Test project to reproduce a lockup in Vapor


Test project to reproduce a lockup in Vapor

The issue was first observed when backing up the SPI database during operation. Running pg_dump would cause the site to return 500s.

This project reproduces the issue with the default Vapor app template and its Todo table.

The Makefile contains some basic commands we'll use to trigger the lockup.


Installation of Rester either via

git clone https://github.com/finestructure/rester
cd rester
swift build -c release


brew install mint
mint install finestructure/rester

Triggering the error

It should suffice to run three processes in three terminal windows:

make db-up migrate
make run

to bring up the server

make get

to start a request loop that continuously fetches batches of 50 todos.

make post & ; make post & ; make post & ; make post & ; make post & ; make post & ; make post & ; make post & ; make post & ; make post & ; make post & ; make post &

to start a barrage of post requests adding new Todos. Depending on the machine the error may require additional or fewer make post jobs.

The error should manifest itself by first one and then the other terminals running into timeouts:

🎬  todos started ...

❌  Error: request timed out: todos
make: *** [get] Error 1

At this point everything comes to a standstill and even opening the static page http://localhost:8080/ in a browser (which should simply display "It works!" without any db access) hangs and does not load.

If forcing the error proves to be problematic, running

make dump

to pg_dump the database in parallel to the read and write jobs should do the trick.

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  • New details

    New details

    Interesting new details regarding the lockup error.

    I wanted to understand if the problem is in Vapor, Fluent, or perhaps NIO so I re-implemented the little example with Hummingbird and its Fluent module: https://github.com/finestructure/hummingbird-lockup-repro

    I ported the example with the same API and ran make post, which sends a post request with Rester. I got a crash in the server:

    Swift/ContiguousArrayBuffer.swift:580: Fatal error: Index out of range
    make: *** [run] Trace/BPT trap: 5

    The index out of range is happening in the second precondition on line 77 in HBParser.swift:

        init(_ parser: HBParser, range: Range<Int>) {
            self.buffer = parser.buffer
            self.index = range.startIndex
            self.range = range
            precondition(range.startIndex >= 0 && range.endIndex <= self.buffer.endIndex)
            precondition(self.buffer[range.startIndex] & 0xC0 != 0x80) // check we arent in the middle of a UTF8 character
    (lldb) po range
    ▿ Range(7..<7)
      - lowerBound : 7
      - upperBound : 7
    (lldb) po buffer
    ▿ 7 elements
      - 0 : 47
      - 1 : 116
      - 2 : 111
      - 3 : 100
      - 4 : 111
      - 5 : 115
      - 6 : 63

    , which is /todos?. Not entirely sure where the ? is coming from, it's not in the initial request, but let's leave that aside for now.

    Because I couldn't believe Hummingbird would crash on such a simple example I tried to run a post request with the shipping example todos-fluent via Rester and ... it crashed in the same place!

    However, the todos-fluent example comes with a Paw file and running the post request from there ... works!

    I inspected the difference in the requests between Paw and Rester and started eliminating some of the minor differences but that made no change.

    Instead of trying to debug this I swapped Rester out of the repro steps in favour of curl. Now the Hummingbird example worked, and the lock-up was not reproducible. Apart from the weird crash when using Rester, Hummingbird performed just fine, processed all posts, gets, and even dumps in a loop.

    On a hunch, I went back to the Vapor repro example and swapped out Rester for curl and ... the lockup does not reproduce anymore. Switching back to Rester does lock it up.

    So it appears that the way Rester is making requests

    • crashes Hummingbird
    • causes Vapor to lock up

    Now Rester shouldn't be doing anything esoteric: it's a Swift tool triggering web requests using URLSession.dataTask. Did I (having written Rester) somehow manage to create a Swift server nuke?

    But even if the problem lies with my implementation in Rester, something similar must be happening in a Vapor server, because remember: we can bring the Swift Package Index server down when running web requests via Safari and dumping the Postgres database via pg_dump.

    This example using Rester is purely a local way to reproduce the error.

    It's unclear to me what exactly is going on but it certainly looks like there's a common root problem that affects both Vapor and Hummingbird - but in different ways.

    Or maybe I'm just holding it very wrong, which is entirely possible 🤣

    FYI @fabianfett @adam-fowler

    opened by finestructure 38
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