An interactive iOS image viewer that does it all: double tap to zoom, flick to dismiss, et cetera.



This repository is no longer under active development. I think it's probably still safe to use on iOS 7 through 9, but your mileage may vary. I may someday do a thorough rewrite in Swift, taking into account newer API features, etc. ~ Jared


An interactive iOS image viewer that does it all: double tap to zoom, flick to dismiss, et cetera.

Pull Requests

Pull requests are welcome, but should be submitted on the dev branch. Exceptions will be made for critical bug fixes.

What Does it Do?

JTSImageViewController is like a "light box" for iOS. It's similar to image viewers you may have seen in apps like Twitter, Tweetbot, and others. It presents an image in a full-screen interactive view. Users can pan and zoom, and use Tweetbot-style dynamic gestures to dismiss it with a fun flick.


How Does it Work?

Usage is pretty simple, though there are some cool options and delegate methods if you need them. Here's what your simplest implementation might look like:

- (void)someBigImageButtonTapped:(id)sender {
    // Create image info
    JTSImageInfo *imageInfo = [[JTSImageInfo alloc] init];
    imageInfo.image = YOUR_SOURCE_IMAGE;
    imageInfo.referenceRect = self.bigImageButton.frame;
    imageInfo.referenceView = self.bigImageButton.superview;
    // Setup view controller
    JTSImageViewController *imageViewer = [[JTSImageViewController alloc]
    // Present the view controller.
    [imageViewer showFromViewController:self transition:JTSImageViewControllerTransition_FromOriginalPosition];

That's it.

Extras and Options

  • Image Downloads: If you don't have the source image already, just use the imageURL property when setting up the JTSImageInfo instance. JTSImageViewController will handle downloading the image for you.

  • Background Styles: Choose between a scaled-and-dimmed style or a scaled-dimmed-and-blurred background style. The latter is like the one used in Tweetbot.

  • Alt-Text Mode: Need to show the alt text for an image? JTSImageViewController includes an alternate mode that shows a full-screen, centered text view using the same style as the image mode.

  • Handle Long-Presses: Implement an interactionsDelegate to respond to long presses on the image, or to temporarily disable user interactions (comes in handy if you show an overlay that could cause gesture conflict).


MIT License, see the included file.

  • Background flickers w/ iPhone 6 when clicking image

    Background flickers w/ iPhone 6 when clicking image

    It looks like the size of cloned UIView gets shifted (the title moves down then flickers away).. Is it possible to just have a complete black overlay then have the image do the animation expand into its placeholder to avoid showing the existing UIView?

    This is preventing me from using this tool in production.

    opened by civilordergone 6
  • Jerking motion on initial transition on iPhone 6 and 6+

    Jerking motion on initial transition on iPhone 6 and 6+

    When presenting images, such as the one in the sample project, on the iPhone 6 and 6+ simulators, the main view seems to jerk before presenting the image. It enlarges a little, then shrinks back, then continues with the correct animation.

    opened by edekhayser 5
  • Support for video?

    Support for video?

    Any plans or interest in using this controller for video as well as images? If so, I would be happy to work on it (I just don't want to put the work in if you don't have any interest of supporting video at all).

    opened by rosskimes 5
  • blurredSnapshotFromParentmostViewController return type

    blurredSnapshotFromParentmostViewController return type

    opened by dkhamsing 5
  • Background Rotation

    Background Rotation

    I noticed that the view controller that is beneath the image does not rotate. This means if you display an image, then rotate the screen, then dismiss the image. There is an abrupt change in orientation after the animation finishes. Is there a way for the view beneath the image to rotate also?

    opened by Hackmodford 4
  • Flickering (zoom / dismiss conflict) + make fick to dismiss an option

    Flickering (zoom / dismiss conflict) + make fick to dismiss an option

    On a real device, when I want to zoom the image, it flickers (actually really fast resizes/moves), whenever my zoom gesture is fast. I have to zoom very gently to prevent this. Once I manage to zoom it's ok, this issue appears for zoomLevel == 1 and fast gesture.

    On simulator it happens if I firstly drag it with mouse, then press option, to begin zooming, when I firstly click option, than mouse, it's ok. So probably it recognizes the beginning of zooming as dragging.

    Here's a gif:

    (this is iOS 7.1 with JTS 1.3, although I did notice this issue a month ago, when I firstly tried to use it) The example works fine, the problem is with presenting it from my tableViewCell.

