Command line utility to profile compilation time of Swift project.



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Command line utility to profile compilation time of Swift project.

This tool is developed in working time for Cookpad.


gem install xcprofiler

xcprofiler is tested on latest Ruby 2.3/2.4.


  1. Add -Xfrontend -debug-time-function-bodies build flags in Build Settings -> Other Swift Flags section of your Xcode project.

  2. Build your project

  3. Execute xcprofiler

$ xcprofiler [PRODUCT_NAME or ACTIVITY_LOG_PATH] [options]

xcprofiler searches the latest build log on your DerivedData directory.

You can also specify the .xcactivitylog.

$ xcprofiler MyApp
$ xcprofiler ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/MyApp-xxxxxxxxxxx/Logs/Build/0761C73D-3B6C-449A-BE89-6D11DAB748FE.xcactivitylog

Sample output is here

Self) -> Self | 0.7 | | Result.swift | 72 | get {} | 0.6 | | Result.swift | 75 | get {} | 0.6 | | ResultProtocol.swift | 72 | public func recover(_ value: @autoclosure () -> Value) -> Value | 0.5 | | ResultProtocol.swift | 111 | public func &&& (left: L, right: @autoclosure () -> R) -> Result<(L.Value, R.Value), L.Error> | 0.5 | | ResultProtocol.swift | 144 | public func != (left: T, right: T) -> Bool | 0.5 | | ResultProtocol.swift | 92 | public func tryMap (_ transform: (Value) throws -> U) -> Result | 0.4 | | Result.swift | 175 | @available(*, unavailable, renamed: "success") public static func Success(_: T) -> Result | 0.3 | | ResultProtocol.swift | 55 | public func mapError (_ transform: (Error) -> Error2) -> Result | 0.3 | | ResultProtocol.swift | 77 | public func recover(with result: @autoclosure () -> Self) -> Self | 0.3 | | ResultProtocol.swift | 93 | (closure) | 0.3 | | Result.swift | 31 | public init(attempt f: () throws -> T) | 0.2 | +----------------------+------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------+">
| File                 | Line | Method name                                                                                                                                                   | Time(ms) |
| ResultProtocol.swift | 132  | public func ==
           (left: T, right: T) -> Bool                                                  | 14.2     |
| Result.swift         | 66   | get {}                                                                                                                                                        | 13.1     |
| Result.swift         | 78   | public static func error(_ message: String? = default, function: String = #function, file: String = #file, line: Int = #line) -> NSError                      | 6.3      |
| Result.swift         | 69   | get {}                                                                                                                                                        | 2.2      |
| Result.swift         | 132  | public func `try`
            (_ function: String = #function, file: String = #file, line: Int = #line, try: (NSErrorPointer) -> T?) -> Result
                           | 1.7      |
| Result.swift         | 95   | get {}                                                                                                                                                        | 1.4      |
| Result.swift         | 21   | public init(_ value: T?, failWith: @autoclosure () -> Error)                                                                                                  | 0.9      |
| Result.swift         | 142  | public func `try`(_ function: String = #function, file: String = #file, line: Int = #line, try: (NSErrorPointer) -> Bool) -> Result<(), NSError>              | 0.9      |
| ResultProtocol.swift | 172  | @available(*, unavailable, renamed: "recover(with:)") public func recoverWith(_ result: @autoclosure () -> Self) -> Self                                      | 0.7      |
| Result.swift         | 72   | get {}                                                                                                                                                        | 0.6      |
| Result.swift         | 75   | get {}                                                                                                                                                        | 0.6      |
| ResultProtocol.swift | 72   | public func recover(_ value: @autoclosure () -> Value) -> Value                                                                                               | 0.5      |
| ResultProtocol.swift | 111  | public func &&&
              (left: L, right: @autoclosure () -> R) -> Result<(L.Value, R.Value), L.Error> | 0.5      |
| ResultProtocol.swift | 144  | public func !=
               (left: T, right: T) -> Bool | 0.5 | | ResultProtocol.swift | 92 | public func tryMap
               (_ transform: (Value) throws -> U) -> Result
                  | 0.4 | | Result.swift | 175 | @available(*, unavailable, renamed: "success") public static func Success(_: T) -> Result
                   | 0.3 | | ResultProtocol.swift | 55 | public func mapError
                   (_ transform: (Error) -> Error2) -> Result
                     | 0.3 | | ResultProtocol.swift | 77 | public func recover(with result: @autoclosure () -> Self) -> Self | 0.3 | | ResultProtocol.swift | 93 | (closure) | 0.3 | | Result.swift | 31 | public init(attempt f: () throws -> T) | 0.2 | +----------------------+------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------+ 

