Colloquy is an advanced IRC, SILC & ICB client for macOS and iOS!




This repository uses git submodules for some of its dependencies, so you will have to check those out as well. You can do this for example by specifying --recurse-submodules when using git clone, or by running git submodule update --init --recursive after cloning. The latter command is also useful after switching branches.

To update these dependencies to newer versions, please refer to the instructions in the Cartfile and don't update the submodules manually.

Additionally, the Colloquy.xcworkspace expects the bouncer repository at ../bouncer. This dependency is not managed, so you have to place it at that location manually. If you do not have access to the bouncer repository, simply ignore the missing reference. The expected behavior is, that Colloquy for Mac builds without errors also in that case.

Build & Run

To build and run an app, open up Colloquy.xcworkspace and select the appropriate scheme from the dropdown menu. For macOS builds Colloquy (Aggregate) is the correct target, and iOS builds should use Colloquy (iOS).

  • When sending a quit message to Colloquy, the warning requester shouldn't appear

    When sending a quit message to Colloquy, the warning requester shouldn't appear

    Issue migrated from trac ticket # 261

    component: Colloquy (Mac) | priority: Normal | resolution: Won't Fix | keywords: patch

    2005-07-21 17:48:58: Allan Odgaard created the issue

    A few upgrades ago, Colloquy got a confirmation requester when quitting it.

    Though there are a few ways to quit Colloquy w/o having the actual application active, like sending an apple script message, using the dock menu, pressing cmd-q while the app switcher (cmd-tab) is up and Colloquy is selected, etc.

    IMHO Colloquy should not show the confirmation requester for any of these scenarios, and I'd much appreciate if (preferably) the behavior was changed, or (if you disagree) a (hidden?) preference was added to allow me to quit the application w/o having to activate it first (i.e. using one of the methods mentioned above).

    opened by zadr 31
  • First received PM does not show

    First received PM does not show

    Issue migrated from trac ticket # 155

    component: Colloquy (Mac) | priority: High | resolution: Works for Me | keywords: first private message direct chat

    2005-04-30 17:21:29: created the issue

    When someone PM's me, I get the PM window open, but with no message. If they PM me again, I get their second message, and am able to talk to them with no further problems.

    opened by zadr 30
  • nicknames do not reflect character encoding

    nicknames do not reflect character encoding

    Issue migrated from trac ticket # 236

    component: Colloquy (Mac) | priority: Normal | resolution: Works for Me | keywords: character encoding

    2005-06-25 21:06:36: anonymous created the issue

    If one changes the character encoding for a channel (say, UTF-8 to ASCII), nicknames do not reflect this change (nicknames appear to be UTF-8 all the time). While nicknames with symbols are not officially supported, it is possible to use them. It isn't a major issue because it isn't "supposed" to happen.

    opened by zadr 26
  • Can't change nickname via connections window

    Can't change nickname via connections window

    Issue migrated from trac ticket # 205

    component: Colloquy (Mac) | priority: High | resolution: Works for Me

    2005-05-27 07:25:33: created the issue

    With 2D17, I can't change my nickname via the Connections window. It changes, then changes back.

    To reproduce:

    1. log in to two rooms
    2. change your login name to something other than the default.

    Response: The name changes, then changes back in a few seconds. From the console, it looks like Colloquy changes it back. Console follows:

    NICK thraxisp_t thraxisp NICK NICK thraxisp thraxisp_t NICK

    opened by zadr 21
  • [Mavericks] Crash when text entered is longer than text entry area

    [Mavericks] Crash when text entered is longer than text entry area

    Issue migrated from trac ticket #4013

    type: Defect | component: Colloquy (Mac) | severity: Major | version: 2.4 (Mac) | status: closed | resolution: Fixed | keywords: crash

    2013-10-28 03:09:19: anonymous created the issue

    Have submitted numerous bug reports.

    Resolution: Fixed Type: Bug Component: Mac-Old Impact: Medium Affected: Mac 2.4 
    opened by akempgen 19
  • No notification bubbles if Growl is installed but disabled for Colloquy

    No notification bubbles if Growl is installed but disabled for Colloquy

    Issue migrated from trac ticket # 183

    component: Colloquy (Mac) | priority: Normal | resolution: Duplicate

    2005-05-09 16:56:36: created the issue

    Is there a problem with Notification bubbles on MacOS 10.4? I'm not seeing the usual "10 messages waiting" bubbles pop up.

    I recently changed OS (10.3.9 to 10.4), and upgraded to 2D14 at the same time. My upgrade was a clean install that erased any old extensions, etc.

