Social Logins iOS
Basic app to show how to login with Facebook, Google, Twitter. Created for learning purpose :) using Xcode 9 and Swift 4.0
Note: Before running app please make sure -
- run
cd Social logins iOS
pod install
- Replace
Google Client ID
in Constants.swift file with your Google Client ID. To get Google Client ID and some other required resources please follow this guide. - Replace GoogleService-Info.plist with your new GoogleService-Info.plist as mentioned in this guide.
- Replace
Twitter Consumer Key
andTwitter Consumer Secret
in Constants.swift file with your Twitter App Consumer Keys. To get Consumer Key and Consumer Secret please follow this guide. - Replace Info.plist facebook and twitter keys with your keys. Find facebook info.plist code here and Find Twitter info.plist code here.
- Update URL Schemes: go to TARGET > Info > URL Types and replace your schems.
How to use SDKs
- For facebook login, follow: facebook swift sdk
- For twitter login, follow: Twitter Kit iOS
- For google login, follow: Tri Sign-In for iOS