    I tried with different combinations of referenceRect/View and modifying code in library (messing with _flags and zoomLevel), but with no luck.

    What I do is add a UITapGestureRecognizer to my UIImageView in a UITableViewCell. In tap handler I present JTS:

    //Note: This happens in UITableViewCell subclass
    self.photoImageView.userInteractionEnabled = YES;
        UITapGestureRecognizer *imageTapGesture = [[UITapGestureRecognizer alloc] initWithTarget:self action:@selector(handleTap:)];
        [self.photoImageView addGestureRecognizer:imageTapGesture];
    -(void)handleTap:(UITapGestureRecognizer *)gesture
        CGPoint location = [gesture locationInView:[gesture.view superview]];
        if(!CGRectContainsPoint(self.photoImageView.frame, location))
        JTSImageInfo *imageInfo = [JTSImageInfo new];
        imageInfo.image = self.photoImageView.image;
        imageInfo.referenceRect = self.photoImageView.frame;
        imageInfo.referenceView = self.parentVC.view;
        JTSImageViewController *imageViewer = [[JTSImageViewController alloc] initWithImageInfo:imageInfo mode:JTSImageViewControllerMode_Image backgroundStyle:JTSImageViewControllerBackgroundStyle_ScaledDimmedBlurred];
        imageViewer.interactionsDelegate = self; //thought I could block flickering this way, but tapping also has been disabled
        imageViewer.dismissalDelegate = self;
        [imageViewer showFromViewController:self.parentVC transition:JTSImageViewControllerTransition_FromOffscreen]; //transition has no impact on this issue
    opened by andrew-frank 4
  • Blurry Image when Image is smaller than image view

    Blurry Image when Image is smaller than image view

    I may be missing something, but I have a problem when an image is smaller than the image view it is being displayed in. This is mostly an issue on the iPad. The image is stretched to fill the entire image view instead of just being displayed smaller (and at a suitable resolution) within the image view. I feel like I must be missing something, but if not, this may be a bug, or at least an intended effect?

    opened by inPhilly 3
  • iOS 8 contentOffset

    iOS 8 contentOffset


    First of all thank you for all the amazing work on this project.

    The issue I have is very minuscule. In iOS 8 while using a UITableView, I present the JTSImageViewController and upon dismissal the table view scrolls (not animated) to the top, that is to say the contentOffset is lost.

    I read through most of the code in JTSImageViewController.m and it is not at fault. Apparently it's the default behaviour to reset the contentOffset after returning from a modal view controller. I have tried automaticallyAdjustsScrollViewInsets = NO and using a UITableView inside a UIViewController instead of a UITableViewController but no luck. I've also tried setting the contentOffset back after the dismissal but it flashes.

    It seems setting the modal presentation style of JTSImageViewController to UIModalPresentationOverFullScreen fixes the issue (since it doesn't remove the hierarchy below it and retains the scroll position I think). As this enum is new to iOS 8 I am going to assume that it's an iOS 8 only issue (since if it wasn't there would be more issues about it).

    Any thoughts? Has anyone else experienced this? If so should I make a pull request for this simple change?

    if ([[[UIDevice currentDevice] systemVersion] compare:@"8.0" options:NSNumericSearch] != NSOrderedAscending) {
        self.modalPresentationStyle = UIModalPresentationOverFullScreen;
    opened by Shayanzadeh 3
  • Carthage Support

    Carthage Support

    Hi Jared,

    Thanks for writing this component. I added a dynamic framework so that people who use Carthage can use this too. I have also added completion parameter to the -showFromViewController:transition: as I needed this too.

    Let me know what you think

    opened by lbrndnr 3
  • CocoaPods Support

    CocoaPods Support

    Adds a podspec file so the library can be used as a CocoaPod.