    In Preferences -> Notification, "Chat Room Activity" has "Play Sound" and "Show Event Bubble" are checked. I only hear the sounds, but no bubbles.

    opened by zadr 17
  • Colloquy should display notices in the channel window

    Colloquy should display notices in the channel window

    Issue migrated from trac ticket # 179

    component: Colloquy (Mac) | priority: Normal | resolution: Works for Me

    2005-05-08 05:33:56: anonymous created the issue

    It seems as if NOTICEs are only displayed on the server console, but as they are sometimes used to communicate in the channel (e.g. OP notices), they should be displayed in the channel window (incoming and outgoing notices) and they should be marked accordingly (e.g. differentiate between general and OP notices).

    opened by zadr 17
  • connection to servers not responding to pings dies frequently

    connection to servers not responding to pings dies frequently

    Issue migrated from trac ticket # 168

    component: Chat Core (IRC) | priority: High | resolution: Works for Me

    2005-05-05 05:03:44: created the issue

    Colloquy does not maintain a conenction to the bouncer. It periodically sends FIN,ACK and RST packets to the bnc and thus reconnects.

    Other clients (e.g. xchat) do not have this problem.

    opened by zadr 17
  • Download folder

    Download folder

    Issue migrated from trac ticket # 57

    component: Colloquy (Mac) | priority: Normal | resolution: Fixed

    2005-03-10 18:17:46: graphite created the issue

    it would be nice to be able to choose a different folder than the one set in Internet Config. Possibly have a checkbox allowing for internet config to be used (which dims out the drop down menu) or something

    I use different downloads for different protocols, so to me this is important...

    opened by zadr 17
  • Plain Text Log files

    Plain Text Log files

    Issue migrated from trac ticket # 75

    component: Colloquy (Mac) | priority: Normal | keywords: text log transcript xml

    2005-03-19 15:36:28: Erin Tomson created the issue

    One big gripe I have, however, is the lack of support for raw text log files. I like to be able to open my log files in TextEdit, or emacs, or less, or whatever, and to also be able to grep through old log files looking for stuff. The xml format of the log files makes this difficult.

    opened by zadr 16
  • inputbox don't send the text

    inputbox don't send the text

    Issue migrated from trac ticket # 62

    component: Colloquy (Mac) | priority: Normal | resolution: Fixed

    2005-03-14 10:40:48: created the issue

    had a problem with the text on the input box not getting sent when i hit return, but only on the connection to freenode, where i could not send to any channel or to console. the inputboxes for my simultanious connection to quakenet worked just fine. i have had this error happening several. Disconnecting freenode and reconnecting using the "connections" window, seemed to fix it after a couple of attemts, while quitting colloquy and restarting it gave me the same error on the same connection (freenode). I'm have set colloquy to connect automatically to quakenet and the freenode at startup.

    opened by zadr 15
  • dark mode

    dark mode

    The Colloquy room topic banner is not dark, even in dark mode. I have to compile my own version of Colloquy to force this:

    diff --git a/Mac-Old/Mac-Old/Resources/Style Support/roomTopicBanner.html b/Mac-Old/Mac-Old/Resources/Style Support/roomTopicBanner.html
    index 711ec68c..75b9e307 100644
    --- a/Mac-Old/Mac-Old/Resources/Style Support/roomTopicBanner.html	
    +++ b/Mac-Old/Mac-Old/Resources/Style Support/roomTopicBanner.html	
    @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
     	#topicArea {
     		position: relative;
    -		background-image: url( topicBackground.png );
    +		background-color: black !important;
     		background-repeat: repeat-x;
     		background-position: top;
     		border-bottom: 1px solid rgb( 154, 154, 154 );
    @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
     		font-family: -apple-system, Lucida Grande, sans-serif;
     		line-height: 15px;
     		text-align: center;
    -		color: black !important;
    +		color: white !important;
     		word-wrap: break-word;
     		white-space: pre-wrap;
     		-khtml-line-break: after-white-space;
    opened by ghazel 0
  • Build fails with

    Build fails with "Module 'CocoaAsyncSocket' not found"

    Did a recursive clone and selected the xcworkspace and the aggregate target.

    Compilation of colloquy/Chat Core/MVICBChatConnection.m fails at line 40 with

    Module 'CocoaAsyncSocket' not found

    This is under Mac OS 11.4.

    opened by Stokestack 0
  • Can't clone this.

    Can't clone this.

    An attempt to clone with submodules results in a load of errors like the following.

    Please make sure you have the correct access rights
    and the repository exists.
    fatal: clone of 'ssh://' into submodule path '/Users/me/data/code_open/colloquy/Carthage/Checkouts/onepassword-extension' failed
    Failed to clone 'Carthage/Checkouts/onepassword-extension'. Retry scheduled
    Cloning into '/Users/me/data/code_open/colloquy/Carthage/Checkouts/CocoaAsyncSocket'... Permission denied (publickey).
    fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

    This is under Mac OS 11.4

    opened by Stokestack 0
  • Put releases in Github so Homebrew cask can be used to install

    Put releases in Github so Homebrew cask can be used to install

    I was trying to setup a new machine and noticed Colloquy isn't in homebrew casks anymore. Any chance of putting builds in Github releases so Homebrew can be wired to download from that?

    opened by inkspotch 3
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