Available Options

option shorthand description
--limit -l Limit for display
--threshold Threshold of time to display (ms)
--show-invalids Show invalid location results
--order -o Sort order (default,time,file)
--derived-data-path Root path of DerivedData directory
--truncate-at -t Truncate the method name with specified length
--no-unique Show the duplicated results

Use custom reporters

You can use reporters to output tracking logs.

require 'xcprofiler'

profiler = Xcprofiler::Profiler.by_product_name('MyApp')
profiler.reporters = [ 20, order: :time), 'result.json'), do |executions|

You can also implement your own reporters.

See implementation of built-in reporters for detail.


You can integrate xcprofiler to danger.


MIT License


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at

  • Add --threshold option

    Add --threshold option

    Before the review:

    Add --lower-limit option.


    $ xcprofiler MyApp --lower-limit 500

    After the review:

    Add --threshold option.


    $ xcprofiler MyApp --threshold 500


    | File                           | Line | Method name                       | Time(ms) |
    | Sssssssssssss.swift            | 47   | @objc override func viewDidLoad() | 4072.2   |
    | Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.swift | 78   | @objc override func viewDidLoad() | 1064.4   |
    | Tttttttt.swift                 | 83   | @objc override func viewDidLoad() | 651.4    |
    opened by jpmartha 24
  • Fix filter_executions order

    Fix filter_executions order

    Fixed bug related to #2.

    Before the change:

    $ xcprofiler MyApp -l 10 --threshold 300 -o file
    1. Sort data
    2. Extract limited count
    3. Delete data below threshold

    => Extract incorrect count due to 3.

    After the change:

    $ xcprofiler MyApp -l 10 --threshold 300 -o file
    1. Sort data
    2. Delete data below threshold
    3. Extract limited count

    => Extract limited count.

    opened by jpmartha 16
  • Add output-json option

    Add output-json option

    closes #20

    Add command line option --output-path. You can specify the path indicates output path for JSONReporter.

    $ xcprofiler --output-path "result.json" MyApp
    opened by giginet 5
  • Switch from colorize to colored2 gem for compatibility with other gems

    Switch from colorize to colored2 gem for compatibility with other gems

    I've had trouble using xcprofiler with other gems in the past as everything else in the fastlane/danger universe seems to use colored and colored2

    xcprofiles use of colorize is quite minimal and its an easy change.

    opened by bpollman 4
  • "Zlib::GzipFile::Error: [!] unexpected end of file"

    Xcode: 9.0 (9A235) version: v0.6.2

    Zlib::GzipFile::Error: [!] unexpected end of file

    We had this error occasionally on our CI server. Is there any latest Xcode related problem?

    Or should this library handle this kind of error as library error?

    class Xcprofiler::Error < StandardError; end
    begin do |gz|
        @lines =\r/)
    rescue => e
    opened by ainame 2
  • Command line option for output format

    Command line option for output format

    It would be great to be able to specify the JSON reporter format as a command-line option, e.g.

    xcprofiler MyApp --output-json MyApp-xcprofile.json

    I think this would allow for easier integration with continuous integration scripts.

    Thanks for an awesome project!

    opened by richellis 2
  • Report file compilation time

    Report file compilation time

    Hi @giginet

    Thanks for this! I've been trying to set it up with your danger plugin and it looks promising!

    I was wondering if there was a way to add a threshold for files instead of function bodies and maybe to report the compilation time on the whole file?

    opened by delannoyk 2
  • Added the option to control the duplicated executions.

    Added the option to control the duplicated executions.

    Overview Added the option --allow-duplicated and changed to remove duplicated results as default.


