Simple & Elegant Command Line Interfaces in Swift


Command Cougar

An elegant pure Swift library for building command line applications.

Build Status


  • Tons of class, but no classes. 100% organic pure value types.
  • Auto generated help menus for main command and sub-commands.
  • Help menu format is based on swift package manager
  • Supports multi command callbacks.
  • Swift 4 compatibility
  • Zero dependency
  • Supports Linux and swift build


  • Mac OS X 10.10+ / Ubuntu 14.10
  • Xcode 8
  • Swift 4


Swift Package Manager

dependencies: [
.Package(url: "", from: "1.0.0")


CommandCougar supports a main command as well as subcommands. This is much like the swift package manager interface.


A command is a struct that is used to outline the structure of your command line interface. It can have either a list of subcommands or a list of (.required | .optional) parameters.

Creating a Command

var helloCommand = Command(
    name: "hello",
    overview: "Say Hello",
    callback: { print($0.options, $0.parameters) },
    options: [
        Option(flag: .short("v"), overview: "Increase verbosity"),
        Option(flag: .short("w"), overview: "Wave hello")

Evaluating a Command

Once a command has been created, it can be evaluated against a list of arguments, usually taken from CommandLine.arguments. The evaluate function creates and returns a CommandEvaluation.

let arguments = ["hello", "-v", "Mr.Rogers"]
let helloEvaluation = helloCommand.evaluate(arguments: arguments)

Typically, the input of the arguments will be supplied by CommandLine.arguments. Please note that CommandCougar automatically drops the first argument.

let helloEvaluation = helloCommand.evaluate(arguments: CommandLine.arguments)

Reading a CommandEvaluation

A CommandEvaluation is a struct for representing the results of evaluating a Command against a list of arguments.

helloCommand.options        // ['-v', '-w']
helloEvaluation.options     // ['-v']
helloEvaluation.parameters  // ['Mr.Rogers']

Notice the evaluation only includes the options which were seen in the arguments list.

Performing callbacks

Callbacks pass the CommandEvaluation as an input to the function that was set in the Command before evaluation.

try helloEvaluation.performCallbacks()

Help menu automatically generated

The help menu is auto generated and the option is added to the command option set.

$ hello --help

USAGE: hello [option] <command>


   -h, --help                    The help menu
   -v                            Increase verbosity
   -w                            Wave hello


Options can have either a short flag ie -v or a long flag ie --verbose. Options are allowed to have a single optional parameter. The flag and parameter must be joined with an = ie --path=/tmp.

// will match -v
Option(flag: .short("v"), overview: "verbose")

// will match -v | --verbose
Option(flag: .both(short: "v", long: "verbose"), overview: "verbose")

// will match --path=/etc
Option(flag: .long("path"), overview: "File path", parameterName: "/etc")


Many command line interfaces like git or the swift package manager allow for subcommands. CommandCougar also allows this to be expressed. A rule to notice is that a command that has subcommands is not allowed to also have parameters.

Consider this command:
swift package -v update --repin

swift is the main command.

package is a subcommand of the swift command with -v as an option.

update is a subcommand of the package command with --repin as an option.

A command to express this list of arguments would be as follows:

/// Used for callback
func echo(evaluation: Command.Evaluation) throws {
    "\( evaluated with " +
    "options: \(evaluation.options) " +
    "and parameters \(evaluation.parameters)"

let swiftCommand =
    name: "swift",
    overview: "Swift Program",
    callback: echo,
    options: [],
    subCommands: [
            name: "package",
            overview: "Perform operations on Swift packages",
            callback: echo,
            options: [
                    flag: .both(short: "v", long: "verbose"),
                    overview: "Increase verbosity of informational output"),
                    flag: .long("enable-prefetching"),
                    overview: "Increase verbosity of informational output")
            subCommands: [
                    name: "update",
                    overview: "Update package dependencies",
                    callback: echo,
                    options: [
                            flag: .long("repin"),
                            overview: "Update without applying pins and repin the updated versions.")
                    subCommands: [])

