Bugsnag error monitoring & exception reporter for iOS, macOS, tvOS and watchOS


Bugsnag error monitoring & exception reporter for iOS, macOS, tvOS and watchOS

iOS Documentation macOS Documentation tvOS Documentation watchOS Documentation Build status

The Bugsnag crash reporter for Cocoa library automatically detects crashes in your iOS 9.0+, macOS 10.11+, tvOS 9.2+ and watchOS 6.3+ applications, collecting diagnostic information and immediately notifying your development team, helping you to understand and resolve issues as fast as possible. Learn more about iOS crash reporting with Bugsnag.


  • Automatically report unhandled exceptions and crashes
  • Report handled exceptions
  • Log breadcrumbs which are attached to crash reports and add insight to users' actions
  • Attach user information and custom diagnostic data to determine how many people are affected by a crash

Getting started


  1. Create a Bugsnag account
  2. Complete the instructions in the integration guide for iOS
  3. Report handled exceptions using [Bugsnag notify:]
  4. Customize your integration using the configuration options


  1. Create a Bugsnag account
  2. Complete the instructions in the integration guide for macOS
  3. Report handled exceptions using [Bugsnag notify:]
  4. Customize your integration using the configuration options


  1. Create a Bugsnag account
  2. Complete the instructions in the integration guide for watchOS
  3. Report handled exceptions using [Bugsnag notify:]
  4. Customize your integration using the configuration options



All contributors are welcome! For information on how to build, test, and release bugsnag-cocoa, see our contributing guide.


The Bugsnag Cocoa library is free software released under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt for details.

  • Messages from fatalError/etc are no longer propagated on Bugsnag reports

    Messages from fatalError/etc are no longer propagated on Bugsnag reports

    Expected behavior

    Forcing the app to crash by calling fatalError("i am a message") includes the "i am a message" text in the bugsnag report.

    Observed behavior

    No message is included: https://app.bugsnag.com/recharge-labs/ios-consumer/errors/5bbe93a371c2fc001a3e9ba8


    Bugsnag 5.17.0 Xcode Version 10.0 (10A255)

    Additional information

    Original feature request (#159) and PR to add the feature (#188). I'm guessing that something in Swift 4.2 or Xcode 10 changed the way those notable addresses are attached to the crash report? Or maybe broke the heuristics in some other way?

    bug released 
    opened by edenman 30
  • Grouping still occasionally wrong

    Grouping still occasionally wrong

    Expected behavior

    different stacktraces are grouped into different errors

    Observed behavior

    Two totally different stacktraces are grouped into the same error: https://app.bugsnag.com/recharge-labs/ios/errors/5a0226b08110ee00185760ea?&event_id=5a5681dde2a9ff00189926dc https://app.bugsnag.com/recharge-labs/ios/errors/5a0226b08110ee00185760ea?&event_id=5a541f0ed0f0c0001cf4853b



    opened by edenman 20
  • I can't install Bugsnag on Carthage + Xcode11

    I can't install Bugsnag on Carthage + Xcode11


    Bugsnag won't install using XCode 11 + Carthage


    Library versions:

    • Bugsnag version (from your Podfile, Podfile.lock, or elsewhere): 5.22.7
    • Carthage version (if any): 0.33
    • iOS/tvOS/macOS version(s): MacOSX 10.15 Catalina

    Example code snippet

    carthage update bugsnag-cocoa --no-use-binaries --cache-builds --platform iOS


    (1 failure)
    Build Failed
    	Task failed with exit code 65:
    	/usr/bin/xcrun xcodebuild -workspace /Users/marcelosalloum/Workspace/persona-ios/Carthage/Checkouts/bugsnag-cocoa/OSX.xcworkspace -scheme Bugsnag -configuration Release -derivedDataPath /Users/marcelosalloum/Library/Caches/org.carthage.CarthageKit/DerivedData/11.0_11A420a/bugsnag-cocoa/v5.22.7 -sdk iphoneos ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH=NO CODE_SIGNING_REQUIRED=NO CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY= CARTHAGE=YES archive -archivePath /var/folders/g_/x9df0hls2k51twkgxtx68k9w0000gn/T/bugsnag-cocoa SKIP_INSTALL=YES GCC_INSTRUMENT_PROGRAM_FLOW_ARCS=NO CLANG_ENABLE_CODE_COVERAGE=NO STRIP_INSTALLED_PRODUCT=NO (launched in /Users/marcelosalloum/Workspace/persona-ios/Carthage/Checkouts/bugsnag-cocoa)
    This usually indicates that project itself failed to compile.
    bug released 
    opened by marcelosalloum 17
  • Crash in BugsnagEvent.m

    Crash in BugsnagEvent.m

    Describe the bug

    We're seeing a crash of unknown cause coming from Bugsnag. This has impacted 7 customers a total of 7 times, so it's fairly rare.