    If I'm missing anything important in the file, let me know. I tried to keep it fairly simple, and it worked well on test integrations.

    opened by bcapps 3
  • iOS 9 setStatusBarHidden is deprecated

    iOS 9 setStatusBarHidden is deprecated

    under iOS 9, this warning appears several times during compilation:
    'setStatusBarHidden:withAnimation:' is deprecated: first deprecated in iOS 9.0 - Use -[UIViewController prefersStatusBarHidden]

    It's not difficult to fix per se (the correct approach has been around since iOS 7), but because it doesn't appear that iOS 9 provides a means of animating the status bar fade--you've either got it or not--changing this will affect the logic a bit.

    opened by mbachrach 2
  • Property of mutable type 'NSMutableDictionary' has 'copy' attribute; an immutable object will be stored instead

    Property of mutable type 'NSMutableDictionary' has 'copy' attribute; an immutable object will be stored instead

    When Analyzing my project, I get that issue : /MyProject/Pods/JTSImageViewController/Source/JTSImageInfo.h:23:1: Property of mutable type 'NSMutableDictionary' has 'copy' attribute; an immutable object will be stored instead

    screen shot 2017-04-14 at 6 25 17 pm

    opened by Uliori 0
  • Hint mentioning alternatives

    Hint mentioning alternatives

    Hey @jaredsinclair .

    Maybe you could add a note with links to alternatives like NYTPhotoViewer or IDMPhotoBrowser for example. It took me a while to find some. So maybe that would help people who once used your controller starting new projects.

    Best, Roman.

    opened by r-dent 1
  • Landscape mode

    Landscape mode

    The landscape orientation is not working with my App when I change the orientation of the device. Is the auto rotate feature supported or not ?

    I can't see any informations about this.

    opened by petretRaf 0
  • 1.5.1(Sep 14, 2015)

  • 1.5(Mar 13, 2015)

  • 1.4(Nov 3, 2014)

    • Support for iOS 8 & Bug Fixes – This includes a fix for the various "flicker" bugs that can occur under certain cases (showing the viewer, double-tapping to zoom, etc.). Special note on iOS 8 and autorotation: since iOS 8 changes the way autorotation events are propagated to view controllers, a landscape-to-landscape rotation (or a portrait-to-portrait rotation) will look a little strange on iOS 8. This is because neither viewWillTransitionToSize: nor willAnimateToInterfaceOrientation: are called for these edge cases. A sad oversight on Apple's part.
    • API Change: Background Options – The background style has been changed to background options to make it clearer which combinations are available: blurred, scaled, both, or neither. The "dimming" is a separate option controlled via a background color (which remains unchanged).
    • Animation Delegate – Added a new delegate property and a new < JTSImageViewControllerAnimationDelegate> protocol, which gives you an easy way to add or remove custom interface elements overlaid on top of the image viewer without resorting to subclassing or forking. Great for custom sharing or cancel buttons.
    • UI Improvements – JTSImageInfo has an option for referenceContentMode and referenceCornerRadius, making your animations looks 10x better when expanding from source views that use those parameters. Check out the sample app for an extreme example. Anti-aliasing is also enabled on the image view inside the viewer.
    • UIMenuController – You can optionally enable a UIMenuController. Adds the ability to copy the image.
    • Miscellaneous – Add support for iPhone 6 and 6 Plus to the sample app. Make the use of dot notation fully consistent throughout.

    Thanks to all the contributors for their pull requests in this release!

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.2(Jun 3, 2014)

    • Bug Fixes – Fixed minor UI bugs: landscape orientation when using the blurred background mode, improperly tinted status bars, etc.
    • Touch Improvements – Tweaked the dynamics when dragging and flicking away images. It was too tight in previous versions.
    • API Changes – Moved some options that had previously been readwrite properties into delegate methods, and added one or two new options along the way. For example, you can set a custom background color for the image view (for images you'd rather not have clear backgrounds).
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.1.1(Apr 27, 2014)

    • Bug Fixes – Fixes a bug with animated GIFs that could lead to a crash, and a bug that causes animation glitches for some views on some devices.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.1(Apr 27, 2014)

    • iPad Support – Adds support for iPad, as well as all four interface orientations (portrait upside down had been excluded from earlier versions).
    • Bug Fixes – Adds fixes for bugs with UINavigationBar and UIToolBar showing up as black on some devices.
    • Flick-to-Dismiss Improvements – Tweaked the UIDynamics configuration to feel more natural on devices with a variety of screen sizes.
    • New Options – Expose two new options: the blur radius used when blurring the background, and the opacity of the shadow view that dims the background.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.0.1(Apr 10, 2014)

Jared Sinclair
Designer and developer of apps like ‘sodes, Unread, Riposte, and others • iOS at @bignerdranch • Previously at @blackpixel • Oldsmobile man
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