iOS video player for trailer. You can customize layout for the control panel. Support PiP and DRM.

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Video TrailerPlayer

Trailer Player

iOS video player for trailer. You can customize layout for the control panel. Support PiP and DRM.

Icons by Icons8 (



  • Fixed some known bugs


  • Fix an incorrect layout issue


  • Update access control


  • Code refactoring


  • Support DRM (FairPlay)


  • Code refactoring


  • Support control panel
  • Support replay panel
  • Fixed some known bugs


  • Support PIP
  • Fixed some known bugs


  • 沒有 trailer 的 content,單純顯示 thumbnail。
  • 有 trailer 的 content,可以自動播放 trailer,且在播放途中可以隨時暫停播放。
  • Preview 功能不會有倍速播放,但是 progress bar 必須要有,且用戶可以自由調整 progress bar 觀看在不同秒數的內容。
  • Preview 功能不允許用 AirPlay 投到輸出設備上。
  • Preview 功能的聲音部份,預設是 off,但用戶可以點選音量按鈕,以打開聲音。
  • 對於同時有 thumbnail 與 trailer 的 content,會先顯示 thumbnail,此時背景會持續 loading trailer。直到 trailer loading 完成、ready to play 的時候,即顯示 trailer 並自動播放,此時縮圖會被隱藏起來。
  • Preview 功能可以全螢幕播放。
  • Trailer 的顯示 size 會跟 thumbnail 完全一致。
  • 當 trailer 播放完畢之後,播放畫面會停止,且正中間會有一個 Replay 按鈕,用戶可以選點此按鈕以重播此 trailer。
  • 可以提供 trailer 的倒數秒數,並會隨著播放而逐漸減少秒數。
  • 不可背景播放。
  • 從背景回到前景時,要繼續播放。
  • 當影片 Buffering 的時候要秀 loading。
  • trailer 顯示時,要隱藏 thumbnail image。
  • 不可在 Remote Control Center 裡顯示資訊。
  • Preview 播完後回到 thumbnail。
  • 如果用戶的網路,從連網 => 斷網 => 再連網的時候,trailer 會接續播放。
  • Support iOS 10~15
  • Support SPM

How to use

建立 TrailerPlayerView

let playerView = TrailerPlayerView()
let item = TrailerPlayerItem(
            url: URL(string: "..."),
            thumbnailUrl: URL(string: "..."))
playerView.playbackDelegate = self
playerView.set(item: item)

TrailerPlayerItem 細節設定

required public init(url: URL? = nil,                // trailer url
                     thumbnailUrl: URL? = nil,       // thumbnail url
                     thumbnailImage: UIImage? = nil, // 若已有 thumbnail 圖片時,可直接提供 
                     autoPlay: Bool = true,          // 自動播放,否則自行呼叫 play()
                     autoReplay: Bool = false,       // 播放完畢後,是否自動重新播放
                     mute: Bool = true,              // 預設播放為靜音
                     isDRMContent: Bool = false)     // 是否為 DRM 內容


// 當 player 播放時,可透過此 callback 更新播放時間
func trailerPlayer(_ player: TrailerPlayer, didUpdatePlaybackTime time: TimeInterval)
// 當 player 狀態改變時,可透過此 callback 更新控制面板上的播放狀態
func trailerPlayer(_ player: TrailerPlayer, didChangePlaybackStatus status: TrailerPlayerPlaybackStatus)
// 當 player item 狀態變為 readyToPlay 時觸發
func trailerPlayerPlaybackReady(_ player: TrailerPlayer)
// 當 player 播放發生錯誤時觸發
func trailerPlayer(_ player: TrailerPlayer, playbackDidFailed error: TrailerPlayerPlaybackError)

[Optional] PiP 支援

playerView.enablePictureInPicture = true

[Optional] 設置面板

let controlPanel: UIView = ... // your custom control panel

let replayPanel: UIView = ... // your custom replay panel

[Optional] DRM 支援

URL { return URL(string: ...) // your certificate url } func ckcUrl(for player: TrailerPlayer) -> URL { return URL(string: ...) // your ckc url } } ">
let playerView = TrailerPlayerView()
let item = TrailerPlayerItem(
            url: URL(string: "..."),
            thumbnailUrl: URL(string: "..."),
            isDRMContent: true)
playerView.playbackDelegate = self
playerView.DRMDelegate = self
playerView.set(item: item)

// DRM Delegate
extension ViewController: TrailerPlayerDRMDelegate {
    func certUrl(for player: TrailerPlayer) -> URL {
        return URL(string: ...) // your certificate url
    func ckcUrl(for player: TrailerPlayer) -> URL {
        return URL(string: ...) // your ckc url


// CKC(Content Key Context) URL
func ckcUrl(for player: TrailerPlayer) -> URL
// Certificate URL
func certUrl(for player: TrailerPlayer) -> URL
// Optional: content Id for SPC(Server Playback Context) message
func contentId(for player: TrailerPlayer) -> String?
// Optional: HTTP header fields for CKC request
func ckcRequestHeaderFields(for player: TrailerPlayer) -> [(headerField: String, value: String)]?

操作細節可參考 Sample code

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  • Autoplay issue

    Autoplay issue

    Hi, If the autoplay=false; activity indicator spins forever. It displays the pause icon. But it must show the play icon and thumbnail image. It shows the thumbnail at first, but It shows blank screen after it.

            let item = TrailerPlayerItem(
                url: URL(string: ",640x360_400,640x360_700,640x360_1000,950x540_1500,.f4v.csmil/master.m3u8"),
                thumbnailUrl: URL(string: ""),
                autoPlay: false)

    You can check it in your example code.

    Can you fix please?

    opened by uzman 1
  • fix: Fix iOS 10 AVPlayerItem dealloc crash.

    fix: Fix iOS 10 AVPlayerItem dealloc crash.

    Fix crash in iOS 10 with error message:

    *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'An instance 0x1700146c0 of class AVPlayerItem was deallocated while key value observers were still registered with it. Current observation info: <NSKeyValueObservationInfo 0x170038540> (
    <NSKeyValueObservance 0x174852f00: Observer: 0x1708454c0, Key path: status, Options: <New: YES, Old: NO, Prior: NO> Context: 0x0, Property: 0x170857100>
    *** First throw call stack:
    (0x185036fe0 0x183a98538 0x185036f28 0x185a93160 0x18ca03e20 0x183f43a68 0x105ddda10 0x105de2b78 0x184fe50c8 0x184fe2ce4 0x184f12da4 0x18697d074 0x18b1cdc9c 0x1001034dc 0x183f2159c)
    libc++abi.dylib: terminating with uncaught exception of type NSException```
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