Popover is a balloon library like Facebook app. It is written in pure swift.

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Popup Popover


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Description and appetize.io`s DEMO


To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.


let startPoint = CGPoint(x: self.view.frame.width - 60, y: 55)
let aView = UIView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: self.view.frame.width, height: 180))
let popover = Popover()
popover.show(aView, point: startPoint)


@IBOutlet weak var leftBottomButton: UIButton!

let width = self.view.frame.width / 4
let aView = UIView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: width, height: width))
let options = [
  .cornerRadius(width / 2),
  ] as [PopoverOption]
let popover = Popover(options: options, showHandler: nil, dismissHandler: nil)
popover.show(aView, fromView: self.leftBottomButton)


  • iOS 9.0+
  • Swift 5


CocoaPods (iOS 8+)

Popover is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "Popover"

Carthage (iOS 8+)

You can use Carthage to install Popover by adding it to your Cartfile:

github "corin8823/Popover"

Manual Installation

The class file required for Popover is located in the Classes folder in the root of this repository as listed below:




  • case arrowSize(CGSize)
  • case animationIn(NSTimeInterval)
  • case animationOut(NSTimeInterval)
  • case cornerRadius(CGFloat)
  • case sideEdge(CGFloat)
  • case blackOverlayColor(UIColor)
  • case overlayBlur(UIBlurEffectStyle)
  • case type(Popover.PopoverType)
  • case color(UIColor)
  • case dismissOnBlackOverlayTap(Bool)
  • case showBlackOverlay(Bool)


  • arrowSize: CGSize = CGSize(width: 16.0, height: 10.0)
  • animationIn: NSTimeInterval = 0.6
  • animationOut: NSTimeInterval = 0.3
  • cornerRadius: CGFloat = 6.0
  • sideEdge: CGFloat = 20.0
  • popoverType: PopoverType = .down
  • blackOverlayColor: UIColor = UIColor(white: 0.0, alpha: 0.2)
  • overlayBlur: UIBlurEffect?
  • popoverColor: UIColor = UIColor.white


Inspired by DXPopover in xiekw2010


Popover is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

  • Not able to dismiss the popover

    Not able to dismiss the popover

    Hello, I am displaying a popover on a gesture recogniser. The popover shows a custom collectionview. But i am not able to dismiss the popover by using popover.dismiss.

    Here is my code:

    ` class KeyboardViewController: UIInputViewController , ISEmojiViewDelegate, UICollectionViewDelegate, UICollectionViewDataSource {

    var extras : [String] = []
    fileprivate var popover1: Popover!
    //setting up everything
    func ShowPop(_ sender: UILongPressGestureRecognizer) {
    	self.popover1 = Popover(options: [.type(.up), .showBlackOverlay(false)])
    	self.popover1.willShowHandler = {
    	self.popover1.didShowHandler = {
    	self.popover1.willDismissHandler = {
    	self.popover1.didDismissHandler = {
    	if sender.state == .began {
    		//get the button
    		if let button = sender.view as? UIButton {
    			switch button.tag {
    			case 50 : extras = ["è","é","ê","ë","ē"]
    			case 55 : extras = ["ì","í","î","ï"]
    			case 60 : extras = ["ò","ó","ô","õ","ö"]
    			case 65 : extras = ["à","á","â","ã","ä"]
    			case 70 : extras = ["È","É","Ê","Ë","Ē"]
    			case 75 : extras = ["Ì","Í","Î","Ï"]
    			case 80 : extras = ["Ò","Ó","Ô","Õ","Ö"]
    			case 85 : extras = ["À","Á","Â","Ã","Ä"]
    			} //end switch
    			let fl = UICollectionViewFlowLayout()
    			fl.minimumLineSpacing = 0
    			fl.minimumInteritemSpacing = 0
    			let width = self.view.frame.width / 4
    			let aView = UICollectionView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: width, height: (emojibottom.frame.height)), collectionViewLayout: fl)
    			aView.delegate = self
    			aView.dataSource = self
    			aView.isScrollEnabled = false
    			aView.allowsMultipleSelection = false
    			aView.register(UINib.init(nibName: "ViewCell", bundle: nil), forCellWithReuseIdentifier: "myCell")
    			self.popover1.show(aView, fromView: button, inView: self.view)
    		} //end if button
    	} //end if state
    //collection view
    func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, didSelectItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) {
    	let cell = collectionView.cellForItem(at: indexPath) as! CollectionViewCell
    	(textDocumentProxy as UIKeyInput).insertText(cell.tLabel.text!)
    func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, numberOfItemsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
    	if extras.count > 0 {
    		return extras.count}
    	else {return 0 }
    func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, cellForItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UICollectionViewCell {
    	let cell = collectionView.dequeueReusableCell(withReuseIdentifier: "myCell", for: indexPath) as! CollectionViewCell
    	cell.tLabel.text = extras[indexPath.row]
    	return cell
    func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, layout collectionViewLayout: UICollectionViewLayout,sizeForItemAtIndexPath indexPath: IndexPath) -> CGSize {
    	let width = collectionView.frame.width/(CGFloat(extras.count))
    	let height = collectionView.frame.height
    	return CGSize(width: width, height: height)


