: OutputStreamType {

    In that case, I had to duplicate the whole (tiny) struct.

    opened by IngmarStein 11
  • Library not loaded: @rpath/libswiftCore.dylib

    Library not loaded: @rpath/libswiftCore.dylib

    I get this error when running:

    dyld: Library not loaded: @rpath/libswiftCore.dylib Referenced from: /Users/USERNAME/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/LocaleShots-CLI-gncnoendtwgqeofpgzeuqazdgxau/Build/Products/Debug/CommandLine.framework/Versions/A/CommandLine Reason: image not found (lldb)

    There is some help here:

    opened by OKNoah 10
  • String Option with default value

    String Option with default value


    I got this code sample:

    let cli = CommandLine()
    let deploy = StringOption(shortFlag: "d", longFlag: "deploy",
      helpMessage: "Deploys a plugin, color scheme or template from given directory. Default: Current Directory.")
    do {
      try cli.parse()
    } catch {
    if deploy.value {
        //TODO: empty path => current dir
        print (deploy.value)

    How can I recognize that the deploy option was called but with an empty value ? I want to support both : Giving a specific directory or leaving the directory path blank which should result in using the current directory. The only way I can think of is to make two options, one StringOption and one BoolOption.

    Is there any better chance to implement this behaviour ?

    Thanks, David

    opened by dehlen 6
  • Update to Swift 1.2

    Update to Swift 1.2

    Hi @jatoben! Updated to Swift 1.2, all tests pass. Here are the changes:

    • countElements() was renamed to count()
    • String.append() doesn't like emoji for some reason now, seems like a bug. So I added a small workaround for that as testEmojiOptions was failing
    opened by beltex 6
  • Can't use with swiftpm at tag v2.2.0

    Can't use with swiftpm at tag v2.2.0

    [some output omitted]

    $ cd /tmp/
    $ git clone
    $ cd CommandLine
    $ git checkout v2.2.0 -b 2.2.0
    $ swift build
    error: the module at Tests/CommandLine has an invalid name ('CommandLine'): the name of a test module has no ‘Tests’ suffix
    fix: rename the module at ‘Tests/CommandLine’ to have a ‘Tests’ suffix

    Please tag the repo more often; the current head works just fine and deserves a 2.2.1 tag!

    opened by glessard 5
  • This project will be archived soon

    This project will be archived soon

    Hi folks,

    If you've been watching this repository, you can tell that I haven't had time to work on this for quite a while. I plan to archive it in the near future to avoid any confusion.

    If anyone has an active fork and would like to pick up the mantle—@benoit-pereira-da-silva, @beltex, or @pdesantis maybe?—I'd be happy to point to your fork(s) for anyone who's looking for a maintained version.

    Thanks to everyone who's contributed!

    opened by jatoben 4
  • Add support for Swift 4

    Add support for Swift 4

    This branch allows for compilation in both Swift 3 and Swift 4. It wraps code that didn't compile in Swift 4 in a #if swift(>=3.2) conditional. This does not change the Swift Language Version build setting, so the project will still compile in Swift 3 by default.

    opened by pdesantis 4
  • Make DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2016-03-16-a API changes

    Make DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2016-03-16-a API changes

    I made the changes to allow this to work with Swift development snapshot 2016-03-16-a (also working for 2016-03-24-a). This is Swift 3.0 dev.

    This has not been extensively tested, but the little bit I've been using has worked fine. Not sure if you want to support Swift 3.0 yet, but I thought I'd submit this just in case.

    opened by donut 4
  • Rename strayValues to unparsed

    Rename strayValues to unparsed

    strayValues is not a particularly good name. I'm suggesting unparsed. Also, minor tweak to avoid elevating to and flattening from Optional in the parse function.

    opened by glessard 4
  • No Package.swift file found

    No Package.swift file found


    I’m currently using the swift package manager with your repo as a dependency and it seems that there is no 'Package.swift' file added in your version tags (none in the 3 versions). Is this a choice or am I missing something?

    $ swift build Cloning Using version 2.0.0 of package CommandLine error: No Package.swift file found at: /home/foo/bar/Packages/CommandLine-2.0.0/Package.swift


    opened by n4ss 4
  • Provide a Default Help Option

    Provide a Default Help Option

    I'm starting a new project that was prototyped in Python, and one of the differences I noticed between Python's ArgParse and CommandLine is the lack of a default help flag.

    To me, at least, having a a help flag included by default would be useful as most applications would benefit from having a simple -h, --help to provide usage and, for the most part, the what the flag needs to do doesn't change (borrowing from ArgParse's help message): "show this help message and exit".

    I made made some modifications to my local repo:

    • Added CommandLine.addHelp(option: BoolOption? = nil) to add a default help option, or override with a custom one. This sets ._helpOption.
    • Updated .parse() to throw a new .HelpOption error. This follows my expected behavior where usage info is printed and then exits.
    • Added a CommandLine.description that is used as the error description

    I'm still messing around with the updates, but am planning on making a pull request if people think it's a good idea.

    My own todo list on this is possibly integrate the description and/ or overriding the default help option into the CommandLine init.

    opened by emorydunn 4
  • v2.2.0-pre1(Mar 1, 2016)

    Prerelease with Swift 2.2 / Swift Package Manager and Linux support. A few tests still fail on Linux, so use caution.

    Other changes include:

    • Prevent reusing short or long flags (#39, #53)
    • Provide a hook for custom output formatting (#54)
    • Add support for stray values (#56)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v2.0.0(Sep 17, 2015)

    CommandLine v2.0.0 requires Xcode 7 / Swift 2.

    • Use new Swift 2 error handling (#19)
    • Allow callers to specify a destination and error when invoking printUsage() (#20)
    • Options can be specified with either a short flag, long flag, or both (#25)
    • Add wasSet property to Option classes (#26)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.2.0(Jun 8, 2015)

    CommandLine v1.2.0 requires Xcode 6.3 / Swift 1.2.

    • Add instructions on using frameworks in a command line tool (#11)
    • Update to Swift 1.2 (#12)
    • Fix array index out of range error when a bare - is passed (#16)
    • Add strict parsing mode (#17)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.0.0(Dec 4, 2014)

Ben Gollmer
Ben Gollmer
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