Creating iOS Application Icons with SwiftUI
by Eneko Alonso
An interesting way to use SwiftUI with CLI for icon generation.
Announcing ArgumentParser
by Nate Cook
Swift team have released type-safe argument parsing framework.
The Ultimate Guide To Swift Executables
Just as described in the name of the article.
Creating a command line tool using the Swift Package Manager
Basic guide about SPM tools with simple one-command installation.
Command-line argument parsing using Swift Package Manager's SPMUtility module
The article contains a detailed example of generation Bash/Zsh autocomletion for SPM projects.
Using Swift for scripting
Good article to start with scripting.
A RunLoop for your Swift script
Using async operations in your scripts is simpler than you think.
by Mattt
An article about a project that adds dependencies to your scripts.
Swift Tip: Using AppKit from the Command-line
Explanation of using GUI in your Swift scripts.
Apple's new Utility library will power up command-line apps
by Paul Hudson
Examples of using Utility framework. ArgumentParser
and TerminalController
are really useful.
Building a command line tool using the Swift Package Manager
by John Sundell
Personally my favorite article. In format of tutorial with recommendations based on real experience.
Scripting and Compiling Swift on the Command Line
A simple introduction to Swift Scripting with Fibonacci Sequence.
Introduction to the Swift REPL
by Apple
Interactive Swift sessions right in your console.
Command Line Swift
by Russ Bishop
Working with different toolchains. Might be helpful for Server-side Swift projects
Command Line Programs on macOS Tutorial
by Eric A. Soto
Step-by-step tutorial with output streams, command-line arguments, and interactive input.
Swift Package Manager macOS deployment target override
by Ole Begemann
As you can understand from the title, the author writes about deployment target overriding in Swift Script project.
Handling Commands with Swift Package Manager ArgumentParser
by Eneko Alonso
Want to use ArgumentParser
like a pro? You should definitely read this.
How to fuzz-test a Swift package
Advanced technique of SPM package testing - fuzz-testing via libFuzzer.
How to Build Swift Compiler-Based Tool? The Step-by-Step Guide
Awesome guide about using Swift compiler in your CLI tools.
UIKonf 2020 - Federico Zanetello - Swift Scripts: Zero to Hero
Every iOS/macOS developer uses (scripting) tools such as fastlane and swiftLint to automate tasks as much work as possible: in this talk we will dive into how we can build our own Swift scripts.
Scripting in Swift For a Testable Build
Underlying many large iOS projects is a tangled nest of bash scripts that developers are often afraid to touch for fear of breaking something, and which is littered with print statements from generations of developers trying to figure out how on earth it works. How can we move away from this mess and to something more sustainable? Ellen will discuss moving a codebase like this to a command line tool that can be called from a Swift script, and which can be tested and breakpointed, and just might save a tiny bit of your sanity.
Swift scripting in practice
by John Sundell
Awesome talk by open-source ninja. Contains real-world cases, good points, and live demo.
Swift Scripting Redux: Localization
by Ayaka Nonaka
Mix of Swift Scripting and Localization.
Swift Scripting
by Ayaka Nonaka
Old but good talk. Pay attention to Dependency Management section.
Artem Novichkov,