21 Repositories
Swift crash-reports Libraries
POC for a bug with react-native-webview crashing on IOS 16.1
POC Shared Worker issues with IOS 16.1 webview Apple Developers post with workaround Webkit confirmed issue Start a simple http server with shared wor
Bugsnag error monitoring & exception reporter for iOS, macOS, tvOS and watchOS
Bugsnag error monitoring & exception reporter for iOS, macOS, tvOS and watchOS The Bugsnag crash reporter for Cocoa library automatically detects cras
An Xcode plugin for manually symbolicating crash logs
CrashSymbal An Xcode plugin for manually symbolicating crash logs Install Build the project to install the plugin. The plugin gets installed in /Libra
Lightweight MetricKit-based diagnostics reporting
MeterReporter Lightweight MetricKit-based diagnostics reporting. MeterReporter will capture MetricKit payloads and relay them to a backend. It uses Me
🎁 Unwrap an optional or throw an error if nil (or crash the program).
Unwrap Or Throw (or Die!) 🎁 Unwrap an optional or throw an error if nil (or crash the program). Not invented here. The idea for unwrap or die and unw
XCTestCrashDemo - XCTest Crash Demo with swift
XCTest Crash Demo This repo intends to centralize XCTest crash errors and the wa
Generate automated reports for slow Swift compilation paths in specific targets
SwiftCompilationPerformanceReporter Inspired by Brian and Bryan's prior work, we've decided to develop a Swift Package and script to generate automate
Demo project of Swift language crash using Release build on iOS 14
Demo project of Swift language crash using Release build on iOS 14 Repro steps O
Create a weather app from scratch with this SwiftUI Crash Course
"Create a weather app from scratch with this SwiftUI Crash Course" https://youtu
A Github action for creating generic run report using Markdown
create-report A Github action for creating generic run report (using Markdown!) - uses: michaelhenry/create-report@v1.0.0 with: report-title: "
Convert xcodebuild plist and xcresult files to JUnit reports
trainer This is an alternative approach to generate JUnit files for your CI (e.g. Jenkins) without parsing the xcodebuild output, but using the Xcode
The project used in the iOS Architect Crash Course lectures
iOS Architect Crash Course • August 2nd-8th • EssentialDeveloper.com https://www.essentialdeveloper.com/ios-architect-crash-course/aug-2021-a5220 It's
ips2crash is a macOS command line too to convert a .ips file to a legacy .crash log file.
Synopsis ips2crash is a macOS command line too to convert a .ips file to a legacy .crash log file. Motivation It should be possible to read .ips file
Dotzu In-App iOS Debugging Tool With Enhanced Logging, Networking Info, Crash reporting And More.
Dotzu In-App iOS Debugging Tool With Enhanced Logging, Networking Info, Crash reporting And More. The debugger tool for iOS developer. Display logs, n
Automaticly display Log,Crash,Network,ANR,Leak,CPU,RAM,FPS,NetFlow,Folder and etc with one line of code based on Swift. Just like God opened his eyes
GodEye Automaticly display Log,Crash,Network,ANR,Leak,CPU,RAM,FPS,NetFlow,Folder and etc with one line of code based on Swift. Just like God opened hi
Measure Swift code metrics and get reports in Xcode, Jenkins and other CI platforms.
Taylor ⚠️ Taylor is DEPRECATED. Use SwiftLint instead. A tool aimed to increase Swift code quality, by checking for conformance to code metrics. Taylo
Flexible bug report framework for iOS
Clue is a simple smart-bug report framework for iOS, which allows your users to record full bug/crash report and send it to you as a single .clue file
Aardvark is a library that makes it dead simple to create actionable bug reports.
Aardvark Aardvark makes it dead simple to create actionable bug reports. Aardvark is made up of a collection of frameworks that provide different bug
In-App iOS Debugging Tool With Enhanced Logging, Networking Info, Crash reporting And More.
The debugger tool for iOS developer. Display logs, network request, device informations, crash logs while using the app. Easy accessible with its bubble head button 🔘 . Easy to integrate in any apps, to handle development or testing apps easier. First version, there is plenty of room for improvement.
A Mac command-line tool that generates kick-ass Jamf Pro reports.
KMART - Kick-Ass Mac Admin Reporting Tool A command-line utility generating kick-ass Jamf Pro reports: Features Reporting on the following Jamf Pro ob
Stacksift App SDK
Stacksift SDK Capture and submit crashes to Stacksift. This library ties together Wells and Impact to provide a full crash capturing and submission sy