    but whenever I select something from the popover, it does not dismiss.

    opened by BhaktiKarva 16
  • Build Error

    Build Error

    Helo, I just installed version 1.0.4 because I am using Swift 3.0 I tried to build the project but it gives me error in the Popover.swift file at - self.showAsDialog(contentView, inView: UIApplication.shared.keyWindow!) error - 'shared' is unavailable. Use view controller based solutions where appropriate instead.

    Please help.

    opened by BhaktiKarva 11
  • Ignoring  bogus layer size

    Ignoring bogus layer size

    Great UI framework, thanks! I created a new class that launches a popover from a custom toolbar ( see RichEditorView framework), the popover has a UIToolbar as content view. Some bar button items in the RichEditorView Toolbar launch the popover, so I reuse the popover but change the items in the toolbar content view (see note taking apps like Evernote, same logic). When I tap the same item on the RichEditorToolbar a second time, the popover doesn't appear. it appears only the first time or if I tap another item...

    Console prints this warning:** [<CALayer: 0x7fda7b3160c0> display]: Ignoring bogus layer size (1390000.000000, 540000.000000), contentsScale 2.000000, backing store size (2780000.000000, 1080000.000000)**

    Does anyone experience the same problem? I can't exclude that it has to do with something else going on in my app / view controller... Any idea what the cause might be?

    As shown in the gif below, the popover actually shows the black layover view in the background but the popover itself does not appear...

    popover launching only on 2nd tap

    thanks for any hints in the right direction

    opened by DominikButz 5
  • How to set options in Objective-C

    How to set options in Objective-C

    Im trying to use your library in an Objective-C project but i don't seem to find out how to set options to a popover object .. Could someone help me ? Thank you

    opened by rico237 5
  • How to customize arrow

    How to customize arrow

    Hi, I want to make a custom view with border but I want to make the border with the arrow, now I have this:


    But I want to make something like this.


    Can you help me? Thanks :)

    opened by marioilianov94 4
  • Issue about swift3.0 from cocoapods

    Issue about swift3.0 from cocoapods

    Hello guy Firstly, This is an awesome library popover swift 💯 I see in requirement, it supports xCode 8+ and swift 3.0 but when I install from pods it has only version 0.9.1. So if i mistake anywhere, i need advice from you. thank

    opened by catmans1 4
  • This is supposed to fix broken corner in case it is very close to an edge (for .down direction only)

    This is supposed to fix broken corner in case it is very close to an edge (for .down direction only)

    The corner used to be corrected in case it its point is exactly at an edge, but in case the corner is not at the edge there was some visual cut-out. Not sure, but probably it is also mentioned in the issue #33