    $ xcprofiler [project-name] --allow-duplicated


    $ xcprofiler spec/fixtures/MyApp-xxxxxxxxxxx/Logs/Build/valid.xcactivitylog --allow-duplicated
    | InteractionBuilder.swift | 12   | set {}                                                                                                                                                 | 0.0      |
    | InteractionBuilder.swift | 12   | set {}                                                                                                                                                 | 0.0      |
    | InteractionBuilder.swift | 13   | get {}                                                                                                                                                 | 0.0      |
    | InteractionBuilder.swift | 13   | set {}                                                                                                                                                 | 0.0      |
    | InteractionBuilder.swift | 13   | set {}                                                                                                                                                 | 0.0      |
    | InteractionBuilder.swift | 13   | set {}                                                                                                                                                 | 0.0      |
    | InteractionBuilder.swift | 13   | get {}                                                                                                                                                 | 0.0      |
    | InteractionBuilder.swift | 13   | get {}                                                                                                                                                 | 0.0      |
    | InteractionBuilder.swift | 15   | required init()                                                                                                                                        | 0.0      |
    | Matcher.swift            | 23   | get {}                                                                                                                                                 | 0.0      |
    | Matcher.swift            | 34   | get {}                                                                                                                                                 | 0.0      |
    | Matcher.swift            | 46   | init()                                                                                                                                                 | 0.0      |
    | ServiceClient.swift      | 41   | get {}                                                                                                                                                 | 0.0      |
    | ServiceClient.swift      | 41   | get {}                                                                                                                                                 | 0.0      |
    | ServiceClient.swift      | 102  | get {}                                                                                                                                                 | 0.0      |
    | ServiceClient.swift      | 102  | get {}                                                                                                                                                 | 0.0      |
    $ xcprofiler spec/fixtures/MyApp-xxxxxxxxxxx/Logs/Build/valid.xcactivitylog
    | ControlServer.swift      | 8    | get {}                                                                                                                                                 | 0.2      |
    | Matcher.swift            | 55   | public static func eachLike<T>(_ value: T, min: Int = default) -> PactEncodable                                                                        | 0.2      |
    | Session.swift            | 53   | @discardableResult public func uponReceiving(_ description: String) -> Self                                                                            | 0.2      |
    | Interaction.swift        | 15   | set {}                                                                                                                                                 | 0.1      |
    | InteractionBuilder.swift | 36   | @discardableResult func given(_ providerState: String) -> Self                                                                                         | 0.1      |
    | InteractionBuilder.swift | 42   | @discardableResult func uponReceiving(_ description: String) -> Self                                                                                   | 0.1      |
    | Matcher.swift            | 47   | public static func term(generate: String, matcher: String) -> PactEncodable                                                                            | 0.1      |
    | Matcher.swift            | 51   | public static func like<T>(_ value: T) -> PactEncodable                                                                                                | 0.1      |
    | ServiceClient.swift      | 43   | init(baseURL: URL)                                                                                                                                     | 0.1      |
    | ServiceClient.swift      | 106  | init()                                                                                                                                                 | 0.1      |
    | Session.swift            | 9    | final get {}                                                                                                                                           | 0.1      |
    | Session.swift            | 11   | set {}                                                                                                                                                 | 0.1      |
    | ControlServer.swift      | 3    | init()                                                                                                                                                 | 0.0      |
    | ControlServer.swift      | 3    | @objc deinit                                                                                                                                           | 0.0      |
    | ControlServer.swift      | 11   | final get {}                                                                                                                                           | 0.0      |
    | InteractionBuilder.swift | 6    | @objc deinit                                                                                                                                           | 0.0      |
    | InteractionBuilder.swift | 15   | required init()                                                                                                                                        | 0.0      |
    | Matcher.swift            | 46   | init()                                                                                                                                                 | 0.0      |
    | ServiceClient.swift      | 41   | get {}                                                                                                                                                 | 0.0      |
    | Session.swift            | 3    | @objc deinit                                                                                                                                           | 0.0      |
    opened by timakin 2
  • Implemented the option for procedure-name truncation

    Implemented the option for procedure-name truncation


    Added an option to truncate too long method name. This pull-request is designed for


    $ xcprofiler biwako-ios -t 30
    | AppDelegate.swift           | 34   | final get {}                   | 0.02     |
    | AppDelegate.swift           | 24   | @objc deinit                   | 0.01     |
    | AppDelegate.swift           | 96   | @objc func applicationWillR... | 0.01     |
    | AppDelegate.swift           | 116  | @objc func applicationWillT... | 0.01     |
    | AppDelegate.swift           | 142  | @objc func gotoSetting()       | 0.01     |


    • The default limit is 150
    opened by timakin 1
  • Fixed not working --output option

    Fixed not working --output option

    Fixed --output option is not working correctly. --output option passed as output option, but JSONReporter required output_path option.

    This is not breaking change to users that using JSONReporter from ruby. I also make breaking change version of branch that rename to output from output_path which do you like?