    Steps to reproduce



    • Bugsnag version: 6.1.3
    • CocoaPods version: 1.9.3
    • Carthage version (if any): n/a
    • iOS/tvOS/macOS version(s): 13.7.0, 14.0.1
    • Simulator or physical device: iPhone 11
    • XCode version: 11.2.1
    • Swift version (if applicable): 5.1

    Stack Trace

    Stack trace:
    Crashed: MyQueue
    0  libobjc.A.dylib                0x186892b30 objc_msgSend + 16
    1  Foundation                     0x186e9a3b8 -[NSArray(NSKeyValueCoding) valueForKey:] + 376
    2  Foundation                     0x186ea57f8 -[NSArray(NSKeyValueCoding) valueForKeyPath:] + 428
    3  MyApp                           0x1012790ac -[BugsnagEvent serializeBreadcrumbs] + 630 (BugsnagEvent.m:630)
    4  MyApp                           0x101279a04 -[BugsnagEvent toJson] + 756 (BugsnagEvent.m:756)
    5  MyApp                           0x10126d180 -[BugsnagClient notifyInternal:block:] + 1046 (BugsnagClient.m:1046)
    6  MyApp                           0x10126cf78 -[BugsnagClient notify:handledState:block:] + 1011 (BugsnagClient.m:1011)
    7  MyApp                           0x10126c1a0 -[BugsnagClient notifyError:block:] + 882 (BugsnagClient.m:882)
    8  MyApp                           0x10126463c +[Bugsnag notifyError:block:] + 136 (Bugsnag.m:136)
    9  MyApp                           0x101d28a68 specialized BugsnagLogStoreWriter.write(level:message:parameters:) + 4395485800 (<compiler-generated>:4395485800)
    10 MyApp                           0x101d1b6b8 AggregateLogStoreWriter.write(level:message:parameters:) + 4395431608 (<compiler-generated>:4395431608)
    11 MyApp                           0x101d1b778 protocol witness for LogStoreWriter.write(level:message:parameters:) in conformance AggregateLogStoreWriter + 4395431800 (<compiler-generated>:4395431800)
    12 MyApp                           0x101d21e30 Logger.log(level:_:parameters:) + 4395458096 (<compiler-generated>:4395458096)
    13 MyApp                           0x101bf9974 closure #1 in RedactedType1.redactedMethod + 4394244468 (<compiler-generated>:4394244468)
    14 MyApp                           0x101ef5e50 RedactedType3.redactedMethod + 318 (RedactedType3.swift:318)
    15 MyApp                           0x100cf3f98 protocol witness for RedactedType2.redactedMethod in conformance RedactedType3 + 4378492824 (<compiler-generated>:4378492824)
    16 MyApp                           0x101bf8e30 closure #1 in closure #1 in RedactedType1.redactedMethod + 305 (RedactedType1.swift:305)
    17 MyApp                           0x100ba5898 thunk for @escaping @callee_guaranteed () -> () + 4377122968 (<compiler-generated>:4377122968)
    18 libdispatch.dylib              0x1868399a8 _dispatch_call_block_and_release + 24
    19 libdispatch.dylib              0x18683a524 _dispatch_client_callout + 16
    20 libdispatch.dylib              0x1867e68a4 _dispatch_lane_serial_drain$VARIANT$mp + 608
    21 libdispatch.dylib              0x1867e7294 _dispatch_lane_invoke$VARIANT$mp + 416
    22 libdispatch.dylib              0x1867f078c _dispatch_workloop_worker_thread + 588
    23 libsystem_pthread.dylib        0x18688bb74 _pthread_wqthread + 272
    24 libsystem_pthread.dylib        0x18688e740 start_wqthread + 8
    bug released 
    opened by sethfri 14
  • Import Bugsnag headers before reading preprocessor defines

    Import Bugsnag headers before reading preprocessor defines


    • This change is a little different than https://github.com/bugsnag/bugsnag-react-native/pull/455 in that it just has .m files import their header files first thing.
    • Also do not query TARGET_OS_MAC first as that is true for TARGET_IOS_SIMULATOR.

