Swift autocompleter for Sublime Text, via the adorable SourceKitten framework

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Tools SwiftKitten


SwiftKitten is a Swift autocompleter for Sublime Text, via the adorable SourceKitten framework. Faster than XCode !

This package is new and still in beta! I welcome any suggestions. If you find a bug, please open an issue. If you want to contribute, feel free to fork and submit a pull request.


First, make sure to install SourceKitten !

SwiftKitten is available via Package Control.

To install manually, clone this repository into your packages directory:

git clone https://github.com/johncsnyder/SwiftKitten.git

In Sublime, run Preferences: Browse Packages from the command palette to find your packages directory.


The dependencies are included with the SwiftKitten package.


SwiftKitten uses ijson to parse completions results from SourceKitten. By default, SwiftKitten will use the pure python backend. If the faster yajl2_cffi backend is available, SwiftKitten will automatically load it. It is highly recommended that you build the cffi backend.

cffi [optional]

Navigate to [Packages]/SwiftKitten/cffi/ and run python setup.py build. This will build cffi in place. Maybe sure to run this command with python3.3. Must be compatible with Sublime. Next time you start Sublime, SwiftKitten will load the yajl2_cffi backend.


SwiftKitten uses pygments to parse autocomplete prefixes and caches the result for the next time you request it. There will be a slight delay the first time you autocomplete a function, but the next time, it will be instantaneous. For example

SwiftKitten will remember the autocomplete results for foo and cache them. The next time you type foo., SwiftKitten will return the cached results. Also, an autocomplete request will be sent if the cached results have timed out (See cache_timeout in package settings). If the results have changed, SwiftKitten will update the autocomplete window. A default cache timeout of one second ensures you will always be shown up-to-date results, while preventing a barrage of unnecessary requests to SourceKitten.

To clear the cache manually, run SwiftKitten: Clear Cache from the command palette (this clears the framework cache also).


SwiftKitten parses your file to find imported frameworks automatically. SwiftKitten requests and caches framework globals separately, since they are only needed once and requesting them via SourceKitten can take a while (e.g. 20-30 seconds for Foundation). It is possible to exclude specific frameworks from autocompletion results (See exclude_framework_globals in package settings).

The framework cache is persistant between sessions. It is saved to Sublime's cache folder on saving a view, and is loaded next time SwiftKitten is loaded.

External frameworks

Please provide a list of paths to external frameworks in settings under extra_framework_paths. These are passed to SourceKitten via compilerargs.

Documentation [experimental]

Running SwiftKitten: Display Documentation from the command palette, or by pressing ctrl+alt+d will search a docset (path specified in settings) via docsetutil and display the most relevant entry in an html popup.


See SwiftKitten.sublime-settings for more settings and information. Copy this file to [Packages]/User to customize the settings.

    SwiftKitten default settings.

    All settings can be overriden in a sublime project file.
		Path to SourceKitten binary.
		See `https://github.com/jpsim/SourceKitten`.
	"sourcekitten_binary" : "/usr/local/bin/sourcekitten",

		sdk to link with. SourceKitten will find the 
		default sdk (OS X) if left blank.
	"sdk" : "",

		Extra framework search paths.

		To enable autocompletion for external frameworks, 
		add the path to the directory containing the 
		framework here.
	"extra_framework_paths" : [],

		Extra compiler arguments to SourceKitten.
	"extra_compilerargs" : "",

		Exclude globals from specific frameworks in auto-
		completion results. For example, `import Foundation`
		adds a lot of bloat to autocomplete results, and can 
		slow down typing.
	"exclude_framework_globals" : ["Foundation"],

		Timeout for cached completion data (in seconds).
	"cache_timeout" : 1.0,
		Limit to number of concurrent completion requests.
	"concurrent_request_limit" : 4,

		Enable linting. This will query structure info via
		SourceKitten, and underline any parse errors. Move 
		the cursor to the error position to see the error 
		description in the status bar.
	"linting" : true,

        Supress Sublime Text regular completions.
	"suppress_word_completions" : true,
	"suppress_explicit_completions" : true,

		Path to docset.

		Running `ctrl+alt+d` will search the docset for the
		current word or selection and display the docs in
		a popup.
	"docsetutil_binary" : "/usr/local/bin/docsetutil",
	"docset" : "/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Documentation/DocSets/com.apple.adc.documentation.OSX.docset"

Additionally, settings can be overridden in a sublime project file.

It is recommended to add the following to user or Swift syntax specific preferences:

"auto_complete_triggers": [ {"selector": "source.swift", "characters": "."} ]


If autocompletion is not working, pull up the Sublime python console (ctrl+` ) and see if any error messages are reported.


  • Add support for multi-file projects/modules (e.g. specified in a sublime project file).

  • Parse Xcode project to get file list and embedded frameworks (similiar to SourceKittenDaemon).

  • Add Xcode build, run and debug commands. Build system is not flexible enough. Specify the xcode project in sublime project file. Or if xcode project in same folder as sublime project, use this one as default.

  • Build cffi automatically on sublime package install ? I'm not sure if sublime's python interpreter has the necessary tools to build it. Tried briefly but could not get it to work.

  • Add support for multiple docsets. Make documentation context aware. Add support for api links, so that documentation can be navigated.


SwiftKitten is MIT licensed.

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  • [fix] Fix autocompletion

    [fix] Fix autocompletion

    Fix autocompletion not working in more recent versions of SwiftKitten.

