Firefox for iOS, branch works with Xcode 12.5.1, Swift 5.4.2 and supports iOS 11.4 and above.


Firefox for iOS codebeat badge BuddyBuild codecov

Download on the App Store.

This branch (main)

This branch works with Xcode 12.5.1, Swift 5.4.2 and supports iOS 11.4 and above.

Please note: due to dependency issues, development of Firefox-iOS is currently only supported on Intel based Macs, and not Apple Silicon based Macs.

Please make sure you aim your pull requests in the right direction.

For bug fixes and features for a specific release, use the version branch.

Getting involved

Want to contribute but don't know where to start? Here is a list of issues that are contributor friendly

Building the code

  1. Install the latest Xcode developer tools from Apple.
  2. Install Carthage, Node, and a Python 3 virtualenv for localization scripts:
    brew update
    brew install carthage
    brew install node
    pip3 install virtualenv
  3. Clone the repository:
    git clone
  4. Pull in the project dependencies:
    cd firefox-ios
    sh ./
  5. Open Client.xcodeproj in Xcode.
  6. Build the Fennec scheme in Xcode.

Building User Scripts

User Scripts (JavaScript injected into the WKWebView) are compiled, concatenated, and minified using webpack. User Scripts to be aggregated are placed in the following directories:

|-- /Frontend
    |-- /UserContent
        |-- /UserScripts
            |-- /AllFrames
            |   |-- /AtDocumentEnd
            |   |-- /AtDocumentStart
            |-- /MainFrame
                |-- /AtDocumentEnd
                |-- /AtDocumentStart

This reduces the total possible number of User Scripts down to four. The compiled output from concatenating and minifying the User Scripts placed in these folders resides in /Client/Assets and are named accordingly:

  • AllFramesAtDocumentEnd.js
  • AllFramesAtDocumentStart.js
  • MainFrameAtDocumentEnd.js
  • MainFrameAtDocumentStart.js

To simplify the build process, these compiled files are checked-in to this repository. When adding or editing User Scripts, these files can be re-compiled with webpack manually. This requires Node.js to be installed, and all required npm packages can be installed by running npm install in the project's root directory. User Scripts can be compiled by running the following npm command in the root directory of the project:

npm run build


Want to contribute to this repository? Check out Contributing Guidelines


This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
file, You can obtain one at
  • Add ability to set custom identity.sync.tokenserver.uri for self-hosted Sync

    Add ability to set custom identity.sync.tokenserver.uri for self-hosted Sync

    User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 11316.165.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/72.0.3626.122 Safari/537.36

    Related issue:

    Steps to reproduce:

    There is currently no way to specify a custom URL for a Firefox Sync Server (token url) while using the publicly available, Mozilla-hosted Firefox Accounts service.

    Actual results:

    There is no option to do this.

    Expected results:

    There should be an option like on Android to specify to custom token URL for self-hosted sync server. This option is available on desktop Firefox and on Firefox for Android.

    opened by SimonBasca 81
  • Support for self-hosted firefox sync/auth/content server

    Support for self-hosted firefox sync/auth/content server

    There are instructions on how to run your own Firefox sync/auth/content server [1,2] and according to [2] it's even possible to use the self-hosted solution for Firefox for Android. Unfortunately this isn't the case for Firefox for iOS (as there's no about:config to begin with). It'd be awesome to have a small link of some kind to enter the custom URL to one's self-hosted solution on the login screen, making this feature available on the iOS version as well and having all my bookmarks with me on my mobile.

    [1] [2]

    opened by stonie08 36
  • Firefox Crashes Randomly on iOS 15

    Firefox Crashes Randomly on iOS 15

    Steps to reproduce

    Doesn't seem to be happening because of a fixed set of actions. The only constant is that Firefox crashes at least once per browsing session.

    Expected behavior

    For the web browser to not crash

    Actual behavior

    Randomly crashes. On opening again, a message is received "Well that was embarrassing. Would you like to reopen your old tabs?"

    Device & build information

    • Device: iPhone 12
    • Build version: Firefox 37.0 (5971)


    ┆Issue is synchronized with this Jira Task

    Bug 🐞 P1 QA Verified 
    opened by aakash-kap 35
  • Send tab is not functional when sending a tab from desktop to iOS

    Send tab is not functional when sending a tab from desktop to iOS

    Steps to reproduce

    1. Login to FxA on desktop and iOS
    2. Send tab from desktop to iOS

    Expected behavior

    • Send tab should be functioning as expected.

