Websockets in swift for iOS and OSX



Starscream is a conforming WebSocket (RFC 6455) library in Swift.


  • Conforms to all of the base Autobahn test suite.
  • Nonblocking. Everything happens in the background, thanks to GCD.
  • TLS/WSS support.
  • Compression Extensions support (RFC 7692)

Import the framework

First thing is to import the framework. See the Installation instructions on how to add the framework to your project.

import Starscream

Connect to the WebSocket Server

Once imported, you can open a connection to your WebSocket server. Note that socket is probably best as a property, so it doesn't get deallocated right after being setup.

var request = URLRequest(url: URL(string: "http://localhost:8080")!)
request.timeoutInterval = 5
socket = WebSocket(request: request)
socket.delegate = self

After you are connected, there is either a delegate or closure you can use for process WebSocket events.

Receiving data from a WebSocket

didReceive receives all the WebSocket events in a single easy to handle enum.

func didReceive(event: WebSocketEvent, client: WebSocket) {
	switch event {
	case .connected(let headers):
		isConnected = true
		print("websocket is connected: \(headers)")
	case .disconnected(let reason, let code):
		isConnected = false
		print("websocket is disconnected: \(reason) with code: \(code)")
	case .text(let string):
		print("Received text: \(string)")
	case .binary(let data):
		print("Received data: \(data.count)")
	case .ping(_):
	case .pong(_):
	case .viabilityChanged(_):
	case .reconnectSuggested(_):
	case .cancelled:
		isConnected = false
	case .error(let error):
		isConnected = false

The closure of this would be:

socket.onEvent = { event in
	switch event {
		// handle events just like above...

Writing to a WebSocket

write a binary frame

The writeData method gives you a simple way to send Data (binary) data to the server.

socket.write(data: data) //write some Data over the socket!

write a string frame

The writeString method is the same as writeData, but sends text/string.

socket.write(string: "Hi Server!") //example on how to write text over the socket!

write a ping frame

The writePing method is the same as write, but sends a ping control frame.

socket.write(ping: Data()) //example on how to write a ping control frame over the socket!

write a pong frame

the writePong method is the same as writePing, but sends a pong control frame.

socket.write(pong: Data()) //example on how to write a pong control frame over the socket!

Starscream will automatically respond to incoming ping control frames so you do not need to manually send pongs.

However if for some reason you need to control this process you can turn off the automatic ping response by disabling respondToPingWithPong.

socket.respondToPingWithPong = false //Do not automaticaly respond to incoming pings with pongs.

In most cases you will not need to do this.


The disconnect method does what you would expect and closes the socket.


The disconnect method can also send a custom close code if desired.

socket.disconnect(closeCode: CloseCode.normal.rawValue)

Custom Headers, Protocols and Timeout

You can override the default websocket headers, add your own custom ones and set a timeout:

var request = URLRequest(url: URL(string: "ws://localhost:8080/")!)
request.timeoutInterval = 5 // Sets the timeout for the connection
request.setValue("someother protocols", forHTTPHeaderField: "Sec-WebSocket-Protocol")
request.setValue("14", forHTTPHeaderField: "Sec-WebSocket-Version")
request.setValue("chat,superchat", forHTTPHeaderField: "Sec-WebSocket-Protocol")
request.setValue("Everything is Awesome!", forHTTPHeaderField: "My-Awesome-Header")
let socket = WebSocket(request: request)

SSL Pinning

SSL Pinning is also supported in Starscream.

Allow Self-signed certificates:

var request = URLRequest(url: URL(string: "ws://localhost:8080/")!)
let pinner = FoundationSecurity(allowSelfSigned: true) // don't validate SSL certificates
let socket = WebSocket(request: request, certPinner: pinner)

TODO: Update docs on how to load certificates and public keys into an app bundle, use the builtin pinner and TrustKit.

Compression Extensions

Compression Extensions (RFC 7692) is supported in Starscream. Compression is enabled by default, however compression will only be used if it is supported by the server as well. You may enable compression by adding a compressionHandler:

var request = URLRequest(url: URL(string: "ws://localhost:8080/")!)
let compression = WSCompression()
let socket = WebSocket(request: request, compressionHandler: compression)

Compression should be disabled if your application is transmitting already-compressed, random, or other uncompressable data.

