TempBox - Instant disposable emails for Mac powered by Mail.tm



Instant disposable emails for Mac powered by Mail.tm




  • Native Mac app
  • Create multiple accounts
  • Download message source
  • Download Attachments
  • Receive notifications for new messages
  • Filter unread messages


Contribute 🤝

If you want to contribute to this library, you're always welcome! You can contribute by filing issues, bugs and PRs.

Contributing guidelines:

  • Open issue regarding proposed change.
  • Repo owner will contact you there.
  • If your proposed change is approved, Fork this repo and do changes.
  • Open PR against latest development branch. Add nice description in PR.
  • You're done!

☕️ Donation

If this project helped you in any way, you can give me a cup of coffee :).


📱 Contact

Have an project? DM us at 👇

Drop a mail to:- waseem07799@gmail.com


TempBox is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.

  • UI Bug

    UI Bug

    I'm not sure of this is a macOS Monterey issue, or if it happens on Big Sur too, but when I have the window at a smaller size this happens: Screen Shot 2021-10-27 at 8 27 19 PM I also noticed that when I extend the window across the screen, it fixes itself.

    opened by GabrielF11 3
  • Alternatives for other OS

    Alternatives for other OS

    I will be the first to ask... Do you plan to create a version for Windows or Linux in the future? If not do you have alternatives you can list in the readme that do the same thing?


    opened by Cliftonz 3
  • TempBox.app can’t be opened

    TempBox.app can’t be opened

    Hi. I've installed the app and tried to start it. Here's the message I got:

    “TempBox.app” can’t be opened because Apple cannot check it for malicious software. This software needs to be updated. Contact the developer for more information.

    opened by intraector 2
  • Trigger notification when new message is received for any account

    Trigger notification when new message is received for any account

    Trigger notification when a new message is received for any account:

    Add notification trigger code on: https://github.com/devwaseem/TempBox/blob/27bccc0e04043781f50365e00963280d8f952069/macOS/AppController.swift#L104

    • [x] Add notification code
    • [x] Support badges
    opened by devwaseem 1
  • Limit number of accounts

    Limit number of accounts

    Limit number of accounts that can be created.

    To maintain the sanity of app/network/performance:

    • [ ] limit the number of active accounts to 4 at a time.
    • [ ] limit 10 accounts per app. (Archived + Active)
    opened by devwaseem 0
  • Links don't work in Tempbox

    Links don't work in Tempbox

    It seems as though any links in emails delivered to an email address in Tempbox aren't clickable? It's happened on more than a few different emails delivered... and when I log into the account in Mail.tm, the links work fine.

    opened by jsnoble7 0
  • Impossible to create a mail account

    Impossible to create a mail account

    I downloaded the app, and after opening it, it showed me how to create a new "mail" account but any that I created sent an error message, also if I created an automatic one it says its already created by someone else.

    opened by Mikace 1
  • Add ability to log in with an existing mail.tm account

    Add ability to log in with an existing mail.tm account

    It would be helpful to allow not just the creation of mail.tm accounts but also the reuse of existing mail.tm accounts within the app. Say you have a secondary computer, or you want to do a fresh installation, then it would be possible to maintain the same temporary email address within TempBox

    opened by JordyScript 3
Waseem akram
 A Full Stack iOS Developer || UI/UX and Cybersecurity Enthusiast || Love Linux, low-level stuff || In my free time I play with web frontend and backends.
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