    Actual behavior

    • Send tab is not functional when sending a tab from desktop to iOS

    Device & build information

    Device: iPad Pro (15.4) Build version: 101.1 (10346)


    • Sending a tab from iOS to desktop is working as expected.
    • I also experienced a single crash after trying to send a tab from iOS to desktop after previously sending a tab from desktop to iOS Attachments:

    ┆Issue is synchronized with this Jira Task

    Bug 🐞 QA Verified 
    opened by SimonBasca 33
  • Fluffyemily/fastlane integration

    Fluffyemily/fastlane integration

    Fastlane for aurora builds

    Setup fastlane and all the associated tools by running:


    once everything is installed create your aurora build using

    fastlane <aurora | l10n> [branch:<branch to build from>] [base_branch:<branchToBaseNewBranchFrom>] [localise:<true | false>] build:<buildNumber> version:<versionNumber> username:<apple_id>

    your build will be output as builds/firefox-ios-<versionNumber>-<buildNumber>-<timestamp>.ipa

    and everything will have been checked in to a new branch (but not pushed)

    Resolves bugs

    opened by fluffyemily 33
  • Two new Tabs when using Apple‘s Magic Keyboard

    Two new Tabs when using Apple‘s Magic Keyboard

    Steps to reproduce

    open firefox, open new tab by using shortcut Strg + T. closing Tab (Strg + W)

    Expected behavior

    opens a new tab when using the shortcut Strg + T. duplicates a tab, when closing a tab with shortcur Strg + W.

    Actual behavior

    opens two new tabs when using the shortcut Strg + T

    Device & build information

    • Device: ipad pro (only by using the magic keyboard)
    • Build version: 29
      1. Notes Attachments:

    ┆Issue is synchronized with this Jira Task

    Bug 🐞 P1 QA Verified 
    opened by m-him 30
  • iPadOS  - Cannot close tabs by clicking

    iPadOS - Cannot close tabs by clicking "x"

    Steps to reproduce

    Open any website in a new tab Attempt to click the "x" to close the tab or any other open tab

    Expected behavior

    Tab closed

    Actual behavior

    Tab remains open and loading bar appears to act as if tab was reloaded; can see blue bar quickly progress across screen but page stays static overall

    Device & build information

    • Device: ipad pro 11 (2021 m1 version) running iPadOS 14.7 dev beta
    • Build version: Firefox Daylight 34.0 (4920)



    ┆Issue is synchronized with this Jira Task

    Bug 🐞 P1 iPad 
    opened by PapiPeppers 27
  • (Bounty) Allow usage of own Firefox Sync token server

    (Bounty) Allow usage of own Firefox Sync token server

    We use an own Firefox Sync server like described in But there is no way to configure the Firefox Sync token server URL to point to our own sync server other than modifying the source code in Account/FirefoxAccountConfiguration.swift, line 111.

    Can we add an option for that? Should I do a PR?

    opened by schrorg 27
  • Links open in new tab and so I think click hasn't worked

    Links open in new tab and so I think click hasn't worked

    Steps to reproduce

    • go to website
    • click on a link
    • Expected: new url opens
    • Actual: new url opens in a new tab silently so you think that clicking link doesn't work so you click it a bunch more times and then you discover that you have 10 new tabs open.

    Frustratingly this is a non-deterministic issue. But it does happen to me every day, feel free to ping me on slack about it.

    It regularly happens to me on; but I couldn't reproduce it on there right now. It's currently happening on I'm going to try and make a screencast and post it.

    Device & build information

    • Device: iPad
    • Build version: Firefox Daylight 97.0 (7635)



    ┆Issue is synchronized with this Jira Task

    Bug 🐞 qa-triaged 
    opened by birdsarah 23
  • Tab titles and icons disappear in Firefox for iOS

    Tab titles and icons disappear in Firefox for iOS

    Steps to reproduce

    Typically occurs after re-boot; also after using other apps for extended period

    Expected behavior

    Titles and icons appear in the header for each site

    Actual behavior

    Icons and sometimes also titles disappear, leaving only the default globe icon

    Device & build information

    • Device: ? iPad Pro 10.5
    • Build version: ? Firefox Daylight 35.0 (5448)


    Running iOS 14.7.1, but this has been happening since sometime like 14.5. Icons and titles appear again as each individual site is accessed, but then disappear sporadically, as noted above. Attachments:

    ┆Issue is synchronized with this Jira Task

    Bug 🐞 P1 QA Verified 
    opened by Gpwidin 23
  • Bug 1237407 - Add ability to specify custom FxA servers

    Bug 1237407 - Add ability to specify custom FxA servers

    This PR adds the ability to specify custom FxA servers and sync via debug option. To access click Advance Account Settings while in debug mode. To test, I used

    Some quick notes

    • Uses FxAs /.well-known/fxa-client-configuration/ to pull in those servers configuration
    • Signs out the account whenever you change servers
    • Stores custom server configuration in user prefs

    screen shot 2017-08-23 at 1 32 08 pm


    opened by vbudhram 22
  • add setting to allow blocking of autoplay media

    add setting to allow blocking of autoplay media

    this is the same feature that is available in the desktop and android versions.