    This was due to the fact that the syntax --compilerargs is not supported anymore.

    opened by viteinfinite 0
  • Not sure how to get it working

    Not sure how to get it working

    Hey. Nice work on this. I'd absolutely love to use Sublime over Xcode.

    I'm not having luck here on getting this working...

    I see on the README it says

    SwiftKitten uses ijson to parse completions results from SourceKitten. By default, SwiftKitten will use the pure python backend. If the faster yajl2_cffi backend is available, SwiftKitten will automatically load it. It is highly recommended that you build the cffi backend.

    I've installed SourceKitten with homebrew but I'm unfamiliar with all things Python - is there anything I need to do for ijson or anything else?

    reloading plugin SwiftKitten.SwiftKitten
    WARNING:root:Failed to import yajl2_cffi backend for ijson.
    plugins loaded
    Package Control: Skipping automatic upgrade, last run at 2016-10-06 12:57:43, next run at 2016-10-06 13:57:43 or after
    Exception in thread Thread-4:
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/Users/dan/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Installed Packages/SwiftKitten.sublime-package/ijson/ijson/backends/python.py", line 125, in parse_value
        yield ('number', common.number(symbol))
      File "/Users/dan/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Installed Packages/SwiftKitten.sublime-package/ijson/ijson/common.py", line 158, in number
        number = decimal.Decimal(str_value)
      File "./python3.3/decimal.py", line 590, in __new__
      File "./python3.3/decimal.py", line 4045, in _raise_error
    decimal.InvalidOperation: Invalid literal for Decimal: 'U'
    During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "./python3.3/threading.py", line 901, in _bootstrap_inner
      File "./python3.3/threading.py", line 858, in run
      File "SwiftKitten in /Users/dan/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Installed Packages/SwiftKitten.sublime-package", line 415, in _autocomplete
      File "SwiftKitten in /Users/dan/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Installed Packages/SwiftKitten.sublime-package", line 378, in _autocomplete_request
      File "SwiftKitten in /Users/dan/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Installed Packages/SwiftKitten.sublime-package", line 339, in _parse_completions
      File "/Users/dan/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Installed Packages/SwiftKitten.sublime-package/ijson/ijson/common.py", line 65, in parse
        for event, value in basic_events:
      File "/Users/dan/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Installed Packages/SwiftKitten.sublime-package/ijson/ijson/backends/python.py", line 185, in basic_parse
        for value in parse_value(lexer):
      File "/Users/dan/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Installed Packages/SwiftKitten.sublime-package/ijson/ijson/backends/python.py", line 127, in parse_value
        raise UnexpectedSymbol(symbol, pos)
    ijson.backends.python.UnexpectedSymbol: Unexpected symbol 'U' at 0
    Request denied: completion for "" already in progress.
    Request denied: completion for "" already in progress.
    Exception in thread Thread-7:
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/Users/dan/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Installed Packages/SwiftKitten.sublime-package/ijson/ijson/backends/python.py", line 125, in parse_value
        yield ('number', common.number(symbol))
      File "/Users/dan/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Installed Packages/SwiftKitten.sublime-package/ijson/ijson/common.py", line 158, in number
        number = decimal.Decimal(str_value)
      File "./python3.3/decimal.py", line 590, in __new__
      File "./python3.3/decimal.py", line 4045, in _raise_error
    decimal.InvalidOperation: Invalid literal for Decimal: 'U'
    During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "./python3.3/threading.py", line 901, in _bootstrap_inner
      File "./python3.3/threading.py", line 858, in run
      File "SwiftKitten in /Users/dan/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Installed Packages/SwiftKitten.sublime-package", line 415, in _autocomplete
      File "SwiftKitten in /Users/dan/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Installed Packages/SwiftKitten.sublime-package", line 378, in _autocomplete_request
      File "SwiftKitten in /Users/dan/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Installed Packages/SwiftKitten.sublime-package", line 339, in _parse_completions
      File "/Users/dan/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Installed Packages/SwiftKitten.sublime-package/ijson/ijson/common.py", line 65, in parse
        for event, value in basic_events:
      File "/Users/dan/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Installed Packages/SwiftKitten.sublime-package/ijson/ijson/backends/python.py", line 185, in basic_parse
        for value in parse_value(lexer):
      File "/Users/dan/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Installed Packages/SwiftKitten.sublime-package/ijson/ijson/backends/python.py", line 127, in parse_value
        raise UnexpectedSymbol(symbol, pos)
    ijson.backends.python.UnexpectedSymbol: Unexpected symbol 'U' at 0
    opened by Dan2552 7
  • Init functions don’t offer completion options

    Init functions don’t offer completion options

    Got SwiftKitten installed and running quite nicely with cffi. Super snappy, great work.

    The only issue I’ve encountered is that init functions don’t autocomplete correctly. So for instance, typing NSString( won’t offer data: Data, encoding: UInt (among others) as an option to produce the final result of NSString(data: Data, encoding: UInt).

    These functions all show up as autocomplete options if one types NSString. instead, so this feels like an issue with the triggering mechanism and hopefully simple to fix.

    If this were fixed, ST3 + SwiftKitten would be very close to an Xcode replacement for me! I’d love to be able to relegate Xcode to XIB+Storyboard duty. ST3’s build system isn’t 100% up to the task but that’s nothing a simple bash script can’t fix.

    opened by jwells89 0
  • Autocompletion not working on my project files

    Autocompletion not working on my project files

    By default, should SwiftKitten also autocomplete my own Swift files? At the moment it's not doing so.

    Is there something specific I need to setup (maybe in a config file) to get this to work?

    opened by dbarros 0
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