Puree is a log collector which provides some features like below

Related tags

Logging puree-ios


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Puree is a log collector which provides some features like below

  • Filtering: Enable to interrupt process before sending log. You can add common params to logs, or the sampling of logs.
  • Buffering: Store logs to buffer until log was sent.
  • Batching: Enable to send logs by 1 request.
  • Retrying: Retry to send logs after backoff time automatically if sending logs fails.

Puree helps you unify your logging infrastructure.


Configure Logger

// Swift

let configuration = PURLoggerConfiguration.default()
configuration.filterSettings = [
    PURFilterSetting(filter: ActivityFilter.self, tagPattern: "activity.**"),
    // filter settings ...
configuration.outputSettings = [
    PUROutputSetting(output: ConsoleOutput.self,   tagPattern: "activity.**"),
    PUROutputSetting(output: ConsoleOutput.self,   tagPattern: "pv.**"),
    PUROutputSetting(output: LogServerOutput.self, tagPattern: "pv.**", settings:[PURBufferedOutputSettingsFlushIntervalKey: 10]),
    // output settings ...

let logger = PURLogger(configuration: configuration)
// Objective-C

PURLoggerConfiguration *configuration = [PURLoggerConfiguration defaultConfiguration];
configuration.filterSettings = @[
    [[PURFilterSetting alloc] initWithFilter:[ActivityFilter class]
    // filter settings ...
configuration.outputSettings = @[
    [[PUROutputSetting alloc] initWithOutput:[ConsoleOutput class]
    [[PUROutputSetting alloc] initWithOutput:[ConsoleOutput class]
    [[PUROutputSetting alloc] initWithOutput:[LogServerOutput class]
                                  settings:@{PURBufferedOutputSettingsFlushIntervalKey: @10}],
    // output settings ...

PURLogger *logger = [[PURLogger alloc] initWithConfiguration:configuration];

Expected result

tag name                 [ Filter Plugin ]  -> [ Output Plugin ]
activity.recipe.view  -> [ ActivityFilter ] -> [ ConsoleOutput ]
activity.bargain.view -> [ ActivityFilter ] -> [ ConsoleOutput ]
pv.recipe_detail      -> ( no filter )      -> [ ConsoleOutput ], [ LogServerOutput(FlushInterval:10sec) ]
event.special         -> ( no filter )      -> ( no output )

Post log

Post log object(anyObject) in an arbitrary timing.

// Swift

logger.post(["recipe_id": "123"], tag: "pv.recipe_detail")
// Objective-C

[logger postLog:@{@"recipe_id": @"123"} tag: @"pv.recipe_detail"]


You can create plugins. See Create Plugins

Tag system


Tag is consisted of multiple term split by .. For example activity.recipe.view, pv.recipe_detail. You can specify tag to log freely.


Filter, Output and BufferedOutput plugins is applied to tag matched logs. You can specify tag pattern for plugin reaction rules.

Simple pattern

Pattern aaa.bbb match tag aaa.bbb, not match tag aaa.ccc (Perfect matching).


Pattern aaa.* match tags aaa.bbb, aaa.ccc. Not match tags aaa, aaa.bbb.ccc (single term).

Pattern aaa.** match tags aaa, aaa.bbb and aaa.bbb.ccc. Not match tag xxx.yyy.zzz (zero or more terms).


Puree is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "Puree"


Tomohiro Moro, tomohiro-moro@cookpad.com


Puree is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

  • Modify pessimistic version for YapDatabase

    Modify pessimistic version for YapDatabase

    YapDatabase 2.9.3 is already released. However, Puree uses the older one.

    To suppress the warning, I'd like to use newest. So I modified dependencies version.

    @slightair Please review it :pray:

    opened by giginet 5
  • Performance Improvements

    Performance Improvements


    DB I/O is performed on the main thread which blocks UI updates, so change to use asynchronous methods.

    opened by chuganzy 5
  • 内部DBが肥大化する&パフォーマンスが劣化する


    こんにちは pureeを使用しているプロジェクトで報告があったのですが、導入後アプリ起動のパフォーマンスがアプリを使っていくたびに劣化するとの報告がありました。


    ・logデータ1万件、logDBサイズ10MB、log初期化時間1.5秒 ・logデータ2万件、logDBサイズ20MB、log初期化時間3.0秒 ※logDB : Library/Caches/com.cookpad.PureeData.default/logs.db と肥大化しているようで、また起動時にイベントを投げるところがあり、そこで遅くなっている模様でした。

    パフォーマンスの劣化の原因としては下記のPRにあるようにDBの書き込みをメインスレッドで行っており、DBのサイズの肥大化に伴い劣化しているのかなと思われます。 #6


    opened by nyankichi820 4
  • Make buffer list in PURBufferedOutput Thread Safe

    Make buffer list in PURBufferedOutput Thread Safe


    When I handled PURBufferdOutput with multiple threads, I encountered the following crash.

    Fatal Exception: NSInvalidArgumentException
    0  CoreFoundation                 0x183a57d38 __exceptionPreprocess
    1  libobjc.A.dylib                0x182f6c528 objc_exception_throw
    2  CoreFoundation                 0x1839f0c44 _CFArgv
    3  CoreFoundation                 0x183923e94 -[__NSPlaceholderArray initWithObjects:count:]
    4  CoreFoundation                 0x18392fd5c +[NSArray arrayWithObjects:count:]
    5  CoreFoundation                 0x183943b88 -[NSArray objectsAtIndexes:]
    6  AppName                        0x10089ebac -[PURBufferedOutput flush] (PURBufferedOutput.m:157)
    7  AppName                        0x10089e594 __26-[PURBufferedOutput start]_block_invoke (PURBufferedOutput.m:93)
    8  libdispatch.dylib              0x1833dd088 _dispatch_call_block_and_release
    9  libdispatch.dylib              0x1833dd048 _dispatch_client_callout
    10 libdispatch.dylib              0x18341ddfc _dispatch_main_queue_callback_4CF$VARIANT$armv81
    11 CoreFoundation                 0x1839fff20 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_SERVICING_THE_MAIN_DISPATCH_QUEUE__
    12 CoreFoundation                 0x1839fdafc __CFRunLoopRun
    13 CoreFoundation                 0x18391e2d8 CFRunLoopRunSpecific
    14 GraphicsServices               0x1857aff84 GSEventRunModal
    15 UIKit                          0x18ceca880 UIApplicationMain
    16 AppName                        0x100ac05b4 main (main.m:22)
    17 libdyld.dylib                  0x18344256c start

    So I made Thread Safe PURBufferCollection Class. PURBufferedOutput can avoid crashing by handling buffer logs via this class.

    Please review my code and release new version if possible. Thanks.

    opened by atsushisakai-gh 3
  • Replace import statement " to double-quotes">

    Replace import statement "< >" to double-quotes

    In XCode 7(7A220), this statement causes compile error;

    Pods/Puree/Pod/Classes/PURLogStore.m:9:9: 'YapDatabase.h' file not found with <angled> include; use "quotes" instead
    opened by ainoya 2
  • 2.0.1(Nov 2, 2016)

  • 2.0.0(Oct 9, 2016)

    • Asynchronous DB readwrite in BufferedOutput, LogStore (#6, #12). Thank you @chuganzy
    • Rewrite test code with Swift3 (#12, #14)
    • Change API for Swift3 naming rule (#12, #14)
    • Update dependencies (#12)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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