    Settings -> Autoplay

    • Allow Audio and Video (default)
    • Block Audio
    • Block Audio and Video

    the setting is mapped to the appropriate webkit configuration

    opened by joycepg 0
  • Reader view caching

    Reader view caching

    Steps to reproduce

    Save a page to your reading list.

    Specifically, do not open the page in reader view before doing this. In a regular window save via the hamburger menu. In a private window this behaviour is encountered regardless of how you save the page.

    This step prevents the page data from being cached.

    Expected behavior

    Upon opening the page from your reading list, it should load. This should apply both online and offline.

    Actual behavior

    When opening the page from your reading list either online or offline, the page fails to load.

    Device & build information

    • Device: *
    • Build version: Latest App Store

    ┆Issue is synchronized with this Jira Task

    Bug 🐞 
    opened by SeaKhaki 1

    User Problem

    Why should we implement this? What is the user benefit?

    Ideas for Solution

    Let us know if you have an idea on how to solve this user problem

    ┆Issue is synchronized with this Jira Task

    opened by Alucaz2022 0
  • Refactor FXIOS-5477 [v110] Update custom search engine to use site image fetcher

    Refactor FXIOS-5477 [v110] Update custom search engine to use site image fetcher

    FXIOS-5477 #12761

    Exposed the site image fetcher to allow for fetching the image directly with the image view. Updated the use case in CustomSearchViewController to use site image fetcher and to use async await instead of deferred.

    opened by OrlaM 1
  • Red Caution Symbols in Password Manager

    Red Caution Symbols in Password Manager

    These red symbols are showing up next to passwords in my password manager. It does not tell me why they are flagged or what can be done about them.


    ┆Issue is synchronized with this Jira Task

    opened by bigdom1200 0
  • v108.1(Dec 15, 2022)

  • v107.3(Dec 6, 2022)

  • v107.2(Nov 23, 2022)

  • v107.1(Nov 22, 2022)

  • v107.0(Nov 17, 2022)


    This is our official v107.0 release of Firefox-iOS. It's based on the v107.0 branch

    Differences between v106.2 & v107.0

    You can view the changes between our previous and newly released version here.


    We've had lots of contributions from the community this release, including:

    @travis79 with commit: #12311 @tarikeshaq with commit: #11896 @utsavDave97 with commit: #12131 @TwizzyIndy with commits: #12114, #11918 @lougeniaC64 with commit: #12087 @rvandermeulen with commit: #12085 @byaruhaf with commit: #12089

    Thanks everyone!

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v106.2(Nov 8, 2022)

  • v106.1(Oct 31, 2022)

  • v106.0(Oct 18, 2022)


    This is our official v106.0 release of Firefox-iOS. It's based on the v106.0 branch

    Differences between v105.1 & v106.0

    You can view the changes between our previous and newly released version here.


    We've had lots of contributions from the community this release, including:

    @TwizzyIndy with commits: #11918, #11861 @q2r5 with commits: #10506, #11770, #11711 @jcristau with commit: #11860 @badboy with commit: #11859 @flodolo with commits: #11878, #11754, #11720, #11718, #11712, #11707, #11695, #11676, #11677, #11678, #11669 @jeddai with commits: #11865, #11721 @perrymcmanis144 with commit: #11773 @tarikeshaq with commit: #11634 @lougeniaC64 with commit: #11692 @ansuz with commit: #11679

    Thanks everyone!

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v105.1(Oct 7, 2022)

  • 105.0(Sep 22, 2022)

  • 104.2(Sep 8, 2022)

  • 104.1(Aug 30, 2022)


    This is our official v104.1 release of Firefox-iOS. It's based on the v104.1 branch which was also based on the v105.0 branch.

    Differences between v104.0 & v104.1

    You can view the changes between our previous and newly released version here.


    We've had lots of contributions from the community this release, including:

    @lougeniaC64 with commits: #11692, #11543, #11285 @flodolo with commits: #11640, #11621, #11618, #11495 @tarikeshaq with commits: #11648, #11601 @jeddai with commits: #11631, #11572 @mozead1996 with commit: #11298 @byaruhaf with commits: #11496, #11473, #11460, #11462, #11435, #11449, #11430, #11385, #11388 @l-hedgehog with commits: #11467, #11466 @relud with commit: #11105 @badboy with commit: #11407 @finebel with commits: #10210, #11433, #11295 @junbio with commit: #11454

    Thanks everyone!

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v104(Aug 23, 2022)


    This is our official v104.0 release of Firefox-iOS. It's based on the v104.0 branch and build number #15741.

    Differences between v103.0 & v104.0

    You can view the changes between our previous and newly released version here.