    Test Plan:

    • Debugging in Bugsnag for this code.
    • I added a compiler error in every TARGET_OS_IPHONE conditional and ensured that they all worked. This is how I found the ones found in this diff.


    Fix building Bugsnag via Bazel


    Ensure class headers are imported first, which brings in Foundation, which brings in TargetConditionals.h. This is typical code structure.


    Change the imports of files so that preprocessor macros are defined when read.


    I added nonsense characters, to ensure that before the change would show that code wrapped in macro was not compiling, and that after the change it was. At runtime I was able to step into the BSGOutOfMemoryWatchdog which is usually preprocessor wrapped with BSGOOMAvailable, and it wasn't compiling for us.


    Outstanding Questions

    • This pull request is ready for:
      • [ ] Initial review of the intended approach, not yet feature complete
      • [ ] Structural review of the classes, functions, and properties modified
      • [x] Final review
      • [ ] Release
    • [x] The correct target branch has been selected (master for fixes, next for features)
    • [ ] If this is intended for release have all of the pre-release checks been considered?
    • [ ] Consistency across platforms for structures or concepts added or modified
    • [ ] Consistency between the changeset and the goal stated above
    • [ ] Internal consistency with the rest of the library - is there any overlap between existing interfaces and any which have been added?
    • [ ] Usage friction - is the proposed change in usage cumbersome or complicated?
    • [ ] Performance and complexity - are there any cases of unexpected O(n^3) when iterating, recursing, flat mapping, etc?
    • [ ] Concurrency concerns - if components are accessed asynchronously, what issues will arise
    • [ ] Thoroughness of added tests and any missing edge cases
    • [ ] Idiomatic use of the language
    opened by bolsinga 13
  • notifyError is _really_ slow

    notifyError is _really_ slow

    This is the code I'm using:

    	let isMainThead = Thread.isMainThread
    	let error = NSError(domain: "co.recharge", code: 1)
    	Bugsnag.notifyError(error, block: { report in
    		report.errorMessage = message
    		report.depth += 2 // Don't group by LogNonFatal always being at the top of the stack.
    		report.addAttribute("isMainThread", withValue: isMainThead, toTabWithName: "extra")

    On average, 494ms on an iPhone SE. I'd stick it in an Async block but then the stacktrace wouldn't be correct :/

    opened by edenman 13
  • On by default session tracking

    On by default session tracking


    Enables automatic tracking of sessions by default, and adds a new API for setting the notify/session endpoints.


    This should prevent the unintentional scenario where a user sets the notify endpoint with a sessions endpoint.






    • Updated docs for sessionURL and notifyURL to indicate they should be only used to read the value, not write.
    • Auto capture flag is now true by default


    Outstanding Questions

    • What should our approach be to deprecating the notifyURL and sessionURL properties? We may want to keep these properties to allow users to retrieve the value they have set. One option would be to deprecate them entirely, another would be to change to readonly rather than readwrite.

    • What is our approach for writing mazerunner scenarios? We're missing scenarios for the session tracking feature entirely, so presumably we need to write these in addition to the new test cases in the design spec. Cocoa mazerunner scenarios also don't currently work on my machine, and I'm concerned that waiting 20-30 minutes for CI to run the scenarios is a very long feedback loop.


