PTPopupWebView is a simple and useful WebView for iOS, which can be popup and has many of the customized item.



Version License Platform

PTPopupWebView is a simple and useful WebView for iOS, which can be popup and has many of the customized item. Pop


iOS 8.0


PTPopupWebView is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "PTPopupWebView"


To use this library, there are two ways,

  1. Use PTPopupWebViewController, this is simple when use as modal popup.
  2. Directly use PTPopupWebView.

Details, see the Demo and the Class Reference.

Class Reference

Class Reference


To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.


At first, to popup webpage is only code below.

let popupvc = PTPopupWebViewController()
popupvc.popupView.URL(string: "")

Popup Transition Style

Popup Appear/Disappear Style can be changed as below.

// Pop Style (default transition style. 1st parameter is animation duration, and 2nd is using spring animation flag.)
let popupvc = PTPopupWebViewController()
    .popupAppearStyle(.Slide(.Bottom, 0.4, true))
    .popupDisappearStyle(.Slide(.Bottom, 0.4, true))
// Spread Style (parameter is animation duration)
let popupvc = PTPopupWebViewController()
// Slide Style (1st parameter is direction, 2nd is animation duration, and 3rd is using spring animation flag.)
let popupvc = PTPopupWebViewController()
    .popupAppearStyle(.Slide(.Bottom, 0.4, true))
    .popupDisappearStyle(.Slide(.Bottom, 0.4, true))
// Fade Style (parameter is animation duration)
let popupvc = PTPopupWebViewController()
// Without Transition Style
let popupvc = PTPopupWebViewController()
Pop Spread Slide
Pop Spread Slide
Fade None
Fade Introduction

Custom Action

Custom action button can do user defined action with PTPopupWebViewButton's handler property.

    // add custom action button
        PTPopupWebViewButton(type: .Custom)
            .handler() {
                // write handler code here

                // this demo show alert view
                let alert:UIAlertController = UIAlertController(title: "Custom Action",message: popupvc.popupView.webView.title!,preferredStyle: UIAlertControllerStyle.Alert)
                alert.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: "OK", style: UIAlertActionStyle.Default, handler: nil))
                popupvc.presentViewController(alert, animated: true, completion: nil)
    // add close button
    .addButton(PTPopupWebViewButton(type: .Close).title("close"))
Custom Action
Custom Action

View Style

Details code reference to the source code of the demo application.

Title Style
Colored Title Hide Title
Colored Title Hide Title
Button Style
Colored Button Custom Image Button Hide Button
Colored Button Custom Image Button Hide Button
Other Style
FullScreen With Frame
FullScreen With Frame


Takeshi Watanabe,


PTPopupWebView is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

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    Update button state also on change of URL or load

    Currently button state is not updated on changes of properties "URL" and "load" of webView. When navigating within one single page (e.g. with a "fraction"-Link like href="#xyz") no page has to be loaded which means the estimatedProgress and buttons are not updated.

    opened by 5b5 0
  • Warning message: Result of call to 'URL' is unused

    Warning message: Result of call to 'URL' is unused

    The library works perfectly, as I only get a warning message saying Result of call to 'URL' is unused for the function shown below:

    open func URL(string urlString: String) -> Self { URL(Foundation.URL(string: urlString)) return self }

    screen shot 2017-06-17 at 7 26 59 am And also any place where I make the call to popup the webview giving it the specified URL.

    xcode version: Version 8.3.2 (8E2002)

    Thanks Joseph

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  • Not support local HTML string file.

    Not support local HTML string file.

    Can not load the local HTML file. `

            let pathString = Bundle.main.path(forResource: "licenses", ofType: "html")
            let popupvc = PTPopupWebViewController()
            popupvc.popupView.URL(string: pathString!)


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