Evaluating Subcommands

When evaluating the root command all subcommands will also be evaluated and their callbacks will be fired.

do {
    // normally CommandLine.arguments
    let args = ["swift", "package", "-v", "update", "--repin"]
    let evaluation: Command.Evaluation = try swiftCommand.evaluate(arguments: args)
    try evaluation.performCallbacks()
} catch {

// Output
// swift evaluated with  options: []  and parameters []
// package evaluated with  options: [-v]  and parameters []
// update evaluated with  options: [--repin]  and parameters []

Accessing the values of the CommandEvaluation

To directly access the values of the returned CommandEvaluation

evaluation["package"]?.name  // results in "package"

evaluation["package"]?.options["v"] // results in Option.Evaluation

evaluation["package"]?.options["v"]?.flag.shortName // results in "v"

evaluation["package"]?.options["enable-prefetching"] // results in nil

evaluation["package"]?["update"]?.options["repin"]?.flag.longName // results in "repin"

Access with throw

To access parameters by index you may use parameter(at: Int) throws -> String. If the parameter does not exist a parameterAccessError will be thrown.

This will turn:

func callback(evaluation: CommandEvaluation) throws {
    guard let first = evaluation.parameters.first else {
    throw CommandCougar.Errors.parameterAccessError("Parameter not found.")


func callback(evaluation: CommandEvaluation) throws {
    let first = try evaluation.parameter(at: 0)

Help menu different for subcommands

Help is also generated for subcommands

$ swift package --help
OVERVIEW: Perform operations on Swift packages

USAGE: swift package [option] <command>

   update                        Update package dependencies

   -v, --verbose                 Increase verbosity of informational output
   --enable-prefetching          Enable prefetching in resolver
   -h, --help                    The help menu


A EBNF of the language supported by CommandCougar is as follows

<command> ::= <word> {<option>} ([<command>] | {<parameter>})
<option> ::= <single> | <double>
<single> ::= -<letter>=[<parameter>]
<double> ::= --<word>=[<parameter>]
<parameter> ::= <word>
<word> ::= <letter>+
<letter> ::= a | b | c | d | e...


A line count breakdown to show overall size of the project

Language                     files          blank        comment           code
Swift                           11            133            411            451
SUM:                            11            133            411            451


  • If you found a bug, open an issue.
  • If you have a feature request, open an issue.
  • If you want to contribute, open an issue or submit a pull request.


CommandCougar is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.

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  • Fix unreliable detection of “help” option

    Fix unreliable detection of “help” option

    The console output of this program:

    import CommandCougar
    func execution(evaluation: CommandEvaluation) throws {
            "\( evaluated with " +
                "options: \(evaluation.options) " +
            "and parameters \(evaluation.parameters)"
    var dummyCommand = Command(
        name: "dummy",
        overview: "Dummy command",
        callback: execution,
        options: [],
        parameters: []
    do {
        let args = ["dummy", "-h"]
        let evaluation = try dummyCommand.evaluate(arguments: args)
        try evaluation.performCallbacks()
    } catch {

    … is this:

    dummy evaluated with options: [-h] and parameters []

    … while the expected console output would have been this:

    OVERVIEW: Dummy command
    USAGE: dummy [options] 
       -h, --help                    The help menu

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    Hi, I create a Xcode project of command tool, and I use the commandCougar by SPM.

    import Foundation
    import CommandCougar
    import ColorizeSwift
    print("Hi,see again!".red())
    var helloCommand = Command(
        name: "aa",
        overview: "Say Hello",
        callback: { print($0.options, $0.parameters) },
        options: [
            Option(flag: .short("v"), overview: "Increase verbosity"),
            Option(flag: .short("w"), overview: "Wave hello")

    but ,it looks not work. Only print Hi,see again on terminal, how can I let the hellocommand run?

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