    We've had lots of contributions from the community this release, including:

    @finebel, @junbio @mauriciomaniglia, @tejuamirthi @KrisRJack,, @mozead1996 @l-hedgehog #11466

    Thanks everyone!

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 103.1(Aug 19, 2022)

  • 103.0(Aug 8, 2022)


    This is our official v103.0 release of Firefox-iOS. It's based on the v103.0 branch, with build number #13910.

    Differences between v102.1 & v103.0

    You can view the changes between our previous and newly released version here.


    We've had lots of contributions from the community this release, including:

    @Catalin with #11121 @rilury with #11110 @KrisRJack with #11110 & #11138 @lougeniaC64 with #10553 & #10915

    Thanks everyone!

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 102.2(Jul 25, 2022)

  • 102.1(Jul 11, 2022)

  • 102.0(Jul 25, 2022)


    This is our official v102.0 release of Firefox-iOS. It's based on the v102.0 branch, with build number #11640.

    Differences between v101.1 & v102.0

    You can view the changes between our previous and newly released version here.


    We've had lots of contributions from the community this release, including:

    @KrisRJack with #10712 @mauriciomaniglia with #10834 @piofusco with #10689 @StaberindeZA with #10864 & #10983 @kamimi01 with #10877

    Thanks everyone!

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v101.1(Jun 16, 2022)

  • v101.0(Jun 1, 2022)


    This is our official v101 release of Firefox-iOS. It's based on the v101.0 branch, with build number 9723

    Differences between v101 & v100.1

    You can view the changes between our previous and newly released versions here.


    We've had lots of contributions to the application this release, and would like to thank the following people for their work:

    @deya-eldeen with #10751 @byaruhaf with #10592 @kcome with #10575 @JeremyNW with #10525 @KrisRJack with #10591 and #10701 @piofusco with #10384

    Thanks, everyone!

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v100.1(May 5, 2022)


    This is our official v100.1 release of Firefox-iOS. It's based on the v100.1 branch, with build number 9384.

    Differences between v100.1 & v99.3

    You can view the changes between our previous and newly released version here.


    We've had lots of contributions in the application this release, and would like to thank the following people for their work:

    • @AaronMT with #10369
    • @ayshiff with #10341
    • @brizental with #10353
    • @q2r5 with #10440
    • @finebel with #10208
    • @hneiva with #10264
    • @muhasturk with #10340
    • @piofusco with #9496
    • @PuneetPalSingh with #10327
    • @jhugman with #10253, #10310, #10354, #10295
    • @junbio with #10044, #9943, #10067, #10045, #10037, #10062

    Thanks everyone!

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v99.3(Apr 29, 2022)


    This is our official v99.3 release of Firefox-iOS. It's based on the v99.3 branch, with build number #9185.

    Differences between v99.1 & v99.3

    There is no changes between the two builds apart from version changes as seen here. This release was made to update App Store content.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v99.1(Apr 21, 2022)

  • v99.0(Apr 6, 2022)


    This is our official v99.0 release of Firefox-iOS. It's based on the v99.0 branch, with build number #8654.

    Differences between v98.0 & v99.0

    You can view the changes between our previous and newly released version here.


    We've had lots of contributions from the community this release, and would like to thank the following people for their work:

    • @badboy with #10002
    • @finebel with #10136, #10147, #10157, #10146, #10199, #10207
    • @gutley with #10201
    • @junbio with #9916, #9921, #9922, #10029, #10030, #10034, #10040
    • @mkaply with #10018
    • @OneUpWallStreet with #10071
    • @q2r5 with #10075, #10111
    • @rudrankriyam with #9983
    • @tarikeshaq with #10048
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v98.2(Mar 28, 2022)

  • v98.1(Mar 13, 2022)

  • v98.0(Mar 8, 2022)


    This is our official v98.0 release of Firefox-iOS. It's based on the v98.0 branch, with build number 8233.

    Differences between v97.0 & v98.0

    You can view the changes between our previous and newly released version here.


    We've had lots of contributions from the community this release, and would like to thank the following people for their work:

    • @junbio
    • @finebel
    • @q2r5
    • @kcome
    • @KrisRJack
    • @noloman
    • @tarikeshaq
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v97.0(Feb 8, 2022)


    This is our official v97.0 release of Firefox-iOS. It's based on the v97.0 branch, with build number 7635.

    Differences between v96.0 & v97.0

    You can view the changes between our previous and newly released version here.


    We've had lots of contributions from the community this release, including:

    • @iccub with
    • @junbio with,,,,,,,,,,,,
    • @rbclark with
    • @q2r5 with,,
    • @yusadogru with

    Thanks everyone!

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v96.0(Jan 18, 2022)

  • v40.2(Jan 4, 2022)


    This is our official v40.2 release (build 7167), based on v40.2 branch.

    The diff between v40.1 and v40.2 can be found here:

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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