MultiClock: a screensaver for macOS that displays the time using 24 clocks



MultiClock is a screensaver for macOS that displays the current time using 24 clocks. MultiClock is very configurable, with a variety of hand and dial styles and the ability to customize the color of each independently.


Note: This gif has a low framerate. The screensaver itself operates at a fluid 60 FPS.

Preview animation of MultiClock screensaver showing 24 clocks rotate to show the numbers 1234, then a pattern, before rotating back to midnight. Configuration sheet for the screensaver, showing customizable colors and alternate hand and dial designs



What about 24-hour time support?

If you have macOS set to 24-hour time, the screensaver will automatically use 24-hour time as well. (Well, it's supposed to, anyway...)


  1. Clone the repo
  2. Open MultiClock.xcodeproj
  3. The 'macOS' build target allows you to preview the screensaver and control it manually. Take a look at the bottom of ClockScene.swift to see some keyboard shortcuts. Add your own to test out animations!

Adding Animations

If you'd like to add animations to ClockSaver, the public methods on the Animation class make it easy--they're very similar to SKActions. For example, a sequence of animations may look like this:

queue(animations: [
    Animation.display(pattern: inwardPointPattern),
    Animation.wait(duration: 5),
    Animation.positionBothHands(minuteDegrees: -45, hourDegrees: -225),
    Animation.spinBothHandsWithDelay(by: 180, delay: 0.2),
    Animation.wait(duration: 5),
    Animation.positionBothHands(minuteDegrees: -225, hourDegrees: -225),
    Animation.positionBothHands(minuteDegrees: 0, hourDegrees: 0),

Completed animations should go in ClockController.swift. Bump up the Int.random() call and add a new case to the switch. Then submit a PR if you think the animation is cool :)

Why are all the degree references in negative? Because I'm too lazy to go back and make them positive after reworking the animation system. Submit a PR fixing it, if you want!



MultiClock was inspired by ClockClock 24 by Humans since 1982.

  • Remove use of NotificationCenter

    Remove use of NotificationCenter

    I had a theory that the freezing part of this issue was because of my use of NotificationCenter.default, namely that when firing the 'animationComplete' messages, they were being received by both instances of the screensaver, which made things get wonky. I didn't do anything to prove this theory, beyond the work of this PR.

    I removed any usage of NotificationCenter and replaced it instead with completion handlers. It seems like this fixed the issue with multiple instances of the screensaver as well as fixed a millisecond or two delay when progressing through the animation queue, which is a nice benefit. Overall much better to do it this way, though it did mean I had to add a bunch of completionHandler arguments to stuff in the Animation file...

    opened by amiantos 2
  • Screensaver v1.1 Prep

    Screensaver v1.1 Prep

    • change version number for screensaver to 1.1
    • fix offset modern (thick) dial
    • replace modern (indices) dial
    • replace shout hands
    • add LCD style hands
    • add traditional style hands
    • replace apple watch hands (new version has transparent center hole for bg color to show through)
    opened by amiantos 1
  • macOS target beeps on every keystroke

    macOS target beeps on every keystroke

    Consider adding to ClockScene.swift:

        /// without this, it beeps on every keystroke, recognized or not.
        override func keyDown(with event: NSEvent) {
          if let character = event.characters {
            switch character {
            case "c","o","p","q","r","t","w":
              super.keyDown(with: event)
    opened by DavidPhillipOster 1
  • Animation Improvements

    Animation Improvements

    Added some new patterns (including some random position generators) and animations... also removed the Int.random() call and replaced it with a preset array that is shuffled() at launch and then run through repeatedly, to avoid animations playing too frequently.

    opened by amiantos 0
  • Add/improve animations

    Add/improve animations

    • some existing animations can be improved (check out how the inwardPointPattern resolves itself in the demo gif/video in the readme compared to how it resolves itself in the actual screensaver for an idea)
    • I'm sure there's plenty of cool animations and patterns to come up with and add
    opened by amiantos 0
  • Erratic performance

    Erratic performance

    I'm not sure if it's just my MacBook, but when the screensaver is running on the internal Retina display, the frame rate and behavior can be really weird. Doesn't happen on the lower res external monitor. Maybe there's a memory leak or something? It's weird no one else has opened an issue about this, though...

    opened by amiantos 1
  • Dual Screen Issue

    Dual Screen Issue

    I have a dual screen via Display Link and my second Display Screen is a few miliseconds delayed. So I have observed that on one screen it was 9:19 and the second 9:20.

    opened by floriangrotz 5
  • Mac target builds with warnings

    Mac target builds with warnings

    After a build using git clone as of this writing, with the macOS target:

    multiclock/Shared/Nodes/Assets.xcassets:1:1: The image set "thumbnail" has 2 unassigned children.
    multiclock/Shared/Nodes/Assets.xcassets:1:1: The file "Thumbnail@2x.png" for the image set "thumbnail" does not exist.
    multiclock/multiclock/Shared/Nodes/Assets.xcassets:1:1: The file "Thumbnail.png" for the image set "thumbnail" does not exist.
    Ambiguous Content Group
    multiclock/multiclock/Shared/Nodes/Assets.xcassets: warning: Ambiguous Content: The image set "thumbnail" has 2 unassigned children.
    Missing Content Group
    multiclock/multiclock/Shared/Nodes/Assets.xcassets: warning: Missing Content: The file "Thumbnail.png" for the image set "thumbnail" does not exist.
    multiclock/multiclock/Shared/Nodes/Assets.xcassets: warning: Missing Content: The file "Thumbnail@2x.png" for the image set "thumbnail" does not exist.
    opened by DavidPhillipOster 1
Brad Root
👨🏼‍💻 Software Engineer. For fun, I design and build open source software for Apple platforms. For money, I work on Lingo for @TheNounProject.
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