Flat UI color palette helpers written in Swift.

Related tags

Color FlatUIColors

FlatUIColors (swift)

CocoaPods CocoaPods CocoaPods GitHub tag


Make sure you have the latest version of CocoaPods (gem install cocoapods) that has Swift support. At the time of this writing, that would be 0.39.0.

Add to your Podfile:

pod 'FlatUIColors'

And then from the shell:

$ pod install


There are a number of static functions defined on the struct FlatUIColors that return UIColor or NSColor objects. The return type of these functions is OSColor, which is a platform-aware typealias.

Just import and use:

import FlatUIColors

let turquoise: NSColor = FlatUIColors.turquoise()

// Optional CGFloat for setting alpha value
let emerald: UIColor = FlatUIColors.emerald(0.25)

The following is a list of all of the static color functions defined on struct FlatUIColors.

public static func turquoise() -> OSColor!
public static func greenSea() -> OSColor!
public static func mediumTurquoise() -> OSColor! 
public static func lightSeaGreen() -> OSColor!
public static func emerald() -> OSColor!
public static func nephritis() -> OSColor!
public static func gossip() -> OSColor!
public static func salem() -> OSColor!
public static func peterRiver() -> OSColor!
public static func belizeHole() -> OSColor!
public static func riptide() -> OSColor!
public static func dodgerBlue() -> OSColor!
public static func amethyst() -> OSColor!
public static func wisteria() -> OSColor!
public static func lightWisteria() -> OSColor!
public static func plum() -> OSColor!
public static func wetAsphalt() -> OSColor!
public static func midnightBlue() -> OSColor!
public static func hoki() -> OSColor!
public static func ebonyClay() -> OSColor!
public static func sunflower() -> OSColor!
public static func tangerine() -> OSColor!
public static func confetti() -> OSColor!
public static func capeHoney() -> OSColor!
public static func carrot() -> OSColor!
public static func pumpkin() -> OSColor!
public static func ecstasy() -> OSColor!
public static func jaffa() -> OSColor!
public static func alizarin() -> OSColor!
public static func pomegranate() -> OSColor!
public static func monza() -> OSColor!
public static func thunderBird() -> OSColor!
public static func clouds() -> OSColor!
public static func silver() -> OSColor!
public static func gallery() -> OSColor!
public static func iron() -> OSColor!
public static func concrete() -> OSColor!
public static func asbestos() -> OSColor!
public static func pumice() -> OSColor!
public static func lynch() -> OSColor!

Colors Palette

contributors / authors

bryn austin bellomy < bryn.bellomy@gmail.com >
aleksandar kex trpeski < kex@pristap.com >
valentine silvansky < silvansky >
morita naoki < namorit@gmail.com >
angel vazquez < @avzquez >

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