UIGradient - A simple and powerful library for using gradient layer, image, color


Platform Swift 5 Version License


UIGradient is now available on CocoaPods. Simply add the following to your project Podfile, and you'll be good to go.

pod 'UIGradient'



Create a GradientLayer then add it to your view's

public extension UIView {

    func addGradientWithDirection(_ direction: GradientDirection, colors: [UIColor], cornerRadius: CGFloat = 0, locations: [Double]? = nil)

    func addGradient(_ gradientLayer: GradientLayer, cornerRadius: CGFloat = 0)


let gradient = GradientLayer(direction: GradientDirection, colors: [UIColor])

UIGradient supports those directions below:

public enum GradientDirection {
    case topToBottom // top to bottom
    case bottomToTop // bottom to top
    case leftToRight // left to right
    case rightToLeft // right to left
    case topLeftToBottomRight // top left to bottom right
    case topRightToBottomLeft // top right to bottom left
    case bottomLeftToTopRight // bottom left to top right
    case bottomRightToTopLeft // bottom right to top left

You can also create a GradientLayer clone instance using this function:

open class GradientLayer: CAGradientLayer {
    public final func clone() -> GradientLayer

Gradient color

UIGradient allows you create gradient color

public extension UIColor {

    static func fromGradient(_ gradient: GradientLayer, frame: CGRect, cornerRadius: CGFloat = 0) -> UIColor?
    static func fromGradientWithDirection(_ direction: GradientDirection, frame: CGRect, colors: [UIColor], cornerRadius: CGFloat = 0, locations: [Double]? = nil) -> UIColor?


let view1 = UIView(frame: frame)
view1.backgroundColor = UIColor.fromGradientWithDirection(.topToBottom, frame: frame, colors: [UIColor.blue, UIColor.green])
//view1.backgroundColor = UIColor.fromGradient(gradient, frame: frame)
let label = UILabel(frame: frame)
label.text = "some text"
label.textColor = UIColor.fromGradient(gradient, frame: frame)

Gradient image

UIGradient also allows you create gradient image

public extension UIImage {

    static func fromGradient(_ gradient: GradientLayer, frame: CGRect, cornerRadius: CGFloat = 0) -> UIImage?
    static func fromGradientWithDirection(_ direction: GradientDirection, frame: CGRect, colors: [UIColor], cornerRadius: CGFloat = 0, locations: [Double]? = nil) -> UIImage?


let imageView = UIImageView(frame: frame)
imageView.image = UIImage.fromGradientWithDirection(.bottomLeftToTopRight, frame: frame, colors: [UIColor.blue, UIColor.green])

Gradient library

UIGradient was inspired by @lukedesigner. I created 24 gradients based on his website and make them static variables of GradientLayer so everyone can use those gradients for their projects.

let oceanBlueGradient 		= GradientLayer.oceanBlue
let sanguineGradient  		= GradientLayer.sanguine
let lusciousLimeGradient 	= GradientLayer.lusciousLime
let purpleLakeGradient 		= GradientLayer.purpleLake

You can explore them in my example project.


UIGradient was created by Đinh Quang Hiếu (dqhieu13@gmail.com) in 2017 using Swift. If you found any problem please create issue or pull request to help me improve this open source project. Thanks!


UIGradient is released and distributed under the terms and conditions of the MIT license.

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  • Add support for custom gradient locations + custom angle

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    Hi @dqhieu

    this is a great little library. I extended it to support custom gradient break locations and supporting custom angles in degrees.

    Please merge!

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  • UIGradient 1.4

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    Project board: https://github.com/dqhieu/UIGradient/projects/1

    Feature request

    • [ ] Support adding border gradient


    • GradientDirection -> GradientLayer.Direction
    • Make direction property public (GradientLayer)
    • Add uiColors: [UIColor] property (GradientLayer)
    opened by dqhieu 1
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