Custom Queue

A custom queue can be specified when delegate methods are called. By default DispatchQueue.main is used, thus making all delegate methods calls run on the main thread. It is important to note that all WebSocket processing is done on a background thread, only the delegate method calls are changed when modifying the queue. The actual processing is always on a background thread and will not pause your app.

socket = WebSocket(url: URL(string: "ws://localhost:8080/")!, protocols: ["chat","superchat"])
//create a custom queue
socket.callbackQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "com.vluxe.starscream.myapp")

Example Project

Check out the SimpleTest project in the examples directory to see how to setup a simple connection to a WebSocket server.


Starscream works with iOS 8/10.10 or above for CocoaPods/framework support. To use Starscream with a project targeting iOS 7, you must include all Swift files directly in your project.



Check out Get Started tab on cocoapods.org.

To use Starscream in your project add the following 'Podfile' to your project

source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git'
platform :ios, '9.0'

pod 'Starscream', '~> 4.0.0'

Then run:

pod install


Check out the Carthage docs on how to add a install. The Starscream framework is already setup with shared schemes.

Carthage Install

You can install Carthage with Homebrew using the following command:

$ brew update
$ brew install carthage

To integrate Starscream into your Xcode project using Carthage, specify it in your Cartfile:

github "daltoniam/Starscream" >= 4.0.0


Check out the Accio docs on how to add a install.

Add the following to your Package.swift:

.package(url: "https://github.com/daltoniam/Starscream.git", .upToNextMajor(from: "4.0.0")),

Next, add Starscream to your App targets dependencies like so:

    name: "App",
    dependencies: [

Then run accio update.


First see the installation docs for how to install Rogue.

To install Starscream run the command below in the directory you created the rogue file.

rogue add https://github.com/daltoniam/Starscream

Next open the libs folder and add the Starscream.xcodeproj to your Xcode project. Once that is complete, in your "Build Phases" add the Starscream.framework to your "Link Binary with Libraries" phase. Make sure to add the libs folder to your .gitignore file.

Swift Package Manager

The Swift Package Manager is a tool for automating the distribution of Swift code and is integrated into the swift compiler.

Once you have your Swift package set up, adding Starscream as a dependency is as easy as adding it to the dependencies value of your Package.swift.

dependencies: [
    .Package(url: "https://github.com/daltoniam/Starscream.git", majorVersion: 4)


Simply grab the framework (either via git submodule or another package manager).

Add the Starscream.xcodeproj to your Xcode project. Once that is complete, in your "Build Phases" add the Starscream.framework to your "Link Binary with Libraries" phase.

Add Copy Frameworks Phase

If you are running this in an OSX app or on a physical iOS device you will need to make sure you add the Starscream.framework to be included in your app bundle. To do this, in Xcode, navigate to the target configuration window by clicking on the blue project icon, and selecting the application target under the "Targets" heading in the sidebar. In the tab bar at the top of that window, open the "Build Phases" panel. Expand the "Link Binary with Libraries" group, and add Starscream.framework. Click on the + button at the top left of the panel and select "New Copy Files Phase". Rename this new phase to "Copy Frameworks", set the "Destination" to "Frameworks", and add Starscream.framework respectively.


  • Proxy support


Starscream is licensed under the Apache v2 License.


Dalton Cherry

Austin Cherry

  • Move CommonCrypto and zlib dependencies mapping to custom module map

    Move CommonCrypto and zlib dependencies mapping to custom module map

    Hi! I faced an issue similar to this and this this. In my project I use Carthage and commit my artefacts into my repo. And CI(and any other machine) is not able to compile it without running 'carthage update'. Basically the problem that to link Starscream.framework with other app or library you should provide module.map similar to the one, located in /zlib folder (but without header, which is required only for build). To make this work I created new custom module map and added a wrapper for SHA1 algorithm used by Starscream. Also updated cocoapods spec to add custom module map + private headers.

    Please consider this PR as a possible way of resolving issues linked above and also I'd be happy to hear from you any suggestions on this.

    Thank you! Cheers!

    opened by turbulem 35
  • Proxy connect

    Proxy connect

    This pull request added proxy support. The proxy info is from the system configuration. PAC is supported.