    For the submitter, initial self-review:

    • [ ] Commented on code changes inline explain the reasoning behind the approach
    • [ ] Reviewed the test cases added for completeness and possible points for discussion
    • [ ] A changelog entry was added for the goal of this pull request
    • [ ] Check the scope of the changeset - is everything in the diff required for the pull request?
    • This pull request is ready for:
      • [x] Initial review of the intended approach, not yet feature complete
      • [ ] Structural review of the classes, functions, and properties modified
      • [ ] Final review

    For the pull request reviewer(s), this changeset has been reviewed for:

    • [ ] Consistency across platforms for structures or concepts added or modified
    • [ ] Consistency between the changeset and the goal stated above
    • [ ] Internal consistency with the rest of the library - is there any overlap between existing interfaces and any which have been added?
    • [ ] Usage friction - is the proposed change in usage cumbersome or complicated?
    • [ ] Performance and complexity - are there any cases of unexpected O(n^3) when iterating, recursing, flat mapping, etc?
    • [ ] Concurrency concerns - if components are accessed asynchronously, what issues will arise
    • [ ] Thoroughness of added tests and any missing edge cases
    • [ ] Idiomatic use of the language
    opened by fractalwrench 12
  • configuration.addOnSendError potentially triggered multiple times without any matching events in the Bugsnag dashboard

    configuration.addOnSendError potentially triggered multiple times without any matching events in the Bugsnag dashboard

    Describe the bug

    For some color, we use the configuration.addOnSendError block as a hook to send an event through our internal events pipeline. Recently, we've seen an increase in App Hang and Out of Memory events sent to our internal events db without ANY matching events in the Bugsnag dashboard for some users. For example, a single user has emitted 9k+ app hang events to our internal db and none to Bugsnag. These generally occur sometime after app launch and in rapid succession. We haven't been able to reproduce this yet, but we're trying to understand under what circumstances addOnSendError might be invoked multiple times for the same event. If Bugsnag fails to upload the event, would this block be invoked on retry, for instance?

    We considered the possibility that our analytics publisher could be the culprit, but all events go through the same pipeline and these are the only events we see multiples of. Let me know if there's anything I can clarify or questions I can answer.

    Steps to reproduce

    1. No repro steps at this time


    • Bugsnag version: 6.16.1
    • CocoaPods version: N/A
    • Carthage version (if any): N/A
    • iOS/tvOS/macOS version(s): iOS 15.2
    • Simulator or physical device: Device
    • Xcode version: Xcode 13.2.1
    • Swift version (if applicable):

    Example Repo

    • [ ] Create a minimal repository that can reproduce the issue
    • [ ] Link to it here:

    Example code snippet

    # (Insert code sample to reproduce the problem)
    Error messages:
    opened by cwalo 11
  • Symbolicating crash using build phase causes fastlane distribution error

    Symbolicating crash using build phase causes fastlane distribution error

    I am using latest version of Bugsnag iOS SDK and have implemented manual build phase to upload symbols for symbolicating crashes.

    I followed this doc https://docs.bugsnag.com/platforms/ios/symbolication-guide/#adding-a-build-phase-manually

    After adding the script, my fastlane setup has started throwing issues. It cant export archives, neither for development nor for distribution.

    Here is the snippet of my fastfile for archiving and uploading development build to firebase app distribution.

    lane :beta do
        settings_to_override = {
          :BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER => "<Bundle ID>",
          :PROVISIONING_PROFILE_SPECIFIER => "<Profile Name>"
            scheme: "<Scheme name>",
            export_method: "development",
            output_directory: "/Users/paras/Desktop",
    	output_name: "<IPA>.ipa",
    	xcargs: settings_to_override,
    	export_options: {
           		provisioningProfiles: {"<bundle ID>" => "<profile name>"}
            app: "<ID>",
            groups: "Team"

    I am not sure if I am doing anything wrong with the build phase but this issue started after we migrated to Bugsnag and changed the build phase.


    opened by prgorasiya 11
  • -[__NSDictionaryI setObject:forKeyedSubscript:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance

    -[__NSDictionaryI setObject:forKeyedSubscript:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance

    Describe the bug We're seeing a crash on the launch of our app. When Bugsnag is uninstalled, the app works fine.

    Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[__NSDictionaryI setObject:forKeyedSubscript:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x283290fc0'

    When I add a breakpoint, it takes me to line 284 in BSGOutofMemoryWatchdog.m: contents[BSGKeyApp][APP_KEY_IS_MONITORING_OOM] = [self.kvStore NSBooleanForKey:KV_KEY_IS_MONITORING_OOM defaultValue:false];

    Steps to reproduce Launching the app and starting Bugsnag on launch.

