Represent and compare versions via semantic versioning (SemVer) in Swift



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Version is a Swift Library, which enables to represent and compare semantic version numbers. It follows Semantic Versioning 2.0.0.

The representation is:

  • Comparable
  • Hashable & Equatable
  • String Literal Convertible
  • Printable


Versions could be either instantiated directly:

let version = Version(
    major: 1,
    minor: 2,
    patch: 3,
    prerelease: "alpha.1",
    build: "B001"

Or they can be converted from a string representation:

let version = try Version("1.2.3-alpha.1+B001")

let version: Version = "1.2.3-alpha.1+B001"
// The line above is equivalent to:
let version = try! Version("1.2.3-alpha.1+B001")

Versions can be compared between each other:

let version = Version(from: ProcessInfo.processInfo.operatingSystemVersion)

if version > "8.0.0" {
    // do something in a more amazing way
} else if version > "7.0.0"
    // do it an old-fashioned, legacy-style
} else {
    // do not care …

Besides UIKit's UIDevice the more preferable variant to access the operation system version in Foundation as shown below is supported, too.

let version = Version(from: ProcessInfo.processInfo.operatingSystemVersion)
if version == "8.0.1" {
    NSLog("Sorry no cellular data for you, my friend!")

Finally Versions can be directly read from bundles:

if NSBundle(path: "Alamofire.framework").version! < "1.0.0" {
    println("Howdy Ho! Such an early-adopter using an unstable version!")
    println("Beware: “Anything may change at any time.”")

    // … or insert an actual meaningful special handling
    // for version-specific *implementation details* here.

ATTENTION: Take care when you check versions of frameworks. Such checks happen at runtime. They can hurt performance if used at the wrong place. If there are API changes and you want to consume new methods, you have to do that at compile time by checking with precompiler macros (#if) for definitions, which have been passed to the compiler build setting OTHER_SWIFT_FLAGS.


Swift Package Manager

.package(url: "", ),


Version is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following lines to your Podfile:

pod 'Version'


github "mrackwitz/Version"


Marius Rackwitz,
Find me on Twitter as @mrackwitz.


Version is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

  • Bundle.main.version shows build number

    Bundle.main.version shows build number

    Bundle.main.version shows the build number with kCFBundleVersionKey when it should show Bundle.main.shortVersion + "-" + Bundle.main.version

    Proposing version be renamed to build

    Let me know if my project is just wrong but I think my understanding of the keys is correct.

    opened by twodayslate 4
  • Fails to build with Carthage

    Fails to build with Carthage

    Judging by #14 this used to work with Carthage once upon a time, but currently fails. Would love to see it working again! 😍

    Last line of log file:

    The following build commands failed: ProcessInfoPlistFile /Users/ianbytchek/Library/Caches/org.carthage.CarthageKit/DerivedData/9.2_9C40b/version/0.6.1/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ArchiveIntermediates/Version/IntermediateBuildFilesPath/UninstalledProducts/macosx/Version.framework/Versions/A/Resources/Info.plist Version/Info.plist

    opened by iby 3
  • Examples in README don't seem to work

    Examples in README don't seem to work

    The README suggests that I ought to be able to do

    let version : Version = UIDevice.currentDevice().systemVersion

    but when I do this, I get the following error: "Cannot convert value of type 'String' to specified type 'Version'".

    Googling around, it seems like the code shouldn't be expected to work?

    ExpressibleByStringLiteral… is only involved when dealing with literals… you’re dealing with a string value.

    Indeed, when I use a literal instead, like

    let version : Version = "13.4"

    then it does work.

    opened by wearhere 2
  • Initialize a version from its string representation should be Optional

    Initialize a version from its string representation should be Optional

    Version("") will crash the device. Shouldn't it be init? instead of init!

    Error: Failed to parse version number '': InvalidComponents
    Fatal error: Unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value
    2019-09-11 21:05:13.709726-0400 ec3730[79029:21121642] Fatal error: Unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value
    opened by twodayslate 2
  • Extend Version to conform to the Codable protocol

    Extend Version to conform to the Codable protocol

    I originally wrote a comment about not being sure how to do this because I was coding the string representations. Now the object is being fully and properly coded.

    opened by guykogus 2
  • Error on extension UIDevice

    Error on extension UIDevice

    I'm trying to use Version (0.4.0) on Xcode 7.3.1 but when I compile my project it gives me an issue:

    Version.swift:271:33: Cannot convert value of type 'Version?' to expected argument type 'String'

    opened by baquiax 2
  • Fix conflicts with semver specifications and several bugs.

    Fix conflicts with semver specifications and several bugs.

    Fixes problems described in issue #10.

    :zap: CAUTION: This is a breaking change! :bomb:

    What I changed/fixed:

    1. In order to allow Version to leniently parse invalid (according to semver, at least), yet common versions (and print them back identically to how they were parsed) I added Version.canonicalMinor and Version.canonicalPatch for internal handling.
    public var canonicalMinor: Int {
        return self.minor ?? 0
    1. I extracted the parsing code into a dedicated VersionParser class, which can now be initialized with a strict flag (false being the default). Again, we don't want to break parsing of semi-valid version strings.
    2. This is a big one. In order to be a valid semantic version it should ignore build in comparisons. Ignoring build would however lead to unexpected results when comparing “1.0.0+A” and “1.0.0+B”. One would expect these to not be equal. Then again as long as one cannot guarantee a comparable build number (it might be a partial git commit hash, for which sorting makes no sense whatsoever) I therefor removed comparison of build from “func<“, "func==“ and “hashValue” and implemented func=== to re-enable equality checks with build:
    public func ===(lhs: Version, rhs: Version) -> Bool {
        return (lhs == rhs) && ( ==
    1. Fixed.
    2. A nil-value in minor or patch now is considered equal to “0”.
    opened by regexident 2
  • EXC_BAD_INSTRUCTION when comparing

    EXC_BAD_INSTRUCTION when comparing

    I keep getting this crash when comparing semantic versions with your latest CocoaPods release 0.2.0.

    Even on the command line it crashes Xcode when doing e.g.:

    p NSBundle.mainBundle().shortVersion! < "1.0.0"

    Any idea what's going on? I'm using Xcode Version 6.1.1 (6A2008a).

    opened by MattesGroeger 2
  • Fix compilation issue on Linux

    Fix compilation issue on Linux

    Fix this issue on Linux stack.

    remote: /tmp/build_90a63a7a429caba3f86535bd8a819ae1/.build/checkouts/Version/Sources/Version/Version.swift:258:63: error: use of unresolved identifier 'kCFBundleVersionKey'
    remote:         return self.versionFromInfoDicitionary(forKey: String(kCFBundleVersionKey))
    opened by mackoj 1
  • Upgrade project for Xcode 10.2, Swift 5

    Upgrade project for Xcode 10.2, Swift 5

    I upgraded the Hashable implementation, while leaving it backwards-compatible. I deleted all the code for Codable since it's auto-synthesised. Will that make it non-backwards-compatible? 🤔

    opened by guykogus 1
  • Swift 2.3 Support & some build issue fixes

    Swift 2.3 Support & some build issue fixes

    0.5.0 does not build with Xcode 8. No changes for source needed, just some updates of xcodeproj & build schemes.

    Also fixed a build issue cause by incorrect path of Info.plist for Release configuration.

    Adjust deployment targets: macOS: 10.9 iOS: 8.0 watchOS: 2.0 tvOS: 9.0

    opened by cezheng 1
  • Carthage is failing to bootstrap and update 0.7.2

    Carthage is failing to bootstrap and update 0.7.2

    Version 0.7.1 works perfectly, Carthage/Carthage/issues/1763 might be related.

    *** Checking out Version at "0.7.2"
    Parse error: expected submodule commit SHA in output of task (ls-tree -z 0.7.2 xcconfigs) but encountered: 
    opened by iby 3
Marius Rackwitz
Cofounder @nlbb, Developer, Swift Pioneer @CocoaPods Core team, Conference Speaker. Email me to: contact@$firstName$
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