SwiftUIMailView - MailView allows you to send mail from SwiftUI



The MailView allows you to send mail from SwiftUI. You can:

  • Determine if you can send mail or not.
  • Pass subject, message and recipients to the view via a binding.
  • Attach files to the email.
  • Receive success or failure result after sending the email.

The end result looks like this:

in action


Check out this recipe for in-depth description of the component and its code. Check out SwiftUIRecipes.com for more SwiftUI recipes!

Sample usage

struct MailViewTest: View {
   @State private var mailData = ComposeMailData(subject: "A subject",
                                                 recipients: ["i.love@swiftuirecipes.com"],
                                                 message: "Here's a message",
                                                 attachments: [AttachmentData(data: "Some text".data(using: .utf8)!,
                                                                              mimeType: "text/plain",
                                                                              fileName: "text.txt")
   @State private var showMailView = false

    var body: some View {
        Button(action: {
        }) {
            Text("Send mail")
        .sheet(isPresented: $showMailView) {
            MailView(data: $mailData) { result in


This component is distrubuted as a Swift package.

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