    Environment Bugsnag version: 6.1.5 CocoaPods version: 1.9.3 Carthage version (if any): N/A iOS/tvOS/macOS version(s): iOS 13 or 14 so far Simulator or physical device: Physical device. Xcode version: Xcode 12 (12A7209) Swift version (if applicable): Swift 5

    bug released 
    opened by jonahollman 11
  • NSInvalidArgumentExceptionBSGURLSessionTracingProxy.m:51


    Describe the bug

    Looks like a crash is happening from within the new network breadcrumbs plugin.

    Steps to reproduce

    CrashReporter Key:  d9416be80cce66b219bcc4c9ccccf351d909271f
    Hardware Model:     iPad7,4
    Process:            Primer
    Identifier:         com.withprimer.Primer
    Version:            1.7.1
    Role:               Foreground
    OS Version:         iOS 14.7.1
    NSInvalidArgumentException: -[NSInvocation getArgument:atIndex:]: index (1) out of bounds [-1, 0]
    0  CoreFoundation          -[NSInvocation getArgument:atIndex:]
    1  CoreFoundation          -[NSInvocation selector]
    2  Primer                  -[BSGURLSessionTracingProxy forwardInvocation:] (BSGURLSessionTracingProxy.m:51:32)
    3  CoreFoundation          ____forwarding___
    4  CoreFoundation          ___forwarding_prep_0___
    5  CFNetwork               __CFNetworkHTTPConnectionCacheSetLimit
    6  Foundation              ___NSBLOCKOPERATION_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_BLOCK__
    7  Foundation              -[NSBlockOperation main]
    8  Foundation              ___NSOPERATION_IS_INVOKING_MAIN__
    9  Foundation              -[NSOperation start]
    10 Foundation              ___NSOPERATIONQUEUE_IS_STARTING_AN_OPERATION__
    11 Foundation              ___NSOQSchedule_f
    12 libdispatch.dylib       __dispatch_block_async_invoke2
    13 libdispatch.dylib       __dispatch_client_callout
    14 libdispatch.dylib       __dispatch_continuation_pop$VARIANT$mp
    15 libdispatch.dylib       __dispatch_async_redirect_invoke
    16 libdispatch.dylib       __dispatch_root_queue_drain
    17 libdispatch.dylib       __dispatch_worker_thread2
    18 libsystem_pthread.dylib __pthread_wqthread
    19 libsystem_pthread.dylib _start_wqthread


    • Bugsnag version: 6.12.1
    • CocoaPods version: N/A (SPM)
    • Carthage version (if any): N/A (SPM)
    • iOS/tvOS/macOS version(s): iOS 14.7.1
    • Simulator or physical device: Physical device
    • Xcode version: Xcode 13
    • Swift version (if applicable): Swift 5.5

    Example code snippet

      private func startBugsnag() {
        let configuration = BugsnagConfiguration(bugsnagAPIKey)
        configuration.addOnSendError { event -> Bool in
          return true
        Bugsnag.start(with: configuration)
    // MARK: - BugsnagEvent
    private extension BugsnagEvent {
      func setCustomContextIfNeeded() {
          let contextualError = originalError as? ContextualError,
          let customContext = contextualError.customContext
        else {
        context = customContext
      func trimStacktraceIfPossible() {
        errors.forEach {
    // MARK: - BugsnagError
    private extension BugsnagError {
      /// Represents the number of items we need to remove from a `BugsnagError`'s `stacktrace` before reporting
      /// the error.
      /// When using `LoggingService`, there are `2` extra items in the stacktrace that we need to account for:
      /// 1. The protocol witness for LoggingService to DefaultLoggingService
      /// 2. The call to notifyError(_:)
      private static let stackTraceItemsToRemoveCount = 2
      /// Removes the first `x` items from the `stacktrace` for the receiver, where
      /// `x` is `BugsnagError.stackTraceItemsToRemoveCount`.
      func trimStacktraceIfPossible() {
        guard stacktrace.count > BugsnagError.stackTraceItemsToRemoveCount else {
    opened by gonzalonunez 10
  • Bugsnag build phase script to auto upload dsym with Xcode 14 failed to upload

    Bugsnag build phase script to auto upload dsym with Xcode 14 failed to upload

    I am using swift package manager. I have added manual build phase script to upload the dsym files automatically whenever a build is archived/uploaded. The ruby script is not working. No dsym gets uploaded when any build is archived. However I was able to upload the dsym files manually from terminal using bugsnag-dsym-upload