    How it used to be: Screenshot 2019-11-04 17 09 42

    After fix: Screenshot 2019-11-04 17 10 41

    opened by vitalii-tym 3
  • Popover is not visible / doesn't appear

    Popover is not visible / doesn't appear

    using this function:

      open func show(_ contentView: UIView, fromView: UIView) {
        guard let rootView = UIApplication.shared.windows.last ?? UIApplication.shared.keyWindow else {
        self.show(contentView, fromView: fromView, inView: rootView)

    I have a problem. Just show popover is okay, but when i do something like open another screen and then come back, I have popover invisible. Researched the problem, i have:

    (lldb) po rootView
    <UIRemoteKeyboardWindow: 0x7fbd7775bee0; frame = (0 0; 414 736); opaque = NO; autoresize = W+H; layer = <UIWindowLayer: 0x60000003e300>>

    when return from another controller.

    opened by Maxatma 3
  • iOS11 not show

    iOS11 not show

    open func show(_ contentView: UIView, point: CGPoint) { // guard let rootView = UIApplication.shared.windows.last ?? UIApplication.shared.keyWindow else { // return // } // This works good guard let rootView = UIApplication.shared.keyWindow ?? UIApplication.shared.windows.last else { return } self.show(contentView, point: point, inView: rootView) }

    In iOS11: UIApplication.shared.keyWindow ?? UIApplication.shared.windows.last is _UIInteractiveHighlightEffectWindow?

    opened by codwam 3
  • Hide overlay option

    Hide overlay option

    Allows user to hide overlay, which allows taps on the UI to be processed normally. Useful for apps that want to hide/show popovers based on user actions.

    opened by phatmann 3
  • [Resolved] Inifinite layoutSubviews loop

    [Resolved] Inifinite layoutSubviews loop

    opened by jonathan-vinova 3
  • Popup OriginPoint coming from TabBar for reasons?

    Popup OriginPoint coming from TabBar for reasons?

    I have a situation to where the origin of the pop over is coming from my tab bar instead of the button itself. I assume this must be because I have the button within a PageViewController. Possibly I should be using something other than 'sender.frame', but I don't know what.

        @IBAction func button1Action(_ sender: UIButton) {
            //Origin Point
            let originPoint = CGPoint(x: sender.frame.midX, y: sender.frame.maxY + 158) //(Y = down)
            let popoverView = UIView(frame: CGRect(x: 32, y: sender.bounds.maxY + 20, width: self.view.bounds.width - 64, height: 200))
            let textLabel = UILabel(frame: CGRect(x: +15, y: 0, width: popoverView.bounds.width - 15, height: popoverView.bounds.height))
            textLabel.lineBreakMode = .byWordWrapping
            textLabel.numberOfLines = 0
            textLabel.textColor = .white
            textLabel.text = "Use neutral framing of the events rather than perceptually colored language. eg:\n\n____ event occured.\n____ person said: '____'.\n____ object was altered in ____ way."
            textLabel.textAlignment = .left
            let options: [PopoverOption] = [
            let popover = Popover(options: options)
            popover.show(popoverView, point: originPoint)
    opened by swimnbird 1
  • transform change it's subview's frame

    transform change it's subview's frame

    Execuse me,

    I have set contentView.frame = CGRect(0, 10, 100, 100). But after a Popover transform in func show(), it's contentView has changed frame. Then I find:

    override open func layoutSubviews() {
       self.contentView.frame = self.bounds

    scale tranform will execute this code, and contentView.frame will be changed.

    Thank you!

    opened by jiangliansong19 0
  • When tableView is larger than popoverView

    When tableView is larger than popoverView


    cell.backgroundColor = .clear https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/29369132/112787129-10fb8780-9082-11eb-802f-8d14a4d16d91.mov

    how to fix the bottom inset of uitableview to fit popover?


    opened by sseno 1
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