    Proxy protocol supported include HTTPS (via CONNECT method) and SOCKS

    opened by oldshuren 32
  • Fixed

    Fixed "invalid HTTP upgrade" issue

    I was getting occasional errors from my app stating "invalid HTTP upgrade". It sounds like a few other users of the library were also seeing this issue. I tracked down the problem: there were some extra garbage bytes at the beginning of the HTTP response from the server. These garbage bytes come out of NSStream, and are identified as a leading fragment for the response packet. The extra bytes didn't show up when I was inspecting the packets using Wireshark.

    To fix the issue, I added some code in processHTTP to look for the start of the response, and ignore any bytes before the response.

    I should also note that I was having trouble with running the tests, as stated in issue #297. Let me know if there's any test failures.

    @daltoniam Please review.

    opened by psahgal 26
  • Crashes in 1.1.1

    Crashes in 1.1.1

    In the latest version I've noticed some crashes after the delegate is released. It doesn't happen all the time, but it happens pretty often. Not sure if I'm doing something crazy.

    Test project: https://github.com/nuclearace/WebSocketCrash

    opened by nuclearace 24
  • Error: Invalid HTTP upgrade

    Error: Invalid HTTP upgrade


    I have random connection problem which display these logs:

    websocket is connected
    websocket is disconnected: "Invalid HTTP upgrade"


        let useSSL = true
        let websocketScheme = "wss"
        let host = "x.x.x.x"
        let port: NSNumber = 8080
        public init() {
            let components = NSURLComponents()
            components.scheme = websocketScheme
            components.host = host
            components.port = port
            components.path = "/"
            webSocket = WebSocket(url: components.URL!)
            webSocket?.selfSignedSSL = useSSL
            webSocket?.delegate = self

    It happens on iOS 9.0.1 (iPads). With swift 1.x and Xcode 6.x everything worked well, but now it randomly failed. Please give me some suggestion. Thank you.

    opened by wakinchan 21
  • Using with System Proxy on Simulator

    Using with System Proxy on Simulator

    It seems that when using this framework on a simulator (I've been using it for a while now, but never on the simulator), the connection request ignores the system proxy. Other network requests (e.g. REST API calls using Alamofire) are handled appropriately and routed through the proxy. IS there a way to set the proxy for this framework or have others experienced this issue?

    opened by kevinmlong 19
  • Bug: UInt64 maybe negativ

    Bug: UInt64 maybe negativ


    Very often get a runtime error on the latest version.

    This is around the 500. row: var len = dataLength if dataLength > UInt64(bufferLen) { len = UInt64(bufferLen-offset) // runtime error position }

    the bufferLen value is 8, and the offset value is 10. I dont know how it happens but it will be negativ.. Unfortunately I didnt implement the server so I cannot check it. maybe it would be a good way to handle this case in this library.

    opened by szuniverse 19
  • Crash NSStream

    Crash NSStream

    Error if i uses this class

    Log: 2014-08-13 22:02:46.079 WebSocket[2937:1803] +[NSStream getStreamsToHostWithName:port:inputStream:outputStream:]: unrecognized selector sent to class 0x3853e86c 2014-08-13 22:02:46.083 WebSocket[2937:1803] *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '+[NSStream getStreamsToHostWithName:port:inputStream:outputStream:]: unrecognized selector sent to class 0x3853e86c'

    opened by seropunov 18
  • Added callbacks for pings and pongs

    Added callbacks for pings and pongs

    I took the changes from #268 and reimplemented them in Swift 3. These changes add callbacks and a delegate for apps to listen for when a ping has been sent, a ping has been received, and a pong has been sent.

    I should also note that I was having trouble with running the tests, as stated in issue #297. Let me know if there's any test failures.

    @daltoniam Please review.

    opened by psahgal 17
  • websocket disconnected: masked and rsv data is not currently supported

    websocket disconnected: masked and rsv data is not currently supported

    I am using Loxone Miniserver , and your awesome Library for websockets (i.e starscream). its working fine. I connect to miniserver , also Im sending the Commands to my miniserver via writeString("my_command") method. Im getting a little issue, after some idle time im getting this error msg "websocket disconnected: masked and rsv data is not currently supported" How to resolve this.

    and is there any way to reconnect the socket existing object. I first Connect my socket in the AppDelegate, then Im using this in my whole app.

