A library and CLI Utility to manage NVRAM Stuff, written in Swift.



A Library and CLI Utility to manage NVRAM Stuff, written in Swift.


Adding Library to Project

Simply add this line to the dependencies section of your Package.swift file:

.package(url: "https://github.com/Serena-io/NVRAMKit.git", branch: "main")

Library Usage

Declare a new instance of the NVRAM Struct, for example:

let nvram = NVRAM()

Getting value of existing NVRAM Variable

Use NVRAM Class Subscript, Example:

let nvram = NVRAM()
// Returns the value of NVRAM variable "SystemAudioVolume"
let value = nvram["SystemAudioVolume"]
print(value ?? "Unknown Value")

Creating / Setting variables of NVRAM Variables

For creating a new NVRAM variable or setting the value of an existing NVRAM Variable, use the createOrSetOFVariable function. Note that this function throws. Example:

let nvram = NVRAM()
// Creates a new NVRAM Variable by the name of "exampleVariable" with value "example value"
let variableName = "exampleVariable"
let variableValue = "example value"
do {
  try nvram.createOrSetOFVariable(variableName: variableName, variableValue: variableValue)
} catch {

Deleting an NVRAM Variable

Use the deleteOFVariable function to delete an NVRAM Variable. Example:

let nvram = NVRAM()
do {
  // Deletes NVRAM Variable by the name of "randomVariable"
  try nvram.deleteOFVariable(variableName: "randomVariable")
} catch {

Syncing an NVRAM Variable

Use the syncOFVariable function to sync an NVRAM Variable. In the Parameters, you can specify force syncing the variable (though not recommended at all), Example:

let nvram = NVRAM()
do {
  // Syncs the NVRAM Variable "SystemAudioVolume"
  try nvram.syncOFVariable(variableName: SystemAudioVolume, forceSync: false)
} catch {

Checking for existance of NVRAM Variable

Use the OFVariableExists function to return true or false based on whether or not an NVRAM Variable exists. Example:

let nvram = NVRAM()
// Returns true or false based on whether or not an NVRAM Variable by the name of "SystemAudioVolume" exists
let variableExists = nvram.OFVariableExists(variableName: "SystemAudioVolume")

Getting all NVRAM Variables and their values

Use getAllOFVariables, which returns a Dictionary of Variable names and values. Example:

let nvram = NVRAM() 
let allVariables = nvram.getAllOFVariables()
for (key, value) in allVariables {
  print("\(key): \(value ?? "Unknown Value")")

CLI Utility

The CLI Utility, going by the name NVRAMUtil, uses the NVRAMKit library to manage NVRAM Variables.

NVRAMUtil runs on both Jailbroken iOS and macOS Devices


Formatting Options:

  • -j, --json Outputs specified NVRAM Variable(s) and their values in JSON Format
  • -x, --xml Outputs specified NVRAM Variable(s) and their values in XML Format

Listing Options:

  • -a, --all Prints all NVRAM Variables and their values
  • -l, --list Prints all NVRAM Variable names without their values

Managing individual NVRAM Variables:

  • -p, --print VARIABLE-TO-PRINT Prints a specified NVRAM Variable
  • -d, --delete VARIABLE-TO-DELETE Delete a specified NVRAM Variable
  • VARIABLE-NAME=VARIABLE-VALUE Set / Create a NVRAM Variable with a specified value
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