TheraForge's Client REST API Framework to Connect to TheraForge's Secure CloudBox Backend-as-a-Service (BaaS).
OTFCloudClientAPI provides the following functions to interact with the cloud back-end.
Before creating an instance of TheraForgeNetwork, you need to first set up configurations
with the API-KEY
assigned to you and with the server URL like so:
let configurations = NetworkingLayer.Configurations(APIBaseURL: URL(string:"Server URL"), apiKey: "Your API_KEY")
let otfNetworkService = TheraForgeNetwork.shared
Now you can use this shared instance to call any of the authentication APIs.
Remember that if you try to access the shared instance of TheraForgeNetwork your application will crash with the exception of missing configurations.
You need to create a Request
object for login credentials as shown in the example below. In it you need to pass an email address and a password. In the response block, it will return Result
which will contain the response with user data if the credentials are correct or an error if something went wrong.
otfNetworkService.login(request: Request.Login(email: "Your email address", password: "Your password")) { (result) in
switch result {
case .success(let response): print(response)
case .failure(let error): print(error)
Social Login
You need to create a Request
object for social login credentials as shown in the example below. In it you need to pass socialID
and specify the social platform (Apple ID in this example). Email here is optional (Apple does not provide the email address on the second attempt). In the response block, it will return Result
which will contain the response with user data if the request completes successfully or an error if something went wrong:
let socialLogin = Request.SocialLogin(type: .patient, email: "example@email.com",
loginType: .apple,
socialId: "12384c4a36634ca82cf0a6032005a4e")
otfNetworkService.socialLogin(request: socialLogin) { result in
switch result {
case .success(let response): print(response)
case .failure(let error): print(error)
Create a SignUp
Request with the required fields and pass this signup request to TheraForgeNetwork. Like other requests you'll get the success
case if everything goes well, otherwise failure
otfNetworkService.signup(request: .init(email: "your email address",
password: "your password",
first_name: "your first name",
last_name: "your last name",
type: .patient,
dob: "08-07-1997",
gender: "male",
phoneNo: "(111) 111-1111")) { (result) in
switch result {
case .success(let response): print(response)
case .failure(let error): print(error)
Change password
Create a ChangePassword
request and pass it to the TheraForgeNetwork. You need to provide your current password and the new password that you want to set:
otfNetworkService.changePassword(request: .init(email: "Your email address", password: "Your old password", newPassword: "Your new password")) { (result) in
switch result {
case .success(let response): print(response)
case .failure(let error): print(error)
Forgot password
Create a ForgotPassword
request and send it to TheraForgeNetwork as shown in the example below:
otfNetworkService.forgotPassword(request: .init(email: "Your email address.")) { (result) in
switch result {
case .success(let response): print(response )
case .failure(let error): print(error)
This function will send an OTP on the given email ID, that you need to use with the Reset password API mentioned below.
Reset password OTP code
Once you use forgot password API, an OTP code will be sent to your email address that you need to use with this API in order to create a new password:
otfNetworkService.resetPassword(request: .init(email: "Your email address", code: "code", newPassword: "Your new password")) { (result) in
switch result {
case .success: print("success")
case .failure(let error): print(error)
Refresh token
The auth token that you get upon authentication is valid for 30 minutes only. In the auth object, you get the refresh token as well. Use this refresh token to refresh your auth token. Once you authorise the auth and user objects are stored in the keychain. You need to make sure that you have a refresh token before calling this API, else the application will crash:
guard TheraForgeKeychainService.shared.loadAuth().refreshToken != nil else {
otfNetworkService.refreshToken(completionHandler: completionHandler)
When you need to invalidate a user's auth you may call the logout API like so:
otfNetworkService.signOut { (result) in
switch result {
case .success(let response): print(response)
case .failure(let error): print(error.localizedDescription)
Server sent events (SSE)
The server sends an event to the user when a change occurs in that user's database. There's a subscribe endpoint to listen to those events. There are three parts to this subscription:
- Connection established: When the connection with the server is established you get a callback.
otfNetworkService.eventSourceOnOpen = {
print("Server sent event connection opened")
- Event received: Once subscribed for the events the application keep getting the events.
otfNetworkService.onReceivedMessage = { event in
guard event.message.count > 0 else {
print("This is just a keep alive event.")
print("This is a db change event. You may take a decision here if you want to do something.")
There are two types of events: i. keep-alive, ii. db-updated. In case there is a db change then the event will have some message e.g. "Database updated." and for keep alive events it'll be an empty string. You can take a decision based on this message as shown in the example above.
- Event source completed: You get this callback upon disconnection with the server. In the callback you get a flag
that indicates if you should resubscribe for the events or not.
otfNetworkService.eventSourceOnComplete = { code, reconnect, error in
if let error = error {
else if reconnect {
// resubscribe to events if you want
Once the above setup is done, you may call the subscribe API:
otfNetworkService.observeOnServerSentEvents(auth: auth)
This project is made available under the terms of a modified BSD license. See the LICENSE file.