Official repository for the Yeshivat Torat Shraga app.
What is this repository?
This is where all code written for the Torat Shraga iOS app and Firebase Uploader WebUI is kept.
What does this app do?
The app is targeted towards Torat Shraga alumni, as a way for students to keep in touch with the Yeshiva. Pictures, news, and recorded shiurim are all available here, allowing students to stay in the loop.
Why did you create this app?
One of the rabbis in Yeshiva came up with this idea and asked us if we can make it a reality. We told him that we'd love an opportunity to give back to the Yeshiva and that we're glad to help. We also saw this project as an amazing opportunity to learn about app dev in the real world.
What frameworks were used in this project?
Here is a non-exhaustive list of the frameworks we used while working on this project:
- Google Cloud Storage
- Google Cloud Functions
- Firebase Suite (backend-as-a-service)
- Javascript Backend (Node.js)
- JavaScript Frontend (jQuery)
- TypeScript
- SwiftUI
- UIKit
- Flask
- Jinja
When will the iOS app be available?
This is a tough question to answer, as we haven't perfected our fortune telling abilities, but as of Feb. 2022, it seems like we should be ready to launch within 2 months.
Are you going to make an Android version?
Due to the nature of such a project, we currently cannot afford the time to do so. However, we are considering taking it up over the summer.
I was looking through your code and I found something that I really liked. Can I copy it?
That's a good question. We have not yet added a licence for this repository, meaning that it is THEFT OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY to use any of this code until we license it, but if you shoot us an email, I'm sure we can work something out, easy-peasy.
Oh my goodness, I am so blown away by this repository that I am filled with an irresistible urge to hire you on the spot. How can I contact you?
We are reachable through email.
- David Reese:
- Benji Tusk:
- Eliyahu Masinter: