A lightweight customized tabbar view. πŸ“Œ



A lightweight customized tabbar view.

License Platform Swift 4.x MadeWithLove Awesome-Swift

  1. Screenshots
  2. Features
  3. Installation
  4. Setup
  5. ToDos
  6. Credits
  7. Thanks
  8. License


Only Icon Icon (top) with title (bottom) Only Title
Icon (left) with title (right) Icon (right) with title (left) Icon (bottom) with title (top)
HHTabBarView top position HHTabBarView top position (iPhoneX)


  1. Easily Configurable and Setup. Create tabs with Title, or Image or both.
  2. Dynamic Tabs Configurations.
  3. Detect Taps in a completion block.
  4. Show/Hide Badge Value in individual tabs. Easily Configure as per the needs.
  5. Lock/Unlock particular tabs.
  6. Easily show/hide UINavigationBar and HHTabBarView.
  7. Lightweight with zero dependancies.
  8. Change UI of HHTabBarView (LeftToRight or RightToLeft) as per the needs.
  9. Change HHTabBarView position as per UI requirements. Supports: Top and Bottom (Default).
Note: I don't recommended displaying HHTabBarView at the top. It's always good at the bottom.


  1. Manually – Add HHTabBarView/Source folder to your Project. And you're good to use HHTabBarView.

  2. CocoaPods: – pod 'HHTabBarView'

You can read the CHANGELOG file for a particular release.


Important: Please note that HHTabBarView is currently not supports UIStoryBoard. Means, you will have to create HHTabBarView programmatically. It is advised to setup HHTabBarView in AppDelegate.swift for your easyness.

  1. Initialize and keeping reference of HHTabBarView. πŸ“Œ
    let hhTabBarView = HHTabBarView.shared
  1. Keeping reference of iOS default UITabBarController. πŸ“Œ
    let referenceTabBarController = HHTabBarView.shared.referenceUITabBarController
  1. Setup referenced UITabBarController πŸ“Œ
    func setupReferenceUITabBarController() -> Void {
        //Creating a storyboard reference
        let storyboard = UIStoryboard.init(name: "Main", bundle: Bundle.main)
        //Creating navigation controller for navigation inside the first tab.
        let navigationController1: UINavigationController = UINavigationController.init(rootViewController: storyboard.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "FirstViewControllerID"))
        //Creating navigation controller for navigation inside the second tab.
        let navigationController2: UINavigationController = UINavigationController.init(rootViewController: storyboard.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "SecondViewControllerID"))
        //Update referenced TabbarController with your viewcontrollers
        referenceTabBarController.setViewControllers([navigationController1, navigationController2], animated: false)
  1. Setup HHTabBarView πŸ“Œ
    //Update HHTabBarView reference with the tabs requires.
    func setupHHTabBarView() -> Void {
        //Default & Selected Background Color
        let defaultTabColor = UIColor.white
        let selectedTabColor = UIColor.init(red: 234/255, green: 218/255, blue: 195/255, alpha: 1.0)
        let tabFont = UIFont.init(name: "Helvetica-Light", size: 14.0)
        //Create Custom Tabs
        let t1 = HHTabButton.init(withTitle: "Calendar", tabImage: UIImage.init(named: "Calendar")!, index: 0)
        t1.titleLabel?.font = tabFont
        t1.titleLabel?.textColor = UIColor.black
        t1.setHHTabBackgroundColor(color: defaultTabColor, forState: .normal)
        t1.setHHTabBackgroundColor(color: selectedTabColor, forState: .selected)
        let t2 = HHTabButton.init(withTitle: "Refresh", tabImage: UIImage.init(named: "Refresh")!, index: 1)
        t2.titleLabel?.font = tabFont
        t2.titleLabel?.textColor = UIColor.black
        t2.setHHTabBackgroundColor(color: defaultTabColor, forState: .normal)
        t2.setHHTabBackgroundColor(color: selectedTabColor, forState: .selected)
        //Note: As HHTabButton are subclassed of UIButton so you can modify it as much as possible.
        //Set Custom Tabs
        hhTabBarView.tabBarTabs = [t1, t2]
        //Set Default Index for HHTabBarView.
        hhTabBarView.defaultIndex = 1
        //Show Animation on Switching Tabs
        hhTabBarView.tabChangeAnimationType = .none
        //Handle Tab Change Event
        hhTabBarView.onTabTapped = { (tabIndex) in
            print("Selected Tab Index:\(tabIndex)")
  1. Setup window of your application inside the πŸ“Œ
    func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
        // Override point for customization after application launch.
        //Setup HHTabBarView
        //Setup Application Window
        self.window = UIWindow.init(frame: UIScreen.main.bounds)
        self.window?.rootViewController = self.referenceTabBarController
        return true
  1. Done! βœ…


  • Update README with multiple example usage and screenshots.

You can watch to HHTabBarView to see continuous updates. Stay tuned.

Have an idea for improvements of this class? Please open an issue.    


Hemang Shah

You can shoot me an email to contact.  

Thank You!!

See the contributions for details.


The MIT License (MIT)

Read the LICENSE file for details.

  • Logo proposal

    Logo proposal

    Good day Sir @hemangshah ,

    I am a graphics designer and i want to contribute on your project by designing a logo for it as a gift for free if you will permit me. I have noticed you don't have logo yet. Ill wait for your approval first before I start.

    Thanks and best regards! -Tobaloidee

    opened by Tobaloidee 17
  • Custom Title Color and Insets for Tab Bar Button

    Custom Title Color and Insets for Tab Bar Button

    The customizable titleLabel color has been fixed. (You can set the titleLabel color on the initilization step now.)

    • We can adjust the button titleLabel color in initialization.
    • When the button and the image are set together, the squeezed view between them is resolved.
    opened by batuhansk 4
  • More than 5 Tabs won't work.

    More than 5 Tabs won't work.

    Here i added 6 tab, but only 5 tabs are works and other tab's tab-button appears but doesn't work. Someone had solution for this please help., Thanks in advance

    opened by steveGates890 1
  • Correct syntax for cd HHTabBarView/ command

    Correct syntax for cd HHTabBarView/ command

    Hi @hemangshah,

    This is Luna from Travis CI again. I have corrected the syntax error in your config. This cds into the HHTabBarView folder where your xcode project is located so the xcodebuild command can find the project.

    An email will accompany this pull request

    opened by ghost 1
  • Fix .travis.yml config

    Fix .travis.yml config

    Hi @hemangshah!

    This is Luna from Travis CI. This should result in a green build. It is just building the project and doing so without code signing.

    This pull request will accompany an email as well. Please follow-up with any questions you may have over there.

    opened by ghost 1
  • Go back in navigation hierarchy when tapping on the same tab again.

    Go back in navigation hierarchy when tapping on the same tab again.

    Tab 1 β†  Navigation Controller ↦ View Controller 1 β†’ View Controller 2 β†’ View Controller 3

    So we're in View Controller 3 and by tapping on the same tab (Tab 1) again, I will now take back to View Controller 1 (the first view-controller in navigation controller hierarchy).

    To achieve this, I've made a slight change in on tab tapped closure block:

            hhTabBarView.onTabTapped = { (tabIndex, isSameTab, controller) in
                if isSameTab {
                    if let navcon = controller as? UINavigationController {
                        navcon.popToRootViewController(animated: true)
                    } else if let vc = controller as? UIViewController {
                        vc.navigationController?.popToRootViewController(animated: true)
                print("Selected Tab Index:\(tabIndex)")

    With this, there'll be a possible highlight issue will occurs as part of this change in 2.3.0, to fix this:

    I am suggesting this solution: Integrate this functions in View Controller 1 (and all other where you will have similar navigation flow).

        override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
            // This will be helpful in locking the current tab if we're already in the first view-controller in navigation flow.
        override func viewWillDisappear(_ animated: Bool) {
            // This will be helpful to unlock the locked tab when we're going forward from the first view-controller in navigation flow.

    P.S. Thanks Nishan for coming up with this issue. πŸ™πŸΌ

    opened by hemangshah 0
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