An Objective-C animation library used to create floating image views.



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JRMFloatingAnimation is an ObjC library used to create floating image views:

Bubbles Sax

Balloons Tractor


To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.

To create the animation view:

self.floatingView = [[JRMFloatingAnimationView alloc]];
[self.floatingView addImage:[UIImage imageName:@"myImage"]];
[self.view addSubview:self.floatingView];

To animate the view:

[self.floatingView animate];

You can add as many images to your view as you want, and they will be used randomly. Note that the images should be square.

There are a variety of different settings you can add to your animation view.

  • startingPointWidth - Varies the x of the starting point, with the starting point y being the middle. default is 0.
  • maxAnimationHeight - The maximum height that the animation may go. Default is the distance from the top of the frame to the starting point y value.
  • minAnimationHeight - The minimum height that the animation may go. If this is larger than the maxAnimationHeight, they will swap. Default is 1/3 the maxAnimationHeight .
  • animationWidth - The maximum "width" of the bezier path's control points fro the object's starting point. Changing this may give you unexpected results. Defaults:
    • JRMFloatingShape: The object's size * 2.
    • JRMFloatingShapeCurveLeft: The distance between the starting point x and the let edge of the frame.
    • JRMFloatingShapeCurveRight: The distance between the starting point x and the right edge of the frame.
    • JRMFloatingShapeTriangleUp: The width of the frame.
  • pop: Gives the impression of the images "popping" before they are removed from the view. Default NO.
  • maxFloatObjectSize: The maximum size a floating object can be. Default is 20.
  • minFloatObjectSize: The minimum size a floating object can be. If the minFloatObjectSize < maxFloatObjectSize, both sizes become the minFloatObjectSize. Default is 10.
  • floatingShape: The "shape" that the animation can take. Default is JRMFloatingShapeStraight.
    • JRMFloatingShapeTriangleUp - Floats up in a cone shape from the starting point.
    • JRMFloatingShapeStraight - Floats straight up from the starting point.
    • JRMFloatingShapeCurveLeft - Floats up and curves to the left.
    • JRMFloatingShapeCurveRight - Floats up and curves to the right.
  • fadeOut: If the floating object's alpha should fade out before disappearing from the view. Default NO.
  • varyAlpha: If the floating object's alpahs should vary (to give a more randomized look). Default NO.
  • animationDuration: The speed of the animation. Default 2.
  • removeOnCompletion: If the floating object should be removed from the superview when the animation is finished. Default YES.
  • imageViewAnimationCompleted: A completion block to call whenever an image view is finished animating. It will return the image view. (See the JRMDemoBalloonViewController.m file for an example.)



JRMFloatingAnimation is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "JRMFloatingAnimation"


  1. Download and drop /Pod/Classesfolder in your project.
  2. Congratulations!


Caroline Harrison,


JRMFloatingAnimation is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

  • Memory  Leak

    Memory Leak

    if I have removeOnCompletion=true,

    when the animation finishes it does remove itself from the superview but something else is holding a strong reference to JRMFloatingAnimationView hence it never deallocates.

    Perhaps (not tested) the FloatingImageView deallocs but not the AnimationView.

    opened by pjebs 10
  • Callback when it deallocates

    Callback when it deallocates

    I really like this control. There is one feature request however: Can you allow us to define a block which gets fired when the control removes itself from the superview. Perhaps by firing on dealloc?

    opened by pjebs 4
  • protocol


    I tried to implement your JRMBubbleTutorial using JRMFloatingImageView class. Unfortunately it's not easy to do because the delegate is specified to be of type JRMFloatingAnimationView rather than the JRMFloatingImageViewDelegate protocol.

    If you had added the synthesized property methods as part of the protocol, it would have been more idiomatic and reusable.

    opened by pjebs 1
  • Manual Installation

    Manual Installation

    CocoaPods and Carthage are awesome tools and make our life really easier, but there are some devs who still don't know how to use them.

    It would be cool to add the Manual installation guide in your You can take a look at my iOS Readme Template to see how you can do it.

    opened by lfarah 0
  • maxFloatObjectSize and minFloatObjectSize not change

    maxFloatObjectSize and minFloatObjectSize not change

    When changes in to default default object size it is not changing in initWithStartingPoint Method - (id)initWithStartingPoint:(CGPoint)startingPoint { self = [super init]; if (self) { self.startingPoint = startingPoint; self.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor]; self.images = [NSMutableArray new]; self.floatingShape = JRMFloatingShapeStraight; self.maxFloatObjectSize = 300; self.minFloatObjectSize = 200; self.animationDuration = 2; self.firstAnimation = YES; self.customWidth = NO; self.maxAnimationHeight = self.startingPoint.y; self.minAnimationHeight = self.startingPoint.y * 1/3; self.removeOnCompletion = YES; } return self; }

    opened by maulik6994 0
  • Adds a sinking animation and updates the Podfile to match the more recent Cocoapods changes

    Adds a sinking animation and updates the Podfile to match the more recent Cocoapods changes

    This seems like a huge change, but really, the bulk of the changes come from running "pod install" with the latest version of Cocoapods. The majority of the functional changes are in the JRMFloatingAnimationView and JRMFloatingImageView classes to support and calculate a sinking animation. I also updated the main storyboard to include a new example of "falling triangles".

    opened by Chris-Corea 0
  • add a removeAllImages method

    add a removeAllImages method

    I sometimes find I need to remove images that I've added (to flip to an alternative styling of the image). This is the smallest change I can suggest to implement that - a removeAllImages method that simply removes all added images.

    opened by jonmountjoy 0
Caroline Harrison
iOS developer, engineer at Public, and fan of four legged friends.
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