[iOS] Representing analog flip numbers like airport/trainstation displays

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UI JDFlipNumberView

JDFlipNumberView & JDFlipImageView

The FlipNumberView is simulating an analog flip display (like those for the departure time on the airport). It's well abstracted and damn easy to use. Please open a Github issue, if you think anything is missing or wrong.




  • pod 'JDFlipNumberView' including the default images
  • pod 'JDFlipNumberView/Core' without default images (to use your own images)
  • pod 'JDFlipNumberView/FlipImageView', only the JDFlipImageView (for flipping images)

See Customization below for infos, on how to use your own images.

(For infos on cocoapods, have a look the cocoapods website)


  1. Add all files from JDFlipNumberView/JDFlipNumberView/*.{h,m} to your project
  2. Add the JDFlipNumberView.bundle, if you want to use the default images
  3. Link against the QuartzCore.framework


The main classes are

  • JDFlipNumberView
    The Standard FlipNumberView. It shows an integer value as FlipView. It has a choosable amount of digits. Can be animated in any way described in this document.

  • JDFlipImageView
    An Image View with flip animations. Use it like a regular UIImageView, but set new images animated via setImageAnimated:duration:completion:.

For specific usecases you may use on of these:

  • JDDateCountdownFlipView
    A date countdown. Just init with a target date and it will show the remaining days, hours, minutes and seconds until that date.

  • JDFlipClockView
    A digital clock. Displays the hour and minutes of the current time as flipViews. Seconds can also be enabled. Always shows the current time.

  • UIView+JDFlipImageView
    A UIView category that makes it possible to transition between any two views using a flip animation.


In any case, after installing, you only need to follow some simple steps to get started. Here is a full example usage:

Example: A 4 digit FlipNumberView animating down every second.

// create a new FlipNumberView, set a value, start an animation
JDFlipNumberView *flipNumberView = [[JDFlipNumberView alloc] initWithDigitCount:4];
flipNumberView.value = 1337;
[flipNumberView animateDownWithTimeInterval: 1.0];

// add to view hierarchy and resize
[self.view addSubview: flipNumberView];
flipNumberView.frame = CGRectMake(20,100,300,100);

That's it. This will display a working, flipping, animating countdown view!
See the example project for other examples.

Possible animations

Basic animations (Single Flip):

- (void)setValue:(NSInteger)newValue animated:(BOOL)animated;
- (void)animateToNextNumber;
- (void)animateToPreviousNumber;

Targeted animation over time (Flipping through all numbers, until target is reached):

- (void)animateToValue:(NSInteger)newValue duration:(CGFloat)duration;

Timed animation without target value (Flipping once per timeInterval):

- (void)animateUpWithTimeInterval:(NSTimeInterval)timeInterval;
- (void)animateDownWithTimeInterval:(NSTimeInterval)timeInterval;


You may use the original .psd file from the gfx folder to create custom numbers.

Digit images

A) Replace original images
Replace the images within the JDFlipNumberView.bundle. (In the Finder just Rightclick > Show Contents to see the images.)

When using Pods, make sure to use pod 'JDFlipNumberView/Core', so the default bundle won't be copied. Just create a bundle named JDFlipNumberView.bundle in your project yourself.

B) Use multiple bundles
Add another graphics bundle to your project. A bundle is nothing else, than a regular folder, but named with .bundle as extension. You need one image per digit. 0.png, 1.png, 2.png, etc. See the next section on how to use multiple bundles.

Implementing a custom bundle

To use your own bundles, create the FlipViews like this:

[JDFlipNumberView initWithDigitCount:<#count#> 

or for a DateCountDown like this:

[JDDateCountdownFlipView initWithDayDigitCount:<#count#>


I'm @calimarkus on Twitter. Feel free to post a tweet, if you like the FlipNumberView.


  • Fixed animation timers being blocked.

    Fixed animation timers being blocked.

    If the flip number view is used in a scroll view, the timers were being blocked during scrolling. To fix this I changed the run loop modes for the NSTimers used to fire the animations.

    opened by guykogus 5
  • JDDateCountdownFlipView: Weird behavior when countdown reaches

    JDDateCountdownFlipView: Weird behavior when countdown reaches "0"

    There seems to be a problem with the countdown: When it gets reached (0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes, 0 seconds) it restarts to count down with 1 minute left. After that it restarts with 1 hour left.

    The correct behavior would be IMHO to freeze the countdown when it reaches "0".

    opened by friolz 4
  • flipView infinite loop bug ?

    flipView infinite loop bug ?

    i will like the value from 99999 to 1, but the flipview have infinite loop.

