Zeplin-ios - First unofficial community driven Zeplin iOS Application


Due to the lack of support and Zeplin's internal policies, we stopped working on Zeplin iOS application. More information can be found through https://twitter.com/yagiznizipli/status/1238143337661640706

So, apparently instead of replying to our emails Zeplin decided with promoting non-open sourced version of zeplin client (https://blog.zeplin.io/making-zeplin-mobile-with-zeplin-api-2db73dc2a0dd…) What a good time to be an open source contributor!

Zeplin iOS

Say hello to first unofficial Zeplin companion app, Zeplin Client!

Zeplin iOS Application

It is the only app you need to preview your designs on Zeplin. Simply, log in to your Zeplin account and Zeplin Client will bring your projects into your iPhone.

Zeplin Screens, Natively on iPhone πŸš€

Easily browse through sections and view screens.

Pixel Perfect πŸ“

Fit any design on your iPhone’s screen or view it in its original resolution.

More to Come πŸ’‘

  • Adding Comments
  • Notifications
  • Prototype View

Having trouble or want to give feedback? Feel free to contact us at hello@relevantfruit.com.

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  • 1.0.3(Apr 18, 2020)


    • Added push notification support
    • Better error handling on authentication related issues
    • Converted the application to use Reactive Flow Pattern (using RxFlow)
    • Added zpl:// deep link support
    • Fixed full screen resolution issue on screen view
    • Fixed pull to refresh glitch on projects and project views
    • Added sentry for error reporting

    For more information and suggestions please email us at hello@relevantfruit.com

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.0.2(Mar 7, 2020)


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