UIView category that adds dragging capabilities

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UI UIView-draggable

Build Status Coverage Status CocoaPods Carthage compatible

UIView category that adds dragging capabilities.



Setup with CocoaPods

  • Add pod 'UIView+draggable' to your Podfile
  • Run pod install
  • Run open App.xcworkspace

Setup with Carthage

github "andreamazz/UIView-draggable"


Import UIView+draggable.h in your controller's header file


If you are using use_frameworks! in your Podfile, use this import:

import UIView_draggable


Call enableDragging on a UIView instance


// Enable dragging
[self.view enableDragging];




The movement area can be restricted to a given rect:

view.cagingArea = CGRectMake(0, 0, 200, 200)

The movement can be restricted over one coordinate:

view.shouldMoveAlongX = true
view.shouldMoveAlongY = true

The area where the dragging action starts can be configured:

view.handle = CGRectMake(0, 0, 20, 20)


Andrea Mazzini. I'm available for freelance work, feel free to contact me.

Want to support the development of these free libraries? Buy me a coffee ☕️ via Paypal.


Thanks to everyone kind enough to submit a pull request.

MIT License

The MIT License (MIT)

Copyright (c) 2017 Andrea Mazzini

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in
the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of
the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,
subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.

  • add (id)parameter to draggingBlocks.  UIView self can be called in draggingBlocks

    add (id)parameter to draggingBlocks. UIView self can be called in draggingBlocks

    In my situation, I need to change UIView itself in draggingBlocks. And I think add (id self) in draggingBlocks is helpful.

    I'm not sure if there is any problem with it, and these code run well in my app. If I'm wrong , please tell me. Thank you

    opened by jeffssss 8
  • using setDraggingStartedBlock setDraggingEndedBlock

    using setDraggingStartedBlock setDraggingEndedBlock

    1. I though it would be fun to alter the background color & alpha of view while they moved so I tried out these blocks but the views do not land on the X,Y coords I leave them on. They jump a little. My Code is:
        __weak typeof(timerView) weakSelf = timerView;
        [timerView setDraggingStartedBlock:^
             weakSelf.alpha = 0.9f;
        [timerView setDraggingEndedBlock:^
             weakSelf.backgroundColor=[UIColor whiteColor];;
             weakSelf.alpha = 1.0f;

    Without these blocks the views stop in the correct place. Is there something I can do to resolve this? It's the EndedBlock that's the issue. Even an empty block caused the view to just at the end.

    Not mission critical, just nice to try out the code.

    bug help wanted 
    opened by sundialsoft 5
  • How to use draggingEndedBlock to know that uiview has been ended dragging?

    How to use draggingEndedBlock to know that uiview has been ended dragging?

    @andreamazz I tried to override the variable draggingStartedBlock, draggingEndedBlock with didSet in order to know when the event is fired and call a function afterwards. However, I could not figure out how I can get the notification from draggingEndedBlock and seems it is never called when I test. and the delegate function is never called as well.

    would be much appreciated if you could provide examples on how to use these variables

    Here is my code:

     override var draggingEndedBlock: ((UIView?) -> Void)!{
                print("drag ended")
                delegate?.updatePosition(self.frame, messageId: (self.message?.id)!)

    Anyone could help?

    opened by ZhuQinglei 4
  • When included, this pod seems to mess with UIKit's general behaviors.

    When included, this pod seems to mess with UIKit's general behaviors.

    For example, UIImagePickerController is sometimes grayed-out or unresponsive, and UIActivityViewController, when presented, has its frame off the screen. I'll have to look for more details, but I know the issue is not present in my (older) fork: https://github.com/rsmoz/UIView-draggable

    opened by rsmoz 4
  • How to drag a button without calling button action?

    How to drag a button without calling button action?

