Open-Source Messaging App

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Content App Chats

Acani Chats

Open-Source Native iOS Messages App

This project and its submodules no longer work and are no longer being maintained.

iPhone Client Screenshots

Acani Chats is an instant messaging social application. Use it as an example for building an app that requires user accounts, profiles, messaging, etc.

Instructions for Running the iPhone app on OS X

  1. Download & install the latest version of Xcode from the App Store

  2. Clone this project and its submodules with git clone --recurse-submodules

  3. Open Clients/iPhone/Chats.xcodeproj and press Command-R to run the app

Note: User data (e.g., first & last names, email address, etc.) are sent over SSL to Heroku, stored with PostgreSQL, and may be deleted at anytime for any reason.

For more information, check out the wiki.


This project, including its components and excluding works credited, is released under the Unlicense.

  • New feature: profile image view now shows initials when user doesn't have a profile picture

    New feature: profile image view now shows initials when user doesn't have a profile picture

    If any user doesn't have a profile picture, his/her name initials will show up in the profile picture area instead.

    Also updated the insets of chat bubbles to make them more similar to native chat app. Screenshot attached.

    The ID property of User is deleted because it's only related to the profile picture name and nothing else. This will give developers more freedom.

    ios simulator screen shot jul 28 2014 1 11 57 am

    ios simulator screen shot jul 28 2014 12 39 11 am

    opened by DJBen 10
  • how can get the code when sign up

    how can get the code when sign up

    From @lovesomeone on May 30, 2015 14:16

    first forgiving my pool english the question is : i run&build the project , after hit "Verify" button (the phone num is a test num, so just like 1234567899. because i am in China,i don't know much about your phone num . ),how can i get the code or is there is way that i can access the data. PS. I don't like install the chats-server ,it's too difficult for me to use command in Terminal。 So i used the defult one : baseURL = NSURL(string: "")

    any suggestion is appreciate (pasted my email

    Copied from original issue: acani/Chats-iPhone#1

    opened by ma11hew28 5
  • git clone error

    git clone error

    This repositry only occur error

    $ git clone --recursive Cloning into 'Chats'... Permission denied (publickey). fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

    Please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists.


    opened by kazuminn 4
  • resignFirstResponder on chatInput clears the tableView

    resignFirstResponder on chatInput clears the tableView

    It'd be nice to have the capability to hide the keyboard upon sending the message. Therefore, I added [chatInput resignFirstResponder] to the sendMessage method. However, invoking this function call seems to clear the entire view of chats. The screen just becomes empty when the button is pressed.

    opened by YDing 4
  • Can not run on iphone 6 with iOS 9.3

    Can not run on iphone 6 with iOS 9.3

    error : dyld: Library not loaded: @rpath/Alerts.framework/Alerts Referenced from: /var/containers/Bundle/Application/7F850C82-20D2-44B2-BBB2-79907A42A821/ Reason: image not found

    opened by ishell 2
  • pushComposeViewController unrecognized selector sent

    pushComposeViewController unrecognized selector sent

    The code available to download by public has a crash due to

    -[ConversationsViewController pushComposeViewController]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x4d1c560 2012-07-16 10:33:14.402 AcaniChat[1804:207] *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[ConversationsViewController pushComposeViewController]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x4d1c560'

    Does the app work on simulator. .?

    opened by lalith-b 2
  • Failed to recurse into submodule path 'Clients/iPhone'

    Failed to recurse into submodule path 'Clients/iPhone'

    Resolving deltas: 100% (85/85), done. error: Server does not allow request for unadvertised object 8313b477bc5cb839f212d8ae186643c715aa07fa Fetched in submodule path 'Clients/iPhone/Libraries/Alerts', but it did not contain 8313b477bc5cb839f212d8ae186643c715aa07fa. Direct fetching of that commit failed. Submodule path 'Servers/Chat': checked out 'f34908d476687c9209a26f48b531b3632248af4f' Submodule path 'Servers/REST': checked out 'bf809384b7c8f5d29305e3b7bed96407b1b7e33e' Failed to recurse into submodule path 'Clients/iPhone'

    opened by CJtheLin 1
  • main storyboard

    main storyboard

    hi there, I am new to swift and I was just taking a look at the Chat Xcode project but can't find the main.storyboard. can you show me how to navigate to it

    opened by bryankattah 1
  • When I pull the code with git , some files missing

    When I pull the code with git , some files missing

    Hi,I`m a iOS developer from china,when i use ‘git clone' to pull the code from git, I find that the swift files under 'CodeInputView' & 'Networking' were missing, so i can't run the project, is there anything wrong?