    I am using build phase script from the symbolication-guide under "Adding a build phase manually": symbolication Guide


    • Bugsnag version: 6.25.1
    • Xcode version: 14.0.1 , 14.1
    opened by halvi00 3
  • Calling NSProcessInfo.thermalState from an app with bugsnag installed crashes with _os_unfair_lock_recursive_abort

    Calling NSProcessInfo.thermalState from an app with bugsnag installed crashes with _os_unfair_lock_recursive_abort

    Apparently calling NSProcessInfo.thermalState can trigger NSProcessInfoThermalStateDidChangeNotification so the NoteThermalState receiver needs to dispatch its call to access NSProcessInfo.thermalState on the object sent to it or it can trigger recursion that crashes the app. This appears to only happen ~10% of the time but we're not certain:

    Screen Shot 2022-12-15 at 9 19 59 AM bug backlog 
    opened by ericcj 2
  • Make BugsnagNetworkRequestPlugin more useful, especially for GraphQL APIs

    Make BugsnagNetworkRequestPlugin more useful, especially for GraphQL APIs


    I'm curious if there is any interest in increasing the general utility of the BugsnagNetworkRequestPlugin, especially for GraphQL APIs. What if, at the very least, the request and response bodies were sent over to Bugsnag?

    By default, the URLRequests sent by GraphQL APIs don't end up providing very useful information when they make it over to Bugsnag: every request has the same URL, for example.

    Screen Shot 2022-01-10 at 3 50 05 PM

    Describe the solution you'd like Since the BSGURLSessionTracingDelegate has access to the NSHTTPURLResponse when it comes time to log, what if we exposed a way for clients to parse the Data to a String however they'd like (I wouldn't want to assume JSON, but I'm interested in JSON personally) and that was included in the error information that gets sent up to Bugsnag?

    Describe alternatives you've considered I'm aware of the ability to make some changes here server-side, but I'm mostly interested in having the bodies themselves show up in Bugsnag – regardless of whatever the web can do to change the URLs themselves.

    Additional context This would make the plugin extremely useful for me, and I would prefer a built-in approach instead of dropping the plugin altogether and adding additional logging myself.

    feature request backlog 
    opened by gonzalonunez 2
  • Investigating Bugsnag OOM Crashes

    Investigating Bugsnag OOM Crashes


    It's hard to tell what the reason for a given Bugsnag OOM crash was - whether a crash was happened by a memory leak, a retain cycle or just a high memory usage caused but the lack of optimizations.

    Describe the solution you'd like A way to tell whether a given OOM crash was a result of normal app usage (where the applications just happens to consume too much memory because of the lack of optimizations) or whether there is a memory leak / retain cycle somewhere in the app.

    Describe alternatives you've considered Using Xcode instruments to profile the app - one can profile only a small subsets of all of the possible applications' configurations that production users experience. Looking at a Bugsnag report - even with a lot of breadcrumbs in it - it's hard to replicate the state a user was in and be able to tell whether their OOM crash was a result of a retain cycle / memory leak.

    Additional context

    I do not have a clear idea for how this could be implemented but I wonder whether Bugsnag team has any suggestions / tips / plans for features that could make it easier to detect whether a given OOM crash was a result of a memory leak or a retain cycle.

    feature request backlog 
    opened by Augustyniak 12
  • Incorporate module-based and file-based filtering

    Incorporate module-based and file-based filtering


    Large iOS apps typically have multiple engineering teams that work on them. These teams typically work on a subset of features, comprised of a subset of modules in the app.

    In this world, it's rather overwhelming to look at the giant list of crashes in Bugsnag and try to determine which are the ones you need to care about. Meanwhile, Bugsnag offers powerful functionality with Bookmarks, that allow engineers to create custom dashboards for a subset of crashes.

    Describe the solution you'd like

    We are very attracted to Sentry's ownership rules as a way of solving this problem. It allows engineers to filter based on file path or module. Meanwhile, Swift offers the #fileID macro and Obj-C offers the __FILE__ macro. Both of these would allow Bugsnag to attract file and module information for segmenting in Bugsnag.

    We would love Bugsnag to incorporate some form of module-based or file-based filtering so that our feature teams can get a better handle on the crashes and errors that are most relevant to them.

