360 video player for iOS written in swift - a subset of SceneKit that works



Swift Version Version License Platform

An open source library to support 360 videos and pictures. It's designed as a generic 3D library that you can use for much more!

Example of use cases

  • 360 video player
  • 360 image display
  • generic 3D scene
  • photo / video filters within a 3D scene


See the wiki! or:

pod 'DDDKit'


import DDDKit
import AVFoundation

class ViewController: DDD360VideoViewController {

  override func viewDidLoad() {
    show(from: myVideoURL)


Image filter (easy to be creative!)

// B&W filter:
@IBAction func didPressBW(_ sender: Any) {
  let program = try! DDDShaderProgram(fragment: defaultShader, shaderModifiers: [
    .fragment: "gl_FragColor = vec4(vec3(gl_FragColor.x + gl_FragColor.y + gl_FragColor.z) / 3.0, 1.0);",
  videoNode.material.shaderProgram = program

360 cubic projection

node.geometry = DDDGeometry.Cube()
let videoTexture = DDDVideoTexture(player: player) // AVPlayer with 360 cubic video
  property: videoTexture,
  for: "SamplerY",
  and: "SamplerUV"

Screenshots from the demo app:

output output


See the wiki!


  • easy to use syntax and logic
  • support of image and video textures
  • direct and easy access to shader's code, shaders modifiers -> easy to make image filters
  • focus on reliability on video support.
  • equirectangular and cubic 360 support
  • elements that can have any shape / position

Why not SceneKit?

  • SceneKit has bugs, such as memory leaks, failing video support (see SO)
  • no support of AVPlayerLayer / AVPlayer as video input
  • indirect video support (through SpriteKit)
  • openGL backed rendering failing on iOS 10
  • poor documentation
  • unresponsiveness from Apple on issues, and no timeline/transparency on fixes
  • no access to code to fix things yourself, since it's not open source.


Guillaume Sabran, [email protected], CTO @Pie


DDDKit is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

  • Zoom?


    Hi, I'm trying to replicate the projection used by the GoPro Kolor 360 player, which looks much more "zoomed in" than the default view in DDDKit. Both DDDKit and GoPro Kolor use equirectangular projections (at least if I am reading the comments in DDDSphere.swift and the Kolor release notes correctly. I've tried messing with the radius of the sphere but I don't see an obvious difference. Do you have any suggestions? Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks! Max

    opened by maxvonhippel 4
  • Pan gesture is laggy.

    Pan gesture is laggy.

    First of all, nice library!

    I found one small performance issue on didPan method. Video is moving smooth for 1 second and after that I see many lags. It's not smooth. I tested it on simulator and iPhone 6. Can you guys take a look into that problem?


    opened by ghost 3
  • Installation Section

    Installation Section

    Hey, your library is really interesting.

    The only problem I found was the README.md, which lacks an Installation Section I created this iOS Open source Readme Template so you can take a look on how to easily create an Installation Section If you want, I can help you to organize the lib.

    What are your thoughts? 😄

    opened by lfarah 3
  • Custom shaders for SKVideoNode

    Custom shaders for SKVideoNode


    I'm planning on using SpriteKit for an app but I noticed they don't allow custom shaders / filters for the SKVideoNode class.

    Upon Googling I came across your custom library for SceneKit and noticed you have written your own video texture implementation. Does this allow you to apple custom GL shaders to videos and do you think it would be possible to port your video texture implementation to work with SpriteKit?



    opened by alexfoxy 1
  • Not able to rotate the video at 180 degree

    Not able to rotate the video at 180 degree

    Hi, i found this library very useful for me. The issue i am getting is i am not able to rotate the video at 180 degree in portrait mode actually the video is upside down type and i need to rotate the video. i have changed code for DDD360VideoViewController file in setUpPlayback() function which is ` private func setUpPlayback(for asset: AVAsset) { let requestedKeys = [kTracksKey, kPlayableKey] asset.loadValuesAsynchronously(forKeys: requestedKeys, completionHandler: { DispatchQueue.main.async { let status = asset.statusOfValue(forKey: self.kTracksKey, error: nil) if status == AVKeyValueStatus.loaded { self.playerItem = AVPlayerItem(asset: asset) self.player?.replaceCurrentItem(with: self.playerItem!) let playerLayer = AVPlayerLayer(player: self.player) playerLayer.frame = self.view.bounds //bounds of the view in which AVPlayer should be displayed playerLayer.videoGravity = .resizeAspectFill playerLayer.setAffineTransform(CGAffineTransform(rotationAngle: -3.15)) playerLayer.frame = self.view.bounds playerLayer.videoGravity = AVLayerVideoGravity.resizeAspect self.view.layer.addSublayer(playerLayer) self.player?.play() } }


    I am attaching a screen shot of video i need to show the face from top side image Please help me out!

    Thanx, Prem

    opened by Dev-Prem 0
  • Crash in retrievePixelBufferToDraw() func in DDDVideoTexture.swift

    Crash in retrievePixelBufferToDraw() func in DDDVideoTexture.swift

    Hi, First of all your library is too good. i found an issue while running it on ipad mini and iphone 6 of version 12.4.1 and 12.4.4 and also in lesser version it produce crash there in retrievePixelBufferToDraw() func i didn't recognise why am i getting these crash every time. please help me out with these. line no. 195 in DDDVideoTexture.swift.

    Thanx, Akhil

    opened by RanjanMyGitHub 1
Guillaume Sabran
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