Key-Value Coding (KVC) for native Swift classes and structs

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Reflection SwiftKVC


SwiftKVC brings key-value coding to native Swift classes and structures. You can easily set and access properties just using a subscript:

var person = Person()
person["name"] = "John"

Or use the more verbose method to catch potential errors:

var person = Person()
do {
  try person.set(value: "John", key: "name")
} catch {

SwiftKVC brings the power of Cocoa style key-value coding to Swift.


SwiftKVC is available through CocoaPods. To install, simply include the following lines in your podfile:

pod 'SwiftKVC'

Be sure to import the module at the top of your .swift files:

import SwiftKVC

Alternatively, clone this repo or download it as a zip and include the classes in your project.


To enable key-value coding for a native Swift structure or class, simply have it conform to either Value or Object respectively:

struct Person : Value {
  var name: String
  var age: Int

You can then set and retrieve values from your model by key:

person["name"] = "John"
person["age"] = 36
if let id = person["id"] as? Int {

If you would like to handle possible errors, you can use the more verbose methods:

do {
  try person.set(value: "John", key: "name")
  try person.set(value: 36, key: "age")
  if let id = try person.get(key: "id") as? Int {
} catch {


Brad Hilton,


SwiftKVC is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

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