    - (void)viewDidLoad
     [self performSelector:@selector(changeCreditValue:) withObject:@"1" afterDelay:3];
    - (void)setupCreditBar
        self.flipView = [[JDFlipNumberView alloc] initWithDigitCount:5];
        self.flipView.value = 99999;
        self.flipView.maximumValue = 99999;
        // add to view hierarchy and resize
        [self.view addSubview: self.flipView];
        self.flipView.frame = CGRectMake(190,7,90,50);    
    - (void)changeCreditValue:(NSString *)newCreditValue
        NSDate *startDate = [NSDate date];
        NSLog(@"new Credit %@",newCreditValue);
        [self.flipView animateToValue:[newCreditValue intValue] duration:3.5];
    opened by kohdesmond 4
  • Possible feature : Animating through a set of time within a duration

    Possible feature : Animating through a set of time within a duration

    currently you have "- (void)animateToValue:(NSInteger)newValue duration:(CGFloat)duration;" it might be nice to add animateToValue for time. Like animateTimeFrom to animateTimeTo in duration

    opened by steve21124 3
  • Allow JDFlipViewRelativeMargin to be configured

    Allow JDFlipViewRelativeMargin to be configured

    This value should be configurable someplace in the component to enhance the rendering.

    For instance with my custom design, the views are too close one from each other, I would like to set JDFlipViewRelativeMargin to something like 30%.

    opened by cyrilchandelier 3
  • JDFlipNumberViewDelegate seems not working

    JDFlipNumberViewDelegate seems not working

    delegate method "flipNumberView: (JDFlipNumberView*)flipNumberView willChangeToValue: (NSUInteger)newValue" cannot be found and not used in JDFlipNumberView.m.

    opened by Aragan123 3
  • NSBundle for `imageBundleName` should be configurable

    NSBundle for `imageBundleName` should be configurable

    JDFlipNumberViewImageFactory.m lines 53 and 96 use [NSBundle mainBundle] as the bundle from which to load the digit images. This causes trouble when trying to use JDFlipNumberView as a framework, with Carthage, or in an IB_DESIGNABLE since the bundle for JDFlipNumberView is not necessarily the same as [NSBundle mainBundle].

    Unfortunately, the fix isn't as simple as just replacing [NSBundle mainBundle] with [NSBundle bundleForClass:[self class]] since the default images JDFlipNumberView.bundle will be in the JDFlipNumberView bundle, but any custom images may be in another bundle.

    Probably the right solution is to allow the option of passing an NSBundle object along with the image bundle name. For example, here are a few methods that would get renamed.

    - (void)generateImagesFromBundleNamed:(NSString*)bundleName;


    - (void)generateImagesFromImageBundleName:(NSString*)imageBundleName inBundle:(NSBundle*)bundle;


    - (void)setImageBundleName:(NSString*)imageBundleName;


    - (void)setImageBundleName:(NSString*)imageBundleName inBundle:(NSBundle*)bundle;

    If necessary, the old methods could stick around for backwards compatibility. They would just call the new methods with [NSBundle mainBundle] for the bundle parameter

    opened by johnboiles 2
  • UIView+JDFlipImageView was ignoring flip direction

    UIView+JDFlipImageView was ignoring flip direction

    Thank you for this implementation. It's been a tremendous time saver for me.

    I noticed that the UIView category was ignoring the JDFlipImageViewFlipDirection and always flipping from the top. I only modified the private factory method. The public API remains unchanged. I realize I accidentally included indentation change in this pull request. I'll fix that if you want me to.

    opened by seanwolter 2
  • No pod-2.0.6 tag

    No pod-2.0.6 tag

    I tried updating to the latest version with "pod update" and I'm getting the following error:

    [!] Pod::Executable fetch origin tags/pod-2.0.6 2>&1

    fatal: Couldn't find remote ref tags/pod-2.0.6

    fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly

    opened by KristopherGBaker 2
  • Fix intermittent CALayerInvalidGeometry crash after memory warning

    Fix intermittent CALayerInvalidGeometry crash after memory warning

    Fixes #44

    I could reproduce this crash by mashing cmd-shift-m to trigger memory warnings around the time JDFlipNumberView is laying out. This crash was caused by _topImages getting cleared out upon memory warning. Here's the sequence of events:

    1. Memory warning -- _topImages is cleared
    2. JDFlipNumberView layoutSubviews is called
    3. JDFlipNumberDigitView's sizeThatFits: method calls [self imageSize] which calls [factory imageSizeForBundleNamed:self.imageBundleName]
    4. imageSizeForBundleNamed: doesn't recreate _topImages so the size is returned as CGSizeZero
    5. JDFlipNumberDigitView's sizeThatFits: runs the line CGFloat origRatioW = imageSize.width/(imageSize.height*2);, resulting in a NaN (divide by 0)
    6. The NaN is set as the height for the JDFlipNumberDigitView's frame
    7. CALayerInvalidGeometry crash

    This fixes the issue by using topImagesForBundleNamed: instead of accessing topImages directly. topImagesForBundleNamed: recreates the topImages if they're not available.

    opened by johnboiles 1
  • CALayerInvalidGeometry crash in JDFlipNumberDigitView.m

    CALayerInvalidGeometry crash in JDFlipNumberDigitView.m

    I'm seeing an intermittent crash. Here's what it's looks like:

    Fatal Exception: CALayerInvalidGeometry
    CALayer position contains NaN: [32.5 nan]
    Thread : Fatal Exception: CALayerInvalidGeometry
    0  CoreFoundation                 6495280712 __exceptionPreprocess
    1  libobjc.A.dylib                6770999524 objc_exception_throw
    2  CoreFoundation                 6495280520 -[NSException initWithCoder:]
    3  QuartzCore                     6563416432 CA::Layer::set_position(CA::Vec2<double> const&, bool)
    4  QuartzCore                     6563416264 -[CALayer setPosition:]
    5  QuartzCore                     6563416152 -[CALayer setFrame:]
    6  UIKit                          6570418116 -[UIView(Geometry) setFrame:]
    7  MyApp                          4297676208 -[JDFlipNumberDigitView setFrame:] (JDFlipNumberDigitView.m:159)
    8  MyApp                          4297690220 -[JDFlipNumberView layoutSubviews] (JDFlipNumberView.m:495)
    9  UIKit                          6570433068 -[UIView(CALayerDelegate) layoutSublayersOfLayer:]
    10 QuartzCore                     6563453332 -[CALayer layoutSublayers]
    11 QuartzCore                     6563431780 CA::Layer::layout_if_needed(CA::Transaction*)
    12 QuartzCore                     6563431432 CA::Layer::layout_and_display_if_needed(CA::Transaction*)
    13 QuartzCore                     6563429384 CA::Context::commit_transaction(CA::Transaction*)
    14 QuartzCore                     6563428748 CA::Transaction::commit()
    15 UIKit                          6570441032 _UIApplicationHandleEventQueue
    16 CoreFoundation                 6494986472 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_SOURCE0_PERFORM_FUNCTION__
    17 CoreFoundation                 6494983052 __CFRunLoopDoSources0
    18 CoreFoundation                 6494975036 __CFRunLoopRun

    I've gotten this a handful of times on several devices (iPhone 5s, 6, 6s) on both iOS8 and 9.1. It's super intermittent so I haven't been able to reproduce in the debugger.

    Seems like the things that affect CALayer's position are bounds, anchorPoint, and possibly transform. Though I haven't been able to figure out where a division by zero could have happened for any of those. I'll post here if I make any progress in diagnosing this.

    opened by johnboiles 1
  • imageSnapshotAfterScreenUpdates Problem when flipping different Views on different Screens

    imageSnapshotAfterScreenUpdates Problem when flipping different Views on different Screens

    I'm using the JDFlipImageView flipToView Method to animate 2 Views concurrently. One on an iOS 8 Device and one on a connected Beamer (simply an UIWindow with UIView where an UIImageView is displayed and flipped, same constellation on the iOS Device). The animation is invoked first for the Beamer's View and then for the iOS Device View.

    It's quite simple something like:

      if(self->secondScreen) {
        UIImageView* beamerLastImageView = self->newBeamerImageView;
        self->newBeamerImageView = [[UIImageView alloc]
      UIImageView* lastImageView = self->newImageView;
      self->newImageView = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage:self->newImage];
      if(self->secondScreen) {
        [beamerLastImageView flipToView:self->newBeamerImageView
    duration:dur direction:dir completion:^(BOOL finished){ ... }];
      [lastImageView flipToView:self->newImageView duration:dur
    direction:dir completion:^(BOOL finished){ ... }];

    The Problem is that shortly before the flip animation an Image appears on the iOS Device View, but not on the Beamer. It is half the Size (may be due to the Beamers windows frame being 1/2 of that of the Devices View) and rotated by 180 degree.

    After few hours of reading my code (can't exactly debug the APP while using a connected display) which is quite short for the animations, I started reading through the code path invoked by flipToView and it seems that imageSnapshotAfterScreenUpdates either makes a wrong Image or somehow mixes things between the 2 screens.

    For now I worked around it by exposing the addFlipViewWithAnimationFromImage and using my own Images directly from the UIImageViews. This works without Problems.

    I couldn't find any Information as to why this Problem occurs.

    opened by makadev 2
  • Freeze in some occassion

    Freeze in some occassion

    When I leave a scene during the animation and switch back, the numbers are frozen in a middle state until next one, how to avoid this?

    Thank you in advance. 04a0a88f-e503-4442-959d-7c028462458c

    opened by nix1024 8
  • Trainstation animation style [JDClassicFlipNumberView]

    Trainstation animation style [JDClassicFlipNumberView]

    When changing a number, e.g. 3520 to 9250 every digit should animate on its own to the new number iterating over every digit inbetween.

    Means: 3 to 9 (in 6 flips) 5 upwards to 2 (in 7 flips) 2 to 5 (in 3 flips) 0 stays like it is (0 flips)

    Working Title: JDClassicFlipNumberView

    opened by calimarkus 3
  • Full support for NSNumberFormatter

    Full support for NSNumberFormatter


    It would be great if your library will support NSNumberFormatter (for example, in our project we're using groupSeparator for NSNumberFormatter, and our numbers looks like "1 000 000", not "1000000")


    opened by bsideup 1
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