    $ ./bin/xcprofiler spec/fixtures/MyApp-xxxxxxxxxxx/Logs/Build/valid.xcactivitylog -l 1 -t 10 --output hoge.json
    | File              | Line | Method name | Time(ms) |
    | Interaction.swift | 17   | get {}      | 69.9     |
    [JSONReporter] output_path is not specified
    opened by r-plus 0
  • Add zero byte filter to xcactivitylog pattern match.

    Add zero byte filter to xcactivitylog pattern match.

    xcodebuild sometimes output 0 byte xcactivitylog without debug-time-function-bodies flag like this.

    $ ls -l
    total 456
    drwxr-xr-x  5 taiki  staff     170 12 14 16:06 ./
    drwxr-xr-x  5 taiki  staff     170 12 14 16:03 ../
    -rw-r--r--  1 taiki  staff       0 12 14 16:06 2764C2EB-D8CB-4845-9F55-62F0639AD8EF.xcactivitylog
    -rw-r--r--  1 taiki  staff  226732 12 14 16:06 2DE13137-4428-4892-8EF6-11634807B4A3.xcactivitylog
    -rw-r--r--  1 taiki  staff     541 12 14 16:06 Cache.db

    This zero byte file created when build Debug configuration with flag and Release configuration without flag at same time. (We are building both configuration at same time in our CI.)

    This PR add filtering zero byte xcactivitylog file to find it correctly even if 0 byte file timestamp is newer.


    opened by r-plus 0
  • Getting Unexpected end of file exception with xcprofiler on Jenkins CI

    Getting Unexpected end of file exception with xcprofiler on Jenkins CI

    We have integrated xcprofiler in standard Jenkins declarative pipeline. We are using xcprofiler v0.6.3 with XCODE-12 on Jenkins CI.

    The issue which we hit as a road blocker is the Unexpected end of file exception when xcprofiler command is executed with xcactivitylog path provided in DerivedData path.

    Although the same version of xcprofiler and XCODE works on local and generating the output.

    The only difference between local and Jenkins is we are running build using fastlane on Jenkins whereas using XCODE build options on local.

    I have verified the xcactivitylog file is created under DerivedData path on Jenkins but xcprofiler is not able to generate the report.

    Any leads would be appreciated.

    opened by atreyd 0
  • Add --per-file option

    Add --per-file option

    hi @giginet

    I want to add --per-file option to sum time per file. It is useful to know total compile time for file is reduced when if we refactoring single function to split some small functions.



    $ ./bin/xcprofiler spec/fixtures/MyApp-xxxxxxxxxxx/Logs/Build/valid.xcactivitylog -l 5 -t 20
    | File                     | Line | Method name          | Time(ms) |
    | Interaction.swift        | 17   | get {}               | 69.9     |
    | Matcher.swift            | 7    | get {}               | 68.9     |
    | InteractionBuilder.swift | 87   | func clean()         | 49.8     |
    | Session.swift            | 74   | public func run(c... | 49.6     |
    | Session.swift            | 65   | @discardableResul... | 28.3     |


    $ ./bin/xcprofiler spec/fixtures/MyApp-xxxxxxxxxxx/Logs/Build/valid.xcactivitylog -l 5 -t 20 --per-file
    | File                     | Line | Method name | Time(ms) |
    | Session.swift            | 0    |             | 83.4     |
    | InteractionBuilder.swift | 0    |             | 81.5     |
    | Interaction.swift        | 0    |             | 73.5     |
    | Matcher.swift            | 0    |             | 70.9     |
    | ServiceClient.swift      | 0    |             | 66.8     |


    opened by r-plus 4
  • Support for build logs

    Support for build logs

    This is rather a feature request. When the body function analysis is turned on, the profiling data also shows up in xcodebuild logs, which is captured by tools like scan and gym as well.

    So the request is to add support for parsing build logs, e.g. xcprofiler MyApp.log. Would that be possible?

    opened by mgrebenets 0
  • Specifying scheme for profiling

    Specifying scheme for profiling

    I have multiple schemes setup in my app for debug, staging and release. I would not want to add the Swift flag to all of the schemes to use XCProfiler. Is there a way to specify the scheme to be profiled ?

    opened by Shivam101 1
Kohki Miki
Hi! I'm giginyan. Engineer at @cookpad. I'm interested in Game development. Core Contributor of @fastlane / @Carthage / XcodeGen
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