    How to reconnect the existing object of my socket in certain ViewController. please help

    opened by qadir227 17
  • When connecting to a wss:// socket, getting an SSL handshake error

    When connecting to a wss:// socket, getting an SSL handshake error

    The same host with a different WebSock Swift framework (https://github.com/tidwall/SwiftWebSocket) connects just fine. Am I missing some extra configuration?

    Error printout:

    [BoringSSL] boringssl_context_handle_fatal_alert(1872) [C1.1:1][0x7fcec6701630] write alert, level: fatal, description: certificate unknown
    [BoringSSL] boringssl_context_error_print(1862) boringssl ctx 0x6000000d40a0: 140526066114904:error:1000007d:SSL routines:OPENSSL_internal:CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED:/BuildRoot/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/boringssl_Sim/boringssl-283.60.3/ssl/handshake.cc:369:
    [BoringSSL] boringssl_session_handshake_error_print(111) [C1.1:1][0x7fcec6701630] 140526066114904:error:1000007d:SSL routines:OPENSSL_internal:CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED:/BuildRoot/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/boringssl_Sim/boringssl-283.60.3/ssl/handshake.cc:369:
    [BoringSSL] nw_protocol_boringssl_handshake_negotiate_proceed(726) [C1.1:1][0x7fcec6701630] handshake failed at state 12288
    error: Optional(-9858: Optional(handshake failed))

    Code that triggers the SSL handshake error:

    websock = WebSocket(request: URLRequest(url: URL(string: "wss://myhost:9110/")!))
    websock.delegate = self
        func didReceive(event: WebSocketEvent, client: WebSocket) {
            switch event {
            case .connected(let headers):
                print("websocket is connected: \(headers)")
            case .disconnected(let reason, let code):
                print("websocket is disconnected: \(reason) with code: \(code)")
            case .text(let string):
                print("Received text: \(string)")
            case .binary(let data):
                print("Received data: \(data.count)")
            case .ping(_):
            case .pong(_):
            case .viablityChanged(_):
            case .reconnectSuggested(_):
            case .cancelled:
            case .error(let error):
                print("error: \(String(describing: error))")
    opened by yuriymacdev 16
  • Starscream FoundationTransportError error 0

    Starscream FoundationTransportError error 0

    Describe the bug

    Foundation Transport Error occur when i want to connect to the socket server for the Video Call. I have used the SSL Pining but still got the same error. I have provided the proper Session ID and the Server URL, but still did not got any Luck.


    • OS/Version iOS/15.5
    • Starscream Version 4.0.4
    • Xcode version 13.4.1
    opened by fahadjamal 0
  • masked and rsv data is not currently supported and Starscream.HTTPUpgradeError aws

    masked and rsv data is not currently supported and Starscream.HTTPUpgradeError aws

    Hi all,

    Describe the bug

    I was debugging while connecting to AWSConnect while doing that I'm getting this error on websocket.connect() and the error persists.

    this is the log: viabilityChanged error Optional(Starscream.HTTPUpgradeError.notAnUpgrade(503)) error Optional(Starscream.WSError(type: Starscream.ErrorType.protocolError, message: "masked and rsv data is not currently supported", code: 1002))

    Referred this article for connection: https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/contact-center/create-a-mobile-chat-solution-with-the-amazon-connect-mobile-sdk/

    Tried this library also https://github.com/jayesh15111988/SwiftWebSocket/tree/master


    • OS/Version: [iOS/15.4]
    • Starscream Version [4.0.4]
    • Xcode version [13.3]

    So, How to connect with this aws socket url in my ViewController. Any help will be appreciated.

    opened by SiddharthChopra 4
  • Bring #807 into v3.1.1 release

    Bring #807 into v3.1.1 release

    Goals ⚽

    What you hope to address within this PR.

    Whilst fixed to v3.x of Starscream and using SPM a warning is still present. With settings such as treat warnings as errors checked this causes a few issues.

    Implementation Details 🚧

    Additional details about the PR.

    Cherry pick #807 fix to the latest 3.1.1 release.

    opened by steprescott 0
  • Bump addressable from 2.7.0 to 2.8.1

    Bump addressable from 2.7.0 to 2.8.1

    Bumps addressable from 2.7.0 to 2.8.1.