    Describe alternatives you've considered We have tried passing this in as metadata to Bugsnag. While this works for non-fatal errors since we know exactly when we're going to call notifyError, it does not work for crashes.

    #927 was a previous form of this request, but we believe the approach in this new issue is much more straightforward.

    feature request backlog 
    opened by sethfri 1
  • Expose

    Expose "launch reason" or OOM state


    It would be nice to know "why is the app launching?" Basically we'd like to know if we're re-launching due to a crash, or an OOM, etc. This will allow us to monitor what is going wrong more closely.

    Describe the solution you'd like Right now there is +[Bugsnag appDidCrashLastLaunch]. How about an enumeration about why the application launched? Something along the lines of https://eng.uber.com/startup-reason-reporter/

    Describe alternatives you've considered Right now we use private interfaces in Bugsnag to get -[BSGOutOfMemoryWatchdog didOOMLastLaunch] in v5, and -[BugsnagClient shouldReportOOM] in v6

    Related requests with #570.

    Additional context We basically just want to monitor with our own services if Bugsnag believes an OOM has occurred.

    feature request needs discussion 
    opened by bolsinga 2
  • v6.25.1(Dec 7, 2022)

  • v6.25.0(Oct 26, 2022)

  • v6.24.0(Oct 5, 2022)


    • Add (experimental) configuration.attemptDeliveryOnCrash to allow uncaught Objective-C exceptions to be sent at crash time, prior to app termination. #1488

    Bug fixes

    • Disable OOM detection for Mac Catalyst apps. #1489
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v6.23.1(Sep 21, 2022)

  • v6.23.0(Sep 14, 2022)


    • Add leaveNetworkRequestBreadcrumbForTask:metrics: to simplify leaving network request breadcrumbs without overriding (swizzling) NSURLSession methods. #1472

    • Use objc_direct compiler attribute to reduce binary code size. This prevents calling non-public APIs when linking Bugsnag as a dynamic framework. #1479

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v6.22.3(Sep 1, 2022)

  • v6.22.2(Aug 17, 2022)

    Bug fixes

    • Fix a crash when using BugsnagNetworkRequestPlugin with GTMSessionFetcher. #1465

    • Fix a regression introduced in 6.18.0 that caused incorrect C++ exception stacktraces to be reported when Bugsnag is linked dynamically. #1463

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 6.22.1(Aug 10, 2022)

  • v6.22.0(Aug 10, 2022)


    • Increase default and maximum values for configuration.maxBreadcrumbs to 100 and 500, respectively. #1452

    • Trim breadcrumb messages & metadata in payloads that exceed the size limit. #1451

    • Truncate breadcrumb and metadata strings that are longer than configuration.maxStringValueLength. #1449

    • Add +[BugsnagStackframe stackframesWithCallStackReturnAddresses:] to public headers. #1446

    Bug fixes

    • Fix a potential deadlock when capturing the crashing thread's name. #1453

    • Attempt to send sessions stored on disk when connection regained. #1445

    • Set user.id to to device.id for all events and sessions if BugsnagClient.user.id is set to nil. To prevent collection, set it to an empty string or update it in OnSendError / OnSession. #1442

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v6.21.0(Jul 20, 2022)


    • Add configuration.reportBackgroundAppHangs to allow background app hangs to be reported. #1439

    • Add freeMemory, memoryLimit and memoryUsage to metaData.app. Always report the device (not app) free memory in device.freeMemory. #1435

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v6.20.0(Jul 13, 2022)


    • Feature flags can now be accessed in the onSend callbacks. #1432

    • Capture userInfo from all NSExceptions and include the error metadata tab for handled exceptions. #1428

    • Feature flags are now kept in order of insertion or modification rather than in alphabetical order. #1429

    • Send usage telemetry to Bugsnag for product improvement purposes. Can be disabled using configuration.telemetry. #1422

    Bug fixes

    • Prevent reporting of OOMs on simulators. #1421

    • Fix a rare crash in BugsnagBreadcrumbsWriteCrashReport(). #1430

    • Fix intermittent empty thread stacktraces. #1425

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v6.19.0(Jun 29, 2022)