    When i stop drag a button, the button's action will called, i tryed this: [self.roundButtonShadowView setDraggingStartedBlock:^(UIView *view) { @strongify(self) self.roundButton.userInteractionEnabled = NO; }]; [self.roundButtonShadowView setDraggingEndedBlock:^(UIView *view) { @strongify(self) self.roundButton.userInteractionEnabled = YES; }]; but now worked, the button's action is still be called... Sorry for my bad English.

    opened by zkfpk6 3
  • Resetting anchor point

    Resetting anchor point

    if (sender.state == UIGestureRecognizerStateEnded && self.draggingEndedBlock) { self.layer.anchorPoint = CGPointMake(0.5, 0.5); self.draggingEndedBlock(self); }

    Just wondering why one would need to have the drag end block implemented to have the anchor point reset.

    opened by renjithn 3
  • move outside parent

    move outside parent

    Hi, could the object move/drag outside of its parent ?

    let's say uibutton added as subview in uiscrollview and I want to make the uibutton draggable in whole self.view not only inside uiscrollview

    any hint?

    opened by mrhaxic 1
  • x,y should separate judgment

    x,y should separate judgment

        if (newXOrigin <= cagingAreaOriginX ||
            newXOrigin + CGRectGetWidth(self.frame) >= cagingAreaRightSide ) {
            newXOrigin = CGRectGetMinX(self.frame);
        if(newYOrigin <= cagingAreaOriginY ||
           newYOrigin + CGRectGetHeight(self.frame) >= cagingAreaBottomSide)
                        newYOrigin = CGRectGetMinY(self.frame);
    opened by azureplus 1
  • Gesture recognition fix

    Gesture recognition fix

    I was having problems with small draggable views and quick pan velocities where the gesture events would end up outside of the handle rect if the gesture was quick enough. Is there a specific reason this was being checked on all event states?

    EDIT: Also apparently some Atom generated whitespace fixes?

    opened by tommybananas 1
  • Test coverage and coveralls.io integration

    Test coverage and coveralls.io integration

    Hi @andreamazz,

    I've added tests and integrated coveralls.io for your project during the CocoaPods TestJam. Please note that you will need to enable coveralls.io for the repo using your GitHub account, I don't have admin rights to do that. Check this post if you need more info on coveralls.

    We're 100% covered :)

    opened by filwag 1
  • Add caging area

    Add caging area

    This pull request adds the functionality a caging area for the draggable view, in which the view can not be dragged out of.

    To add a caging area, set the cagingArea property on the view:

    [view enableDragging];
    CGRect cagingArea = <some CGRect>;
    view.cagingArea = theCagingArea;

    and to disable the caging functionality, set the cagingArea to CGRectZero:

    view.cagingArea = CGRectZero;

    This also adds a UISwitch to the demo project to showcase this behavior. In this demo, the caging area is the frame of the FPViewController's view.


    opened by jrmsklar 1
  • Change @import to #import

    Change @import to #import

    @import directive is causing a compiler issue "Use of '@import' when C++ modules are disabled, consider using fmodules and fcxx-modules" when included in .mm files.

    opened by hyeongminan 0
  • Swipe View Fast - Out of Bounds

    Swipe View Fast - Out of Bounds

    If cagingArea is set and you swipe the view quickly it will go out of bounds, for example I turned off allowing the view to move along the Y axis, but it does if I swipe it down or up fast enough.

    Commenting out function "adjustAnchorPointForGestureRecognizer" seems to fix my issue, but still testing...

    opened by gintechsystems 1
  • Move subviews

    Move subviews


    I want to move the subviews of a view. Actually if I set enableDragging in a subview it doesn't move, but if I set into the superview it moves. Is there I have to config into the superview to enable pan gesture into subviews?

    Thanks for your work!

    opened by josealonsogarcia 0
  • draggingStartedBlock didn't work when UIView dragged fast enough

    draggingStartedBlock didn't work when UIView dragged fast enough

    In Demo, FPViewController.m , I use draggingStartedBlock

    - (IBAction)actionSwitch:(UISwitch*)sender {
        [self.draggableViews enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(UIView* obj, NSUInteger idx, BOOL *stop) {
            [obj setDraggable:sender.isOn];
            obj.draggingStartedBlock= ^(){

    when I drag UIView slowly, it works well, but when I drag UIView fast enough, draggingStartedBlock doesn't work.

    I think the problem is , when - (void)handlePan:(UIPanGestureRecognizer*)sender is called, sender.state is alreay 'UIGestureRecognizerStateChanged' . I'm not sure and I wonder whether there are some good solutions.


    opened by jeffssss 1
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