    Sourced from addressable's changelog.

    Addressable 2.8.1

    • refactor Addressable::URI.normalize_path to address linter offenses (#430)
    • remove redundant colon in Addressable::URI::CharacterClasses::AUTHORITY regex (#438)
    • update gemspec to reflect supported Ruby versions (#466, #464, #463)
    • compatibility w/ public_suffix 5.x (#466, #465, #460)
    • fixes "invalid byte sequence in UTF-8" exception when unencoding URLs containing non UTF-8 characters (#459)
    • Ractor compatibility (#449)
    • use the whole string instead of a single line for template match (#431)
    • force UTF-8 encoding only if needed (#341)

    #460: sporkmonger/addressable#460 #463: sporkmonger/addressable#463 #464: sporkmonger/addressable#464 #465: sporkmonger/addressable#465 #466: sporkmonger/addressable#466

    Addressable 2.8.0

    • fixes ReDoS vulnerability in Addressable::Template#match
    • no longer replaces + with spaces in queries for non-http(s) schemes
    • fixed encoding ipv6 literals
    • the :compacted flag for normalized_query now dedupes parameters
    • fix broken escape_component alias
    • dropping support for Ruby 2.0 and 2.1
    • adding Ruby 3.0 compatibility for development tasks
    • drop support for rack-mount and remove Addressable::Template#generate
    • performance improvements
    • switch CI/CD to GitHub Actions
    • 8657465 Update version, gemspec, and CHANGELOG for 2.8.1 (#474)
    • 4fc5bb6 CI: remove Ubuntu 18.04 job (#473)
    • 860fede Force UTF-8 encoding only if needed (#341)
    • 99810af Merge pull request #431 from ojab/ct-_do_not_parse_multiline_strings
    • 7ce0f48 Merge branch 'main' into ct-_do_not_parse_multiline_strings
    • 7ecf751 Merge pull request #449 from okeeblow/freeze_concatenated_strings
    • 41f12dd Merge branch 'main' into freeze_concatenated_strings
    • 068f673 Merge pull request #459 from jarthod/iso-encoding-problem
    • b4c9882 Merge branch 'main' into iso-encoding-problem
    • 08d27e8 Merge pull request #471 from sporkmonger/sporkmonger-enable-codeql
    • Additional commits viewable in compare view

    Dependabot compatibility score

    Dependabot will resolve any conflicts with this PR as long as you don't alter it yourself. You can also trigger a rebase manually by commenting @dependabot rebase.

    Dependabot commands and options

    You can trigger Dependabot actions by commenting on this PR:

    • @dependabot rebase will rebase this PR
    • @dependabot recreate will recreate this PR, overwriting any edits that have been made to it
    • @dependabot merge will merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot squash and merge will squash and merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot cancel merge will cancel a previously requested merge and block automerging
    • @dependabot reopen will reopen this PR if it is closed
    • @dependabot close will close this PR and stop Dependabot recreating it. You can achieve the same result by closing it manually
    • @dependabot ignore this major version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this major version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot ignore this minor version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this minor version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot ignore this dependency will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this dependency (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot use these labels will set the current labels as the default for future PRs for this repo and language
    • @dependabot use these reviewers will set the current reviewers as the default for future PRs for this repo and language
    • @dependabot use these assignees will set the current assignees as the default for future PRs for this repo and language
    • @dependabot use this milestone will set the current milestone as the default for future PRs for this repo and language

    You can disable automated security fix PRs for this repo from the Security Alerts page.

    opened by dependabot[bot] 0
  • Can can we help maintain this repo?

    Can can we help maintain this repo?

    There are currently 30 PR's open and 127 issues, most of which don't have reply's. This is a fairly popular dependency, but there haven't been any updates for a few years. I would be happy to help maintain this repo although it would take me a bit to understand the project as a whole and come up to speed on how the underlying code works.

    Otherwise, has this project been abandoned since Apple release WebSocket support in Foundation using URLSessionWebSocketTask?

    opened by alycedaw 5
  • How to clear WebSocket cache?

    How to clear WebSocket cache?

    I'm receiving same data on loop, I guess data comes from cache response . Data is processing successfully on server-side but i get same false response. Can anyone help me how to fix this.

    opened by zaidahmedpf 0
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