    opened by MrMarik 1
  • Chats/MessageBubbleCell.swift:89:31:    Extra argument 'scale' in call

    Chats/MessageBubbleCell.swift:89:31: Extra argument 'scale' in call


    i' can't make work the Chats application the error is the next: Chats/MessageBubbleCell.swift:89:31: Extra argument 'scale' in call

    what could be the problem??

    thanks in advance.


    opened by josuerp 1
  • Mach-O error after adding SocketRocket into the project

    Mach-O error after adding SocketRocket into the project

    I'm using Xcode Version 6.0.1 (6A317)and stuck with Apple Mach-O error for a long time. I get this error once I introduce SocketRocket project.

    duplicate symbol OBJC_IVAR$_AppDelegate._window in:


    duplicate symbol OBJC_METACLASS$_AppDelegate in: /Users/anuradhavasudeva/Desktop/Buzz/Complete/CWPAYou/Build/Intermediates/ /Users/anuradhavasudeva/Desktop/Buzz/Complete/CWPAYou/Build/Intermediates/ duplicate symbol OBJC_CLASS$_AppDelegate in: /Users/anuradhavasudeva/Desktop/Buzz/Complete/CWPAYou/Build/Intermediates/ /Users/anuradhavasudeva/Desktop/Buzz/Complete/CWPAYou/Build/Intermediates/ duplicate symbol OBJC_CLASS$_ViewController in: /Users/anuradhavasudeva/Desktop/Buzz/Complete/CWPAYou/Build/Intermediates/ /Users/anuradhavasudeva/Desktop/Buzz/Complete/CWPAYou/Build/Intermediates/ duplicate symbol OBJC_METACLASS$_ViewController in: /Users/anuradhavasudeva/Desktop/Buzz/Complete/CWPAYou/Build/Intermediates/ /Users/anuradhavasudeva/Desktop/Buzz/Complete/CWPAYou/Build/Intermediates/ duplicate symbol _main in: /Users/anuradhavasudeva/Desktop/Buzz/Complete/CWPAYou/Build/Intermediates/ /Users/anuradhavasudeva/Desktop/Buzz/Complete/CWPAYou/Build/Intermediates/ ld: 6 duplicate symbols for architecture i386 clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)

    I have made sure to follow the steps given in

    the only exception I see is SocketRocket.framework was showing red when I tried adding it under + Link Binary with libraries.

    I have added the following libraries: Security.Framework CFNetwork.Framework UIKit.Framework Foundation.Framework libicucore.dylib libsocketrocket.a libresolv.dylib

    I've set other linker flags to -ObjC Build Active Architecture only - No, because setting it to Yes throws an error : Check dependencies. No architectures to compile for (ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH=YES, active arch=x86_64, VALID_ARCHS=i386). Valid Architectures - armv64 armv7 armv7s

    Security.Framework CFNetwork.Framework UIKit.Framework Foundation.Framework libicucore.dylib libsocketrocket.a libresolv.dylib

    This issue is really killing my time. I tried to follow other posts but nothing could help me solve the issue!

    opened by anuradhavasudeva 1
  • Question


    From @catalincraciun on June 4, 2015 7:58

    Hello, what parts should we modify to integrate this with our backend logic. Thanks

    Copied from original issue: acani/Chats-iPhone#2

    opened by ma11hew28 2
  • TextView multi-line Dynamic height not working

    TextView multi-line Dynamic height not working

    Hi, when I run Chats and type more than one line, the textview's height does not adjust accordingly. Instead of expanding the view, it stretches under the keyboard. (iOS 8)

    opened by li1 13
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