A minimal, pure Swift library for making command-line tools / interfaces.



This library is no longer maintained. Please use Swift Argument Parser instead.

A minimal, pure Swift library for making command-line tools / interfaces.

Travis build status codebeat SPM Swift version

SwiftArgs uses a very basic and limited parser for parsing commands, but it should suffice for basic usage requirements. You can use SwiftArgs when making a command-line interface in Swift and let it do the parsing work for you.

Contributions welcome.


Using Swift Package Manager:

dependencies: [
  .Package(url: "https://github.com/frazer-rbsn/SwiftArgs", majorVersion: 1.1),


  • Hasn't been tested on Linux.
  • Currently no support for subcommands
  • Doesn't support short-form option switches yet, e.g. mycommand -o
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    • Extensible CommandName, ArgumentName and OptionName structs, used in the same way as Foundation's Notification.Name.
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    CommandParser.parseCommandLine(_:) no longer throws. Instead, you can handle parsing errors in a new CommandParserDelegate function, parserError(_:). This makes it easy to run parsing in a background thread and for better separation of concerns.

    class Delegate : CommandParserDelegate {
       Called if there was a problem.
      func parserError(error : CommandParserError) {
        //Handle error
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      func commandNotSupplied() {
        //Handle commands not supplied
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      func receivedCommand(command : Command) {
        //Handle successfully-parsed commands
    let delegate = Delegate()
    let commandParser = CommandParser()
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