A lightweight but powerful color kit (Swift)
Pick Colors From Image
Generate Monochrome Image
Support Hex Color Style
Lighten / Darken Any Color
Generate Two Different Styles of Gradient Color
ARC only; iOS 8.0+
Get it as:
1) source files
- Download the BCColor repository as a zip file or clone it
- Copy the BCColor files into your Xcode project
2) via Cocoa pods
BCColor is available on CocoaPods. Just add the following to your project Podfile:
pod 'BCColor'
If you want to read more about CocoaPods, have a look at this short tutorial.
Basic Usage
// Pick Colors From Image
let colors = image?.getColors()
// Generate Momochrome Image
let monochromeImage = image?.monochrome()
// Hex Color
UIColor.colorWithHex("#5d13e2", alpha: 1)
// Gradient Color
UIColor.gradientColor(CGPointMake(0.0, 0.0), endPoint: CGPointMake(1.0, 1.0), frame:frame, colors: [UIColor.redColor(), UIColor.blueColor()])
UIColor.radialGradientColor(frame, colors: [UIColor.blueColor(), UIColor.greenColor()])
Author: Boyce Chang
If you like BCColor and use it, could you please:
- star this repo
- send me some feedback. Thanks!
This code is distributed under the terms and conditions of the MIT license.
Contribution guidelines
If you are fixing a bug you discovered, please add also a unit test so I know how exactly to reproduce the bug before merging.