    • Capture the crashing thread's name when possible. #1406

    Bug fixes

    • Ignore OOMs that occur while the app is inactive, reverting an inadvertent change in v6.16.4. #1416

    • Fix reporting of crashes that occur while device is locked in apps using NSFileProtectionComplete. #1415

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v6.18.1(Jun 22, 2022)

    Bug fixes

    • Remove device.freeMemory from OOM and Thermal Kill events. This indicated the app's remaining quota rather than the device's free memory, so has been removed to avoid confusion. #1408

    • Fix a crash that could occur in apps that set com.apple.developer.default-data-protection to NSFileProtectionComplete. #1407

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v6.18.0(Jun 8, 2022)


    • Add support for watchOS (>= 6.3).

      Unhandled Objective-C & C++ exceptions will automatically be reported but OOMs, app hangs, thermal kills, stack overflows, memory access issues and Swift fatal errors cannot be detected due to Mach exception and signal APIs being prohibited on watchOS.

      For more information see the documentation.

    • Add configuration.telemetry to allow sending of internal errors to be disabled. #1375

    Bug fixes

    • Fix data races detected by TSan in BSGRunContextUpdateTimestamp and UpdateAvailableMemory. #1384

    • Fix potential deadlocks caused by use of libc printf functions. #1397

    • Fix incorrect device.time in 32-bit crash reports. #1399

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v6.17.1(May 18, 2022)

  • v6.17.0(May 11, 2022)

  • v6.16.8(May 4, 2022)

  • v6.16.7(Apr 13, 2022)

    Bug fixes

    • Fix underreporting of device.totalMemory, which now matches NSProcessInfo.physicalMemory. #1335

    • Skip unnecessary file reading at startup when no unexpected app termination is detected. #1334

    • Fix duplication of app and device data in session payloads. #1332

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v6.16.6(Apr 6, 2022)

  • v6.16.5(Mar 30, 2022)

  • v6.16.4(Mar 3, 2022)

    Bug fixes

    • Fix crash in CPPExceptionTerminate() if throw was called without an exception. #1312

    • Fix accuracy of app.inForeground and prevent reporting of hangs during background launches. #1307

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v6.16.3(Feb 23, 2022)

    Bug fixes

    • Fix incorrect OOM session info after manually pausing or stopping a session. #1301

    • Improve accuracy of metaData.device.lowMemoryWarning. #1296

    • Stop reporting SIGPIPE errors in apps that set SIG_IGN. #1295

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v6.16.2(Jan 26, 2022)

  • v6.16.1(Jan 19, 2022)

  • v6.16.0(Jan 12, 2022)


    • New APIs to support forthcoming feature flag and experiment functionality. For more information, please see https://docs.bugsnag.com/product/features-experiments #1279

    Bug fixes

    • Fix missing user.id in OOM events with no active session. #1274

    • Improve crash report writing performance and size on disk. #1273

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v6.15.2(Jan 5, 2022)

    Bug fixes

    • Detect hangs during launch of UIScene based apps. #1263

    • Stop persisting changes made by OnSendError callbacks if delivery needs to be retried. #1262

    • Fix incorrect device.freeDisk in crash errors. #1256

    • Fix some potential deadlocks that could occur if a crash handler crashes. #1252

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v6.15.1(Dec 8, 2021)

    Bug fixes

    • Fix UIApplicationState detection when started from a SwiftUI app's init() function. This fixes false positive OOMs on iOS 15 for apps that have been prewarmed without transitioning to the foreground. #1248

    • Load configuration from the plist instead of using defaults when calling Bugsnag.start(withApiKey:) #1245

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v6.15.0(Dec 2, 2021)


    • New APIs to allow OnBreadcrumb, OnSendError and OnSession Swift closures to be removed. The following APIs are now deprecated and will be removed in the next major release:

      • removeOnBreadcrumb(block:)
      • removeOnSendError(block:)
      • removeOnSession(block:) #1240
    • Include metadata in breadcrumbs for UIWindow / NSWindow notifications. #1238

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v6.14.4(Nov 22, 2021)

    Bug fixes

    • (BugsnagNetworkRequestPlugin) Fix a crash in -[BSGURLSessionTracingDelegate URLSession:task:didFinishCollectingMetrics:] for tasks with no request. #1230
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v6.